Not memeing. It was boring. Save your money and time. Ask me anything.
Not memeing. It was boring. Save your money and time. Ask me anything
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How many scenes were occupied by nig rock
How would you rank it with Creed and Fruitvale Station?
Not many. A lot of African drums but I don't recall rap or hip hop being much a part of the soundtrack, except as an influence to the rhythms. The soundtrack was understated and one of the better parts of the movie.
No shit retard
Better than both.
There was really only rap during the kilmonger scenes. Which as anons have said before, compliments his character pretty well considering the context.
were there kangs in cosplay?
this is importeant
I haven't seen those movies. I'd say Black Panther's political stuff is kept to a minimum, although there are a few cringe lines, such as "hello Colonist" and "oh another broken white boy to fix." There were a number of random racist moments and American political dialogue injected into the film which made me cringe pretty hard and completely took me out of the film, but fortunately they were brief and consumed very little of the running time. I think Marvel kept the director on a short leash w/r/t making the film overtly racist.
The most racist moment was when a white guy tried to speak and the black men literally started making gorilla noises until he gave up trying to speak.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. There were "real life" African kings in the movie, just the Wakandan one.
>The most racist moment was when a white guy tried to speak and the black men literally started making gorilla noises until he gave up trying to speak.
kek, so many levels of racism one doesn't know where to start
that movie is a goldmine
thats not what i meant tho
Yeah his character was one of the better parts of the movie. He was basically Scar from the lion king.
His death scene was awful though, meme-worthy. "I would rather die like my ancestors who jumped from ships than live in bondage" was his final line.
Speaking of gold, the "vibranium" is a metaphor for how liberals see white success vs. black failure. Liberals think Western Civilization is successful because of a natural resource and nothing to do with hard work and a society with high levels of trust, and the movie kept hammering home the idea of "magic soil", that soil makes the civilization and not the people who occupy it.
I also found it odd that Wakanda, the most "technologically advanced nation on the planet", still chose their ruler based on 1:1 combat. Seemed kind of racist. But it helped out the story so I guess you can give it a pass.
>capeshit was boring
who the FUCK do you think you are?
Yeah I don't know how the fuck that made it into the movie. There were a lot of cringy "micro-aggressions" in the movie against white people, I guess as a mirror to the theory of micro-aggressions against black people in western society.
I thought Ragnorok was fun and nailed the idea of what capeshit should be. Panther was just ponderous in comparison and kept trying to be this "high concept" movie but was just boring in the end.
Which makes complete since because if your ancestors commit suicide, then you will still be born... Oh, wait.
Generally I liked the point of that line, but it was so fucking poorly written. His ancestors weren't even on slave ships. They were in wakanda until presumably the 80s or 90s. His character and overall motivation was great though. It's not surprising when tchalla ends up agreeing with him to a point by the end
This, ragnorok was cape shit to a T. Panther had flashes of that, but overall tried to do too much
so your saying the folks that like BVS would like it right?
How were the PS2 graphics?
Whites actually had higher mortality rates on the slave ships than the blacks. That's because they couldn't handle the African diseases which naturally spread about when so many slaves were tightly crammed into the ship.
Probably. Although BvS (theatrical cut) had more serious plot issues and wasn't as interesting aesthetically. If "Black Panther" was stripped of its leftist politics and being graded on a curve for its mainly black cast, a more accurate RT score would probably be in the 60%s, which is where I expect the audience rating to end up.
>"oh another broken white boy to fix."
>movie opens with 2 black guys planning a robbery
>spend the rest of the movie complaining about how police mistreat blacks in America
The movie is probably on par with Thor: Dark World as far as the level of entertainment. Much worse action, better visuals and more interesting themes. The 15-minute climactic battle at the end is every bit as bad as the CGI webm being passed around Sup Forums. It's 15 minutes of that. Yikes. A huge step down from the visuals of the rest of the movie which were decent, especially in the first half.
I liked the colonist jokes. It's at least a decent enough slur for them to come up with
>lands a spaceship in US ghetto and buys up a neighborhood at the end
Yeah I thought the opening was kind of racist, I was like, "wtf is this movie trying to say?" The whole movie seemed confused. If I can say anything positive, it's that it tells black people they need to stop with their ideas of "it's our turn to be on top" and is a lot more "let's fix our own problems". Although the movie did blame the white man over and over for the state of black people and Africa, so a mixed bag.
The only Marvel movie I’m half interested in.
A movie about a black ethnostate is actually pretty interesting compared to all the other schlock they put out.
Imagine that webm being 15 minutes long, that was the climax of the film. It was such a huge step down from the rest of the film, it's like they ran out of budget.
lmao reminds me of
If you go into the movie for the politics, there is a lot to pick apart and digest. But I imagine the average viewer buying a ticket to see a capeshit movie isn't going to appreciate it and will be bored out of their skulls. Black people maybe less so because there is some race-power fantasy over white people in there, and there's nothing black liberals love more than larping as white people.
Thanks for the info.
The whole movie is basically just saying white people are evil, they just utilize the fictional elements of the material to play against itself as if to pretend that it's not the message, but at the end of the day, Wakanda doesn't exist, but all of the perceptions of the white devil are seen as real to every American, it's a great mask it put on to pretend it had some deeper meaning, but at the end of the day the underlying political message of the movie is just white people suck, don't do what white people do.
Pretty much exactly this. The movie played the racism completely straight and put it in a positive light, which was kind of distasteful. It's hard to believe it has 97% on RT when there's so many reasons you might not like the movie.
When can we get a superhero movie with all Slavs
The sister would have been way funnier if every one liner she had didn't feel forced as fuck, and Colonist isn't really that great of a racial slur, you can look through history and find colonization from literally any race.
>The whole movie is basically just saying white people are evil
No it fucking isn't
Yeah it basically is lol
It was more Obama's Apology tour for America ruining the world: the Movie.
Yes but in the public conscience colonist is synonymous with white. Not sure why it's an insult necessarily, since it denotes some kind of power and control
>san fransisco
>being "tolerant and go to the BLM kino"
Yeah I guess, but it's aimed specifically at white people, it's a perfect example of the common as fuck double standard trope that movies like to throw around now.
Okay that's a fair point, I guess it's better then I thought on the surface, and I would have laughed at it, but Jesus the woman who delivered all the jokes was awful.
Except it is, blatantly.
>a pox on humanity even in slavery
really gets the old noodle canoodling
na, only white people have ever enslaved anyone, just watch any hollywood production to learn this truth
I didn't expect the movie to be that good, I just wanted to see the current state of what liberals and black people think is the pinnacle of cinema.
Why did she call the guy colonist like it was supposed to be an insult when she lives in a nationalist closed borders ethnostate that allows surrounding nations to starve? And then she goes and creates a literal colony in an American slum at the end and will probably wind up colonising the rest of Africa?
>The soundtrack was understated
Time to post this again
Because it's just supposed to feed the underlying political motive of the movie, which was "fuck the white devil". Also I dunno if you can compare an outreach program to a colony. But the short answer is the one you already knew, double standards are accepted as long as you aren't white.
But before colonisation, the countries were brutal tribal nations and the colonies attempted to reach out to natives but were met with hostility. What happens when ghetto kids start robbing and killing the wakandans? Do they not realize that the neighborhood is someone else's turf and they've just dropped in and claimed it?
I didn't say the soundtrack was amazing or memorable, just that it did its job.
he probably meant on his mothers side
That's pretty much what I meant by it. It does it's job and you'll forget it existed, just like the movie.
That wouldn't happen because it's black people helping black people, duh.
Yeah black people never kill each other or engage in turf wars
why did you fall for the Marvel HYPE train (again) after 10+ movies of them using the same marketing strategy?
I don't get why colonist is a bad term. Everyone did it we were just one of the best at it.
I didn't, I saw it so Sup Forums didn't have to, so you all could get a non-shill and non-meme opinion. You're welcome. And also to gauge just how insane and lock-step leftists are getting these days (answer: pretty insane and lock-step).
It's just a boogeyman because black denial is a river in Africa.
Well, not black denial, but liberal denial. They can't just admit some races are better at being civilized so they have to come up with a million excuses. It's an emperor has no clothes situation so the knots they twist themselves into are quite the sight.
I could hum the main toon to the avengers, I mean it's memerobale enough. But otherwise neat video.
what are some specific examples?
Exactly, you have to remember that in this movie it's aide coming from the super advanced African nation that existed without the interference of the white devil, it's what all Africans would have been capable of without the white man's oppression, so it will work perfectly.
> hqdefault (2)
First 60% were actually good,
then it went to the classic marvel paint by number flick
thank you for your sacrifice
Yeah without white people building evil roads and trains and sewerage systems, black people would be living in utopias
christ that sounds terrible
not even gonna pirate this turd
Well the moral was basically “don’t do anything that white people did in the past.” I wouldn’t say it called white people evil though, it even had a couple heroic moments for the token bilbo baggins white guy in it.
There were cgi rhinos that looked straight out of the 90s
I counted maybe 6 jabs at white people. Some felt out of place but the audience laughed, I didn't so maybe that says something about me. I got the impression the character's knowledge of history and racism came from watching CNN, but then I realised the main villain grew up in America so he quite probably did get educated by CNN which makes sense. Overall I didn't feel like it was anti white at all. The message I got from it was "let's forget past hatred, stop fighting, tear down our walls and begin to share our knowledge and culture with the rest of the world". The message seemed to be the opposite of what american liberals want, but they'll be too stupid to see that. Instead they'll focus on the parts where they made fun of white people
Fuck you
Saw it a few days ago and they're telling the truth. The film starts off beautiful and vibrant with excellent CGI, but by the end it falls into the realm of Homecoming. Never gets quite as bad as PS1 Steppenwolf but it's noticably bad
Good villain. Great pacing. Quesitionable CGI at end. Overall: 8/10
How? Do you only watch capeshit?
Literally every scene where a white person was present.
>society without whites is a near perfect utopia
>the entire reason the villain exists is because white oppression
>har har colonizer
>har har look at the ignorant stupid white man, don't worry we will fix him
I mean i dont have time or care to give a point by point of every instance in the movie but if you watched the movie you know what I'm talking about, or you are just being purposefully obtuse.
Describe T'Challa's personality
Dont remind me i saw that steppenwolf in kinomas it looked bloody horrible
dear christ
Basically Anakin from the prequels with less personality.
That’s right anyone who thought this ponderous capeshit was boring is a fat virgin neckbeard alt right Russian nazi colluder.
Yeah the CGI rhinos were like an idea sketch that somehow made the final cut. And if I recall correctly they were able to headbutt people 50 yards because why not?
He's black and he mumbles?
the fuck
oh god this is gonna be cringe kino