>We need to design a poster for the next Matt Damon blockbuster
>Just do a close up of his face and slap some words on it
We need to design a poster for the next Matt Damon blockbuster
Well what do you want them to do? Show off his fat, womanly hips and ass?
what the fuck is this real
I'd like to see you spend a whole year eating nothing but potatoes and vitamins and see if you look better.
It's obviously a body double.
the Martian was unironically semi-kino
Unironically semi kill yourself
It's pretty good. The characters are all pretty likeable and I like how optimistic the movie stays. That despite the dangers space travel is still something amazing that we should keep doing.
It was a delightful night at the movies, but it being nominated for best picture is a joke.
Definitely not best picture but I think it should have won something, either adapted screenplay or or sound editing.
Was the last scene of The Departed a body double too, because that's the same fat ass.
His head wouldn't be covered if it was him.
You see him come out of the shower in one continuous shot.
I suppose this is a body double as well?
Matt Damon is simply a well built and versatile actor.
Okay then, I only saw this movie once when it came out. I don't re-watch shitty movies over and over again like you do dumbass.
Oh no, sorry I have a memory longer than a gold fish unlike you.
Keep in mind he hasn't bathed in a year.
you underestimate us brap lovers
Matt Damon?
It's the worst Martian movie, much worse than even Mission to Mars
You can leave, Mission to Mars was great.
What a perfect handsome man.
Dr. Mann did nothing wrong.
This perhaps
Everyone was doing that at the time. Like how every fucking trailers music is that slow one piano key shit
Yes but he was the worst offender.
Deebo from Phat Beach
Literally top 5 most boring movies I've ever seen.
What are the other 4?
>Be wrong
>Call someone else dumbass
I love this place
Sup Forums is peak contrarian.
Jesus Christ