
>8 - 20 hours of content exploring backgrounds of main characters, their motivations and the universe of the novel

>6 - 12 hours of campaign gameplay with multiple side quests, information you find when exploring the world of the game which gives you more information on the events of the story including reading backstory on characters and the setting in the main menu that some games have

>90 - 120 minutes worth of fast paced action, hardly any character motivation because directors don't want to bore the audience.

Explain why you don't play games or read books.

Audiobooks nowadays have original scores with sound effects added in so it's just like a film with your eyes closed but of course with an actual story

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what about mmos thats endless, every book has an end tho

I do play games, i don't read though. I'm not some gay ass nerd

I just turn subtitles on and pretend I'm reading the book. Top that, faglord.

Any moron can write a decent book, but you have to be a true kinosseur with knowledge in various fields and top notch people skills to make a half-decent movie.

>im an intellectual who's above the herd
>doesn't read

Yeah films are awful I just use them to waste time

playing games for story

>Book contains a section of Han's funeral
I knew I should have waited and read the book and not wasted my time seeing this in the cinema

mmo's aren't endless, most have a level cap, faggot

A picture is worth a thousand words and films have 24 frames per second

>Explain why you don't play games or read books.
I read books all the time, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy movies. Just because a movie can't fit as much plot into it as a book doesn't diminish the value of the film.
And also I don't play video games because I'm not a manchild who still lives with their parents

I've only ever heard of 2 or 3 games with worthwhile stories

are you satirizing yourself?

They all offer different experiences, I partake in all 3.
>le radical centrist
Purposefully denying yourself the enjoyment of art due to said art belonging to a particular medium is pretentious and beyond ignorant. But to this case I must add: I can count on maybe one hand how many video games have worthwhile narratives.

>mmo's aren't endless, most have a level cap, faggot
You've never played an MMO have you?

Is this some rip off Quentin?

>Is Q a massive strawman?

There are plenty of video games with better stories than your average Blockbuster. Which is what 90% of this board is deticated to.

Is this specifically about blockbusters though? I thought it was about movies in general. I agree a lot of games are better than, lets say marvel movies, but that's not saying much

Who the fuck plays games for story?

>books, most limited medium: for some reason considered the "smartest" medium

>movies: includes both audio and visual elements, along with every element a book has: considered an average medium

>Video games: includes every element that movies have and is interactive: considered the weakest medium

Are readers the brainlets of mediums?

true, I would say that video games stories are about on par with anything that has come out in the last 8 years or so, excluding maybe a few exceptions.

theres more to a games content than a level cap you absolute mong

They're on par with your average Hollywood release yes.

Are there arthouse films with actual story?


>6-12 hours
Fuck no ive played games with the main quest being way longer

>tfw slow reader

If you read 20 pages a day you will read 20 pages more than the average American user.

The vast majority of games have absolutely shit stories. The gameplay almost never has anything to do with the story, and it's just all around like who the fuck cares


>Audiobooks nowadays have original scores with sound effects added

thats not new. Think about the Hitchhikers guide radio series or the LOTR radio series.

I dont defend mmoshits, but most of them really start when you hit level cap user.

Shut up nerd

In that phrase the "Picture" would be the dumbed down film as a whole only equaling 1000 words compared to any 100,000+ word novel.

>6 - 12 hours of campaign gameplay
understatement, some games are far longer. Xenoblade 2 has 14 hours of cut-scenes off the main game alone

People with taste


> if you read books you're gay. Sup Forums logic 2018

Audiobooks brah

Film is unironically the highest form of art.
It actually contains all the other art forms in all the filmmaking elements, from fashion, architecture, design to music, photography, the writing and performances.
With film, you can express your idea in just one single frame through framing and composition, the performance, production design, sound
etc, while with for example books you have to use multiple sentences just to set up the scene and for the viewer to grasp what's happening. Reading words linearly is not ideal, film is just much more efficient. Also with film you get an exact fixed artistic expression that can’t be changed, while with books it's entirely different with every single person because they all self impose their own pacing while reading, some read a book in a day some in a month, with films you get the exact experience the artist intended.

Now that doesn't mean everyone uses the medium to it's maximum potential, but it has a far greater potential than any other art form.


I sincerely doubt Christopher had a high opinion of video games. He and Peter were equally pompous in that regard.

It took 42 post for the autsitic Audiobook retards to get her this time, you guys are getting slow.

>limited medium
Holy shit you are dumb. You can take the narrative anywhere, the only limit is what you can imagine. no budget, no time constraints. wake up you deluded faggot, your opinion has formed you. And by that I mean, you are speaking on behalf of your preferences, rather then approaching them critically.

Here’s a logical explanation for you: books considered “smarter”, because you use your brain to read and imagine context; with movies you just swallow information at high pace; games mainly focuse on your reflexes, because gameplay is the core of a good video game, plot and all other information are merely additional content for a better experience

Sup Forums
>Literally limitless hours of (sometimes) new and (sometimes) exciting content, exposing you to many different characters, and expanding upon the “Sup Forums Kinomatic Universe”

>reading fiction

Why the fuck would you do that to yourself ?
What kind of fucking retard would rather read about some stupid fairy tail bullshit rather than learning about something real ?
Why would you even care about some made up fantasyworld when there's so much to learn about our real world if you're not some turboautist schizotypal lunatic ?

Films are different from games or books because films are supposed to light up your subconscious mind. With great movies everything is intuitive and interpreted two people can watch the same movie and come out with a different meaning the level of subtlety is way more immense. Great books and great games don't compare to great films, because great films are made subconsciously and received subconsciously

This is why miniseries are the superior way to tell a story.

Because you can learn and get valuable experiences from fiction just like with real world situations.
You can learn a lesson or two about brotherhood with LOTR, a kid will learn a lesson or two by watching The Lion King, an experience like 2001 is far more valuable then watching the news etc

And where is even the distinction, are documentaries the only valid form of media then? And what if the documentary has some computer made visuals in it, is that immediately discreditable then?
Terrible opinion user

do you only watch documentaries too?

No they are not, longer doesn't necessarily mean to be better. The storytelling of the best mini series you can think of is still not even comparable to the storytelling of a great film, mainly because TV shows fail to use the visual medium to tell the story at all and only focus on writing the characters and nothing else

Cast him Sup Forums

based amerifat

How deep are you?

Think we're the only ones who remember it. To think it still seems like a newfag meme.

games are usually longer than 6-12, but most dont spend any time fleshing out any single character properly at all. Books have it the easiest since inner thoughts can just be written down while film has to use pictures, but even the latter beats games by lengths everytime. Even memorable characters like Snake or Vaas barely make the cut

Deus Ex and Metal Gear would even be great as books, Titanfall a great action flick in the vein if Avatar. But most of the time games focus on building a world to immerse yourself rather than tell a story while film builds the world only alongside the story, anything with heavy handed exposition is frowned upon

The quality of a medium is not determined by how much time you can get out of it wtf lol. Some retards put thousands and thousands of hours into online games basically doing the same shit over and over again. You can make a 20 minute short film and it can be more well made and fleshed out and thrilling than someone taking five years to make a book and it takes someone a month to read it.

I liked you scene in Sideways (2004), really stole the show.


Here's a poem made out of twelve words that says more and is more emotionally impactful than entire seasons of some TV shows

I'm always struck by the fact of the cage's destruction. The tiger didn't just escape incarceration, it destroyed its jail; for a moment, it was more than an animal, which would have just slunk away.

Good poem user I felt something while reading that no joke

> All the narrative advantages of book
> Artistic landscape and faces like a painting
> Can put a lot of world building on the side like books or video games
> Can get a more readable action than movies while keeping a high speed.

Comics are the superior art

I hope this is bait.
The point of books is that the reader makes the context and imagines the world himself, not for the artist to do that for him.

>time spent = validity of an artform
Really activated my almonds

Sup Forums is the best artistic medium because I'm able to get interesting characters and new information 24/7!

Thing is: comics are (majority at least) very generic in terms of storylines, characters, etc. I haven't read a manga in nearly a decade but at least they have uniqueness. Comic books have always been the height of generic.

I'm a fucking traitor but oh well

>unironically believing video games are a superior art form to film or literature

Stop reading Japanese shit and read artistic Franco-Belgian comics.

Only if the stories were better and if the artists could put as much effort into single panels and pages than they do in covers.


he was a warmongering marxist neocon so I wouldn't put it past him.

You’re right, but still, that shows that comics are still the best illustrative art, above video games or movies or painting.

Plus the “books are better because you can imagine the scene and character” I is overestimated, a GOOD drawn character design or a landscape design is most of the time better than a few paragraph describing it, although books do have an advantage when they want to make an atmosphere in a scene.

That picture perfectly captures the Godfather

Where's Brandon Sanderson?


>this was written by a six year old
>yet its more compelling than some multi-hundred-million dollar movies in its message

>comics are better than paintings
Funny opinion you have there

For me:
>Video games
It sounds dumb but I like games better than film because of the higher framerate.

What kind of a book is just 20 hours long?

Do you think books are only novels?

invert books and movies and Yes.

Anything under 500 pages doesn't qualify as a book imo. They are called short stories or kiddie 'books'.

There's only a few comics that try to be art though, 99% of the audience only wants capeshit. I guess you can say the same thing about film though.

is correct. Capeshit and most of Japans stuff is only trope filed safeplay/cashgrab.
Read eurocomics and the rare exeption inbetween the two american giants and all the japano filth.
Doesn't even have to be "deep". There are lots of different genre wiht good quality comics.

You don't watch a film for the same reasons you read a book OP. Now let me put this in simplified English for you.

A movie is a motion picture, it moves, and has colour and a visual aspect not present in Books.

Films utilize this visual aspect to create atmosphere, point toward messages, foreshadow things, and indicate how characters are feeling. The camera is used as the lens through which we view the scene we're in, and through its lens our feelings and thoughts are motivated to action as we discern what we are seeing in the scene at hand.

With a book- the way the reader interprets the scene is entirely different. The author may use certain word patterns or descriptors to engage not the visual senses but the imagination itself, picturing together the scene and its atmosphere.

The two mediums employ two different but equally effective strategies to build the atmosphere and themes present in the work. I can't get the former by observing the latter, and vice versa.

Now that's just one example of why I'd rather watch a film one day and read a book the next, but there's more. Namely: Characters. Once again the way a book and a movie represent characters in their individual narratives are different. Books tend to take a blanc-slate approach to characters and build them up as the narrative progresses. We don't have ANY idea about these characters once were introduced to them, because we can't see them, or hear them. But people have abilities to discern one-another from sight, and sound, and so when we see a character on-screen in a movie right away we can start to piece together things about this character. We're much more engaged right off the bat with the character because we're observing a human, not a grouping of words, we know this is a human, and a good actor will introduce their character not with words but with subtle facial expressions and actions.

I hope that cleared it up for you. You fumbling bumbling brainlet.

I love this series. When is the next one coming out?

t. juvenile ignorant high schooler

Let me guess, poems are for faggots, right?

I'm bad at videya. The last game I played was the Return of Samus remake
I do read books

That is something I would like to know aswell. But I just googled and it looks like we get the new one on April first. And not as a joke if is to believe.

Also for everyone who wants a generel idea of it here's a little animation to it.

But books are expensive as fuck where I live. Fuck books.

Buy pocket-sized books

Go to a library then?

Get an ereader and pirate them all. I've read over 300 books since 2015 and I haven't paid for any of them. If you take the average price of a book as about 15 dollars that's a saving of almost 5000 bucks.

Have you heard of PDFs?

Did you know images can convey information?

>Watching, playing, or reading for the plot


There's really no reason to watch movies anymore. Other types of media have far surpassed it, and hollywood has no intentions of improving. Just let them bleed money till they're bankrupt.

books are gay. fuck off.