Post what you've got, fags.
Physical media kino collections
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>no fellowship of the ring
Damn fine choices, user
gotta get around to buying lotr trilogy on bluray but i have them all on dvd
Here's my collection
I want to own Star Wars but until the theatrical cuts are available, I refuse to spend money on them. Until then, I have my old VHS set and the De-specialized editions on my HDD.
where the fuck do you buys these user?
I got my one from Zavvi, but they're sold out now.
Haha, yeah I love shitty B movies. Reb Brown movies are always kino.
Taken a year ago (1/4)
Shit angles, but detritus from my weeb days early last decade.
Awesome. Looks like my collection I had a few years ago. Had over 2,500 DVDs / blurays but condensed it down to the OP pic.
This is all i own but i plan on getting a few more like Heat, Platoon, Apocalypse Now, BR2049
All pure kino minus Interstellar
my only Kínó-VHS.
Don't mind the vidya, haven't sorted them yet.
Also have the Evil Dead necronomicon sets.
why were CRT televisions so much comfier?
Here's some of it.
I'll suck your dick for that Urusei Yatsura VHS. Nice collection.
>not a single Mousehunt
Who /bigbrain/ here?
Thanks. Don't tempt me: I'm on #nofap and anxious.
whats the zodiac killer like?
>Drive bluray
Don't give up on #nofap. Went on it, unconsciously, after the last girl I was with. Feels much better. Good user.
It’s a fun enough watch, but definitely one of the films where the story behind it is more interesting than the film itself
Thanks. I already feel like it's having a positive impact on me and it doesn't seem difficult to stick with at this point.
Did you fuck that girl?
Yes, but it ruined my view of women and sex. For me at the very least, sex without reciprocated love or passion is not exciting. It's just sticking your dick in a moist hole till cum comes out, unless you switch positions. She was a Sup Forumsfag who was too full of herself to ever have any sort of compassion, so when I left her she realized that no one would like her.
That's why I'm #nofap sex is not exciting and kinda lost the attraction.
Where did you meet her?
College. Luckily not in a class