Character takes a single hit of a joint

>Character takes a single hit of a joint
>Goes on a full blown psychedelic trip with hallucinations


He had schizophrenia

>character never smoked weed before
>someone hands him a joint
>smokes and coughs
>other characters chuckle

>character does a line
>instantly jumps up

Every single coming of age movie created.

>character accidentally does drugs in a sitcom

That's believable though

I thought I was fucking going to die when my first experience with weed was two brownies.

Sometimes you see weird shit if you smoke really strong purp, but not that dumbass flashback to 60's LSD crap you see in movies.

>drugged out junkie
>perfect teeth

>some weed
>act drunk

Doesn't matter if it's believable or realistic. Pissing on the toilet seat is believable and realistic, but is it good movie?

no you dont you dumb faggot. there is literally nothing in weed that makes you hallucinate.

Depends. I'm envisioning the urinators friend barging into the bathroom unannounced, gazing directly at his penis and saying
>Now that's what I call takin a piss!

I said really strong purp, not that shitty mexican dirt weed you buy off the shady methhead.

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dumb faggot

>addicted to heroin
>perfectly clear skin with no sores or acne

Says the faggot chimping out over weed.
Adults move on stronger shit junior.

you two want a room?
Hate this fucking board. Cool people used to lurk now it's all faggots from /pold//dit

depends on the toilet seat

I’m not even the poster you were replying to you assclown get a fucking grip child

autism incarnate, move along.

Dumb flyover fucks never had some Super Silver Haze? After a tolerance break I had a bowl and definately some mild visuals

I hated that shit in breaking bad

>born in the 90's
>calls others child

its not the weed that does you stupid mongoloid. there is ZERO hallucinogen in marijuana.

The implication is that it's laced dummy


Oh Im sorry, I guess that shit I perceived myself and clearly remember wasn't real, I'll just take your word for it. I guess I froget not everywhere is WA state, some of you poor fuckers are still smoking trashbag shake

>its another "could have been a good thread but faggots cant stop arguing about the most mundane shit" episode


It's the fucking weed. It activates every autistic shitbag on this website. probably because they were molested by their pot headed stepfather growing up so someone mentions the devil's lettuce and they have a category 5 mental breakdown.

faggot shut the fuck up

>cant refute it at all
>continues to spout ad hominems
lol dumb faggot

>there is literally nothing in weed that makes you hallucinate
High dose THC literally does make you hallucinate, but only if you have low tolerance.


this is what happens to me everytime t0 b3 h0n3st

I had some slight visual distortion when I very first started smoking weed when I was about 15. And even then that was only with massive amounts. I would also get closed eye visuals that were more intense but in summary weed has had no hallucinogenic affect on me for about 10 years now

i've smoked weed maybe 5 times in my life so i have extremely low tolerance but i usually try and take really deep hits and i've had walls melting like candlewax in front of me, alcohol was involved though.

>Saving this thread
Any examples of movies who get drug use/visuals right?

>that retard saying you can't hallucinate from weed
lmao! it must be a nigger smoking joints ha haa

>character smokes weed
>gets drunk on it

Mad Men did LSD pretty well

I want to go back in time before the moment where my mind conceived a mental data file for your fucking retard showing.

The only way you fucking hallucinated on weed is if you're a prissy, lying SoCal faggot or your dealer, niggermus motherfucker that he is, spiked your shit with an herbal incense so save a buck or two.

In which case, you were experiencing mild psychosis; but that's fine, you smegma covered trog, we all had 'that' asshole do that to us. Welcome to being 17.

> saying the s word
> not being a homo

Doesn’t sound good, user... How about it goes other way. Take a hit to stay calm... (笑´・艸・) Get it ???


>character uses drugs

some mild visuals on strong stuff after a break is called hallucinations now? drop 500mcg acid and then you can talk about hallus. not to mention that you need to smoke a ton of weed to even get mild visuals, depending on the strain you go to sleep before that.

if you have no tolerance and you smoke and drink at the same time you dont hallucinate. you either puke or pass out or both.

Weed isn't a psychedelic.

weed used to make me feel like I was flying when I was 14


sometimes happens if you snort amphetamines or mdma but as a negative reaction. mdma tastes like absolute shit and speed burns in the nose. pisses me off if they snort coke though, coke tastes good and doesnt feel unpleasant at all when you snort.

>character takes a hit off a joint
>starts hallucinating invading aliens and has to kill them all

for a comfy high try weed + bit of K2 + adderall

that's the point he's making retard

>straight-laced parents from the suburbs
>know how to use a bong or make a pipe out of an apple or a bottle
>we were once young,you know!

weed+ low dose adderall+ benzo or opioid are ultimate comfy high, if you use benzos instead of opioids you can drink on it too

I wish I could go back to those days. It used to feel like a mini trip.

Fuck off, not everyone is like you. I'm an absolute light-weight when it comes to weed. I've hallucinated, been knocked out and one time it took almost 24 hours for me to feel normal again (strong weed, but friends were sober after 4 hours). I've got no history of mental illness in my family and never had any mental problems, but if I take more than 3 hits from a joint, I'm out of commission. It can either be really funny and interesting or very stressful and kind of disturbing. Or just immediately put me to sleep for 4 hours.

just like when you first had alcohol 4 beers were enough to get you drunk and now it takes a bottle of vodka. everything is strong if you dont have a tolerance

Yeah, but it affected me so strongly (and unpredictably) that I never got into it. My friends were always puzzled by how hard it hit me.

His point is that taking 1 hit would make you really high.

so next time you smoke take 10mg diazepam half an hour before. could knock you out faster but it wont be stressful or disturbing.

Whens the last time you pissed on a toilet seat? I dont think Ive done that in decades.

No it's not. Do you have autism user?

No, I can read.

>u have trash weed lmao
>strong weed totally makes you hallucinate bro xd
Dutchfag here. Weed is physically incapable of making you hallucinate. My best guess is you have a mental disorder.

saw this happen many times in reality

dude dont take psychedelic experiences away from underage mutts that get their stuff from the local homeless nigger.

>police squad confiscates packets full of a white powdery substance in a raid
>chief pierces one of them with the tip of a knife
>he tastes it with his finger
>"yup, it's pure"

this is so bad on so many levels. first of all what human being would take an unknown powder and taste it? second what cop would consume narcotics on the job as a way to test them instead of sending them to the lab? third how is a taste test going to tell you anything about purity? it would only tell you if its amphetamines (which you can smell) or coke (which you can also smell) or if there is an obvious cutting agent like lidocaine in the coke.
its 100% retarded.

>character never smoked weed before
>coughs into the bowl making the weed spray out
>character gets beaten up by potential friends

>character never smoked weed before
>coughs into the bong making water come out of the conepiece

>black man takes a hit of the same weed
>calls it shitty and walks away

>character drools into the bong while ripping it

Stop buying the cheap cut shit pleb

>this thread

>teen character is smoking weed in the bathroom
>mom knocks on the door asking "what are you doing in here?"
>*coughs* "nothing!"
>throws the joint in the toilet, flushes it and sprays deodorant all over the place
>quickly unlocks the door
>mom enters the bathroom and, albeit a bit suspicious, doesn't notice anything unusual

>character smokes weed in his room
>parents don't notice the weed smell in the hallway and on the stairs


Like every day because I'm lazy and I piss like a shower head.
You just wipe it up with a few squares of toilet paper bro

This entire thread reminds me why I hate all drug users. I hope all of you losers OD on carfentanyl laced weed while there is a narcan shortage so we can’t save all your worthless asses.

Pull the seat up you fucking barbarian

>I hope all of you losers OD on carfentanyl laced weed
nobody laces cheap drugs with more expensive drugs you fucking idiot

To be fair I smoke weed in my room every day and as long as I keep the door shut it doesnt go in hallway

It is a wish.
>“Oh no Jose I droppedeed deez bag of carfentanyl all over dah weed!!!
>Ayy yah what we going to do? Cartel will kill us and our 12 children!?
>Just send it to the amerimutts before someone notices!

Also fuck you drug user.



No or fucking didn't. What the fuck is this meme you retards keep spouting?

>mfw that actually happened to me because i'm allergic or something, fuck if i know

i'll post this one again...

>something gets thrown out of the scene
>glass breaks sound effect
>cat meows in pain


The chemicals these niggers dumb in dope nowadays are about the only thing that could make you hallucinate, even then, very unlikely.

i am turned on and disgusted at the same time


I've had the brown mdma salts before and they were actually kinda sweet. I'd dissolve in a drink, anything from amber beer to oj. Agreed that it burns to snort. I never jumped up after a line though.

you are like small baby
i can't get hard if they're not swallowing a full stream straight from the tap these days

He might have meant the rim

I love this one because weed stinks so bad you can smell it from like 100 yards away. Maybe I just have a good nose for it but I can tell someone is smoking weed from a significant distance, it’s a very particular odor and if carries a ways. I love it when people who get stopped for it by the cops can’t ever seem to understand they have to smell like complete shit. I can smell it in another car when the windows are rolled up and I’m going the opposite direction in my own.