Why weren't they all wearing mithril?

Why weren't they all wearing mithril?

Mithril cost more than the ring did

Party doesn't appreciate special/magic items unless you space out distribution over their adventuring career.

Because gondors taxing system made it impossible to acquire

How much did the ring cost

One might say, it cost middle earth.

It depends on the current market, adjusted for inflation, etc. Lots of factors go into determining its true cost. Some might say its power is limitless. I say that can be bargained down quite a bit. Obviously, you have to include buyer's tax too. Very complex stuff.

because the mountain jews made it expensive as shit

why didn't they just take out a low interest fixed rate loan?

Why didnt the Valar just let Feanor come back and beat the shit out of everything between Rivendell and Bara-Dur. I mean the faggot Glorfindel and Gandalf were sent back, why not /ourguy/?

Why didn't Sauron just wear a mithril glove over the ring hand?

about tree fiddy

do you even know the drop rate for mithril armor you stupid fuck

that's a better, non faggoty question.

okay, it's still faggoty, but faggoty like weeabooes, not retarded faggoty like the OP.

He was a cocky edgelord.

Did you see the size of Moria? That was only one of their mines and in all that delving they only found enough mithril to "fill a large cask in which one might age a fine wine"

What was the purpose of this scene?

Both the materials and the craftsmanship required to make such a thing are extraordinarily rare.

Do you know how long it would take to equal the return on a stock like The One Ring?!

why didn't superman snap sauron's neck

because only fucking noobs wear mithril

I like that scene, I took it as him humiliating Gandalf

The elves had bad credit. They were squatting in a forest. Why do you think they were leaving middle earth?

I couldn't help but laugh frankly.

old men fighting each other is funny

To show the significant difference in power that Saruman had over Gandalf.

Also, Eagles foreshadowing.

He turned Gandalf into a propeller so he could send him to the top of the tower

myrrhthril was created by the jews and wasnt handed out to peasants
only the talented few

Sauron has power, not money

"God I wish that were me"

You can't be powerful if you're poor

The Ring is like a bird, if you cover it it goes to sleep

God, I love this thread.

The reason he's just an eye is because the ring cost him an arm and a leg.

This is the best joke to come out of this meme

Looks like fidget spinner reference to me

Mithril doesn't grow on trees

Are we just going to ignore the fact that Sauron represents communism? He comes from the East, after all.

Because the way he is using the two staffs is via one pinning Gandalf's head to the ground, while the other pulls his leg around.

Anduril could probably cut through mithril desu.

Sauron didn't die from having his ring hand cut off. That's just Hackson's visual interpretation. He was killed in a duel, and then Isildur cut of the ring from his dead body.

Also only bilbo rolled need

Bless you, user.

>he's still in denial about the fact that the trilogy redefined the canon
The books are like cheap knockoffs of the films - none of the charm, and bloated with poems.

It wouldn't have mattered. Isildur took the ring from Sauron's corpse. Jackson depicted Sauron losing his ring in the stupidest way possible but that wasn't how it happened. Sauron went 5 v 1 with Gil-galad, backed by Elrond and Cirdain, and Elendil, backed by Isildur. Gil-galad and Elendil "killed" Sauron (meaning they destroyed his body) but Sauron killed them in turn. Isildur, being a loot ninja, claimed the ring as a weregild and took it for himself.

Did Isildur dps at least?

Yeah, while Gil-galad and Elendil tanked.

That's not even a bad idea.

Except it wouldn't have helped at all so yeah, it kind of is.

Because Dumbledore was gay

I bet fuckking Elrond rolled hybrid and couldn’t heal well enough to save everyone in the party

The same reason you don't drive a car coated in platinum.