Higher opening weekend than an Avengers movie

Higher opening weekend than an Avengers movie.

MCU hater here and someone who hated JL that I never want to watch it again unless we get the Snyder cut - Black Panther was great. A shame Andy Serkis was tarnished.

>Modern blaxploitation film in an era of hamfisted identity politics and racial unrest thanks to several groups pushing a narrative makes crazy bank
ya don't say

Still not gonna see it, shills

It's gonna fucking outgross The Last Jedi. I'd bet my rent on it.

It's going to outgross The Last Jedi and then Bob Iger is going to be even more motivated to fuck Lucasfilm in the ass.

As somebody who has watched every MCU movie multiple times, I disagree. This movie was boring, slow, and I didn't care for the anti-white racism (constantly referring to Martin Freeman as "white boy" and "colonizer.')

they didn't pirate the movie, so money is coming in

>Only negroes watches Black Panther
>Only whites watches Avengers

Niggers are out numbering whites in USA.

>constantly referring to Martin Freeman as "white boy" and "colonizer
THAT is anti white racism to you? lmao

You're right. Degrading people based on race isn't racist. I'm sure you won't care if Thor refers to Heimdall as "captain dindu" moving forward, yes? Or how about "monkey?"

Predict the week 2 drop

4 day Vs 3 day


3 day predictions are around $185 million. 4 day $215 million

If it manages this massive opening weekend, even with a BvS level drop it'll easily pass $400 million domestic

capeshit is capeshit


What are all those bumps on that one dude's chest?

This is great news. Shekelberg Inc. should now do the right thing and buy every nigger in America a pair of Jordans.

25%, Morty.

We're at peak capeshit.

pls russia or China

It wasn't that bad.

Way better than Wonder Woman, that was over-hyped for political reasons as well.

I went in ready to dislike it if it was mediocre but it was rather good, silly nigger antics aside. It was probably the most right-wing marvel movie

stupid nigger movie

Niggers will never have the foreign appeal of Star Wars

>unless we get the Snyder cut
People actually hate themselves enough to watch Snyder's garbage?

Yeah we know about charities and schools busing kids to the theaters. Disney only make shit movies and this one was no exception, but they sure know how to make money

The MOST obvious shill post I've ever seen, bravo

Cant wait for the BvS style 2nd week dropoff

white people are so fragile it's hilarious

Disney niggers plz stop shilling

You mean the (((salt-right))) should stop being so triggered

>it’s okay when I’m racist and make fun of blacks, b-but not okay when it’s the other way around
Fucking pussy, how is the phrase “white boy” that offensive to you

No, I think he means the shill raid and how you guys should stop

because I'm a MAN, not a boy. It's like calling you a piece of shit even though you're actually a pile of shit.

Chadwick Boseman won foreign actor in china, and Star Wars also has a nigger - nigger that isnt attractive

More like manchild. Fuck off you whiny pussy.

not seeing this for at least another week, don't want to see in theater with whole klan on dindus.


wh*Toids BTFO

lmao okay nigger

>white fragility : the post

>talks of white fragility
>blacks only achievement is making a shitty hero flick, created by non-blacks, and can't take any criticism of it without sperging out

must be so hard knowing your race has achieved nothing throughout history

>Niggers literally needed affirmative action on this movies reviews.

How embarrassing.

And presidents day is a day off for schools and some jobs (mine heh). Was the Monday of Avengers? Because if not we're definitely gauging inherent unequivocals.

Fuck off shill
>thread hidden

well I'm still confident in my "there won't be a single WB movie this year that won't bomb" prediction

Niggers are the only Americans who still pay to see a movie.


>Niggers are out numbering whites in USA.
Niggers are arround 10% there, Democrats are 50% and is the nigger month so they go

Please China, this is Sup Forums, hear our prayers. We had a few setbacks recently. One of our own shot up a school and we may be deleted. Mueller started indictments in the Russia investigation. Please, China, we NEED this. We can't have Black Panther breaking records and making money. It has to fail. We just can't handle another loss right now. So we need you to not go see it China. We need our based chinks on this. Please.

>Political polarization means people aren't going to go see it anyway


America was a mistake

>anybody who doesn't suck nigger cock 24/7 is super racist
>you can't be racist towards white people, racist hurr durr

Go be a nigger somewhere else, nigger.

>I get offended when people call me racist, nigger


A tip of the ol fedora to you sir

Don't worry, chinese people aren't America puppets like the rest of Asia and we already saw how much they don't want to see niggers, there is NO way BP won't be a massive failure there, marvel or no.

I keep seeing so many articles throwing out numbers and all of them are different each time LOL. I wouldn't be surprised though. Black Panther is the first MCU that had an assist, the first where celebs were buying out theaters, and classes taking trips just to see the movie

Sup Forums BTFO

>the nigger month
I'm from negro-free shithole country (Poland kurwa) and I had to google this shit. Shame, bro, shame.

what "groups" are pushing identity politics?

we all already know the answer ("conservatives" aka racists) but i want to see what you think since you made this post

I am not even white bud, but you cannot deny the fact that blacks are treated with kids gloves around the media and cannot deny the fact that they would never be part of the modern world if it wasn't for slavery.

Should have picked your own damn cotton.

That award becomes pretty meaningless once you realize that no Chadwick Boseman movie has ever even been shown in China with the exception of Gods of Egypt and Civil War.

Honestly, releasing it when all the nogs get their tax return was genius.

The group that made idiots like you think there is some vague ideological enemy you need to fight by going to watch a multi billion $ corporation superhero flick.

>gets pissy when people make black jokes
>gets pissy again when you get called out on the hypocrisy

What, mad you didn't get your plate of ribs at the premiere?

What about the group that makes idiots thinks there's some vague ideological victory in not seeing a movie? Or spending hours posting about it online? You're really sticking it to the corporations bro.

>BP will make more than JL which was meant to challenge the avengers

The fuck? Mexicans are white people now? Tell me something how come black people and other ethniks have trouble even accepting Armenian or Mediterranean/European looking latinos as white.. You group them in your "POC" crew. Until one of them does something wrong and then any ol mestizo becomes the epitome of all that is white.

>niggers get a payraise for the first time in a decade due to tax cuts
>give it to Jews
>waaaah Drumpf, gibzmemore

>Black movie does well
Looks like they need to apologize for calling everybody racist.

That group doesn't exist outside your head.


a movie is not a political statement. there is nothing political about black panther. "conservatives" made this political. they are the ones putting up phony 1-star reviews hoping to dissuade people from seeing this movie. liberals are reacting to the statements and actions of "conservatives".

the absolute state of Sup Forums.

Funny projection, but it does get kinda sad once you realize that you people genuinely think of this shitty superhero movie as a "victory" and it's the first "victory" you had since november 2016.

He didn't say anything about white people. He said one of Sup Forums's own. Everyone on Sup Forums isn't white. It's mostly 56% (aka americans) larping as white people.

I don't see it. The majority of posts about BP are always people like you, trying to make it about race and politics and how your imaginary ideological enemy somehow got BTFO by BP doing well at the box office.

Sup Forums got BTFO though. Stay mad white boy.

>niggers don't pay taxes
>niggers get tax cuts
pick one sweetie

Guarantee Sup Forums is 50% self hating Indians. As someone whose been on Topix, TheApricity, Anthroscape them niggas love to pretend to be other races online while trolling all of them simultaneously.

POC people can't be racist. racism is prejudice+systematic power+state of being the oppressor

Tell me you're being sarcastic.

>babby's first day on Sup Forums
you have to go back to plebbit

So the average capeshit audience didn't skip this just because the cast is Black, and there's an extra demographic coming for the KANGZ N SHIEET angle. Extensive marketing didn't hurt either.

So basically, the "racism", and there's nothing holding black people back when the actually deliver on par. The 97% critic score is still revealing though.

lolno Racism has nothing to do with having power (if that were the case Asians would be the most racist as they make more than every single other American group). It is the inherent belief that a certain quality someone has is due to their race, it is the belief that an entire race is inferior or superior to others. So any time you ever said white people can't do this or black people can't do that. Asians are so much smarter than everyone else. Congrats, you said something racist.

Why are you responding to bait?

Beaners too, the love for Hack Snyder is a strong indicative

Isn't the movie doing as good as other solo superhero marvel (even a bit better) the proof that racism isn't what is holding Black back?

Now that the dust has settled, can we talk about the inevitable sequel?

>Wakandans go to America

It will drop badly in the next weeks and it will bomb or underperform in many foreign markets

Do black people not realise disney dont care about them and just want to use them to make money?

Sup Forums is 100% white

No sequel, after Thanos everything reboots

expect 10 more movies in 5 years now.

capeshit is killing hollywood, whats the appeal of superhero movies? I understand kids liking them in general but whats so good about them that makes this much money, I genuinely wanna know.

Sup Forums's diversity is it's strength

broke ass niggas that couldnt even buy their own ticket are not going to see the movie twice.

Biggest 2nd week drop in history

How are all these black people able to afford tickets?

Wypipo are buying them for blacks to make up for slavery