*tries to block your path*

*tries to block your path*

I have nothing but respect for this man

>be millionaire
>still dress like a fucking bum
why do americans do this


what a pathetic pos

He's probably trying to blend in so no one spits on him and tries to cut his dick off.

Not everyone is closested metrosexual eurotrash

didn't matter how he dressed, for 20 years he had his pick prime starlets to watch him wank- you think he put effort into daily outfits?

Has he done anything to try to clear his name other than deny fucking a nigger?

>Recognizes your teenage aspiring actress sister before you can move her along due to his reputation and rapidly approaches you both. Soon he will shake your hand and proceed to feel your sister’s ass in broad daylight and invite her to a nightime ‘party’ which she will accept because she will do anything to make it into the business and you will stand by silently hearing about all of this because you are a scared little bitch

>not having a driver to get you around
>not having servants that get you groceries
He could also shop online for groceries if he has to buy them and have them delivered to his mansion.
He's just a retard that will probably be stabbed soon enough if he keeps going in broad daylight on his own

It's a jewish thing, they have no taste or style. You'll often see jews wearing suits that are not tailored along with sneakers.

so you're tasteless uglyshitter? ok

>Harvey Weinstein is worth $200M+
Why does he dress like a white Kanye West?

It's an ironic status symbol. They're so high status they can dress like shit and it doesn't matter.

Protestant work ethic. Cuck.

why are all americans cucks that spend all their time making a lot of money and never get the time to enjoy it

let's see your effay getup

you dont get rich by spending it all on expensive clothes
t. interacted with rich people and people that know rich people

you can get fitting clothes for a few dollars, you just need to tailor them for minor adjustments there's no excuse except maybe a need to show that you're above it all because you're rich or some other retarded american excuse like this

Probably doesn't want to stand out in this particular instance

He's a fat guy who's life is ruined, why should he care about "looking good"? Looking like shit never stopped him from getting top pussy in the past, and now even if he did look good now he couldn't get any because his name has been destroyed.

Is that blood?

why would you waste money on clothes when you're a millionaire?

so why does he have blood on his shirt?

How do you enjoy money?

you can have standards for yourself even if they serve no explicit pragmatic purpose. But in this case they would serve a purpose in making him look less sleazy.

on getting tailored clothes
certainly not paying off young hollywood celebrity starlets for sex

who needs fancy clothes
black shirt, jeans and a watch is pure kino

Yeah, Weinstein is a textbook Protestant

Why does he wear such horrible jeans?

i think so, also blood napkin and bandaid on finger

so clothes is the end all be all here?

Doesn't look like he's going shopping, he's probably meeting a lawyer or something.

What money?


I think it's always been a power thing for him - look like shit but have top tier starlets go down on your musky cock anyway

What really pisses me off, is that those clothes are uncomfortable as shit. Wouldn't he want some under armour or the millionaire's equivalent instead?

*colludes behind your back*

What would do if you ran into Weinstein in the street? Me personally it depend if I had my masterwork thousand-fold katana. If I did there's no way he's walking away... he's going to face steel justice for his crimes. If I was just riding casual I might let him off with a few broken bones ... let's see you molest girls as a quadropelaegiac.


He's not in jail. He's literally not in legal trouble at all, just got fired. All thats happened is a massive amount of people have accused him.
How has he sexually harassed/raped so many women and not been punished for it at all? Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me

someone pls shoop

What the fuck is that in the far left?

Nepotism personified

tori spelling my childhood fap, an absolute goddess and an amazing actress, she was bullied by the other actors on 90210 due to her talent and now is a recluse

Baby goyische blood from his daily feast

It's more of a fuck you to gentile standards and society than not having taste

Did they know?

Is this a pic of him from 1996?


Still rich. Not in jail.

Ruined how?

>"Semi Charmed Kind of Life" starts playing
>"Hey. My name's Harvey and I was once the biggest producer in Hollywood."
>camera pans to toned, tan hunk
>"No, not him. Me."
>camera shows Harvey Weinstein in a stained t-shirt and jeans
>"How did I get here? Is that something you really want to know? It all started in the 1990s...

That and she's fugly.

but this fat rapist isnt an example of this, billionaires dress casual or formal, some of them even use public transport.

There're violent bums and homeless pajeets on every street corner, begging for money and drugs. If you look like one of them, they don't bother you.

are you retarded? his quality of life is shit, morally and physically, he might as well be in prison.

What an ugly fat Jew. Hopefully his names gets removed from the credits of every film he's ever worked on so no one will remember him.

What we see here isn’t a friendly gesture it’s some type of agreement could she possibly hired him to one v one
Weinstein but ((they)) shut him because they knew the Jew couldn’t withstand the Roman ??!

holy fuck jonah's training regime must be really tough

thumbnail makes him look Saiyan

he should have enough money to live comfortably for the reminder of his days. If I was him I would move somewhere low profile, like denver or something.

He's a millionaire, so maybe become an investor or something.

James Gandolfini?

Stabbed by who? A woman?

always thought she was ugly as shit

America doesn't have protestants. Or Christians, for that matter. You have Mega Church Christians who don't even recognize their own holidays.

so much coping in this thread

how does jew prison differ from regular prison?

You are obviously very sheltered. You dress rich, you get attention. Not always a good thing - especially with the cholos in L.A.

Sorry dude. I was wrong


That's an old pic, Harvey is fit as fuck now and has a new 19 year old gf

did he get hair plugs?

he would have been perfect casting to play Wallenquist


jonah hill's seen better days

Artie Lange looks terrible


Really wish South Park still had the balls to do shit like this. Now they just attack boomer idiots and Trump supporters.

>back in the 90's..


>be worth 200+ mil.
>can't even defend yourself

>muh feelings hurt because a cartoon made fun of my degeneracy

jew pls

wish i could go around shirtless in public all the time.

seems like it was more socially acceptable in the 90s.

>Fucks all your waifu's and tapes it on hidden cam

it's also acceptable today if you have a hot bod


How do you know he didn't spend $200 on that white tee? And those are easily a $450 pair of jeans. The ubiquitous shave he has is the only kind I've seen in the shop windows of top-of-the-range hairdressers. Don't judge a book by its cover.