Everything below the Alps is Africa

Everything below the Alps is Africa

I would have fucked her desu, but I wouldn't have been proud of it

Argentina is garbage because it was colonized by spanish and italian subhumans.

If it were colonized by germanic peoples it would be a real country and not waste of resources.

Fucking apes

Them and the kikes made this country corrupt and subhuman.

says argentina

poast the webm brehs

>t. German war "refugee" descendant

Patagonia has a lot of germanic and welsh. We should eliminate browns, build a wall againsh chile and argentina, fill all the deserted land with germanics and separate from argentina.

And make a germanic stronghold in Patagonia.

is bariloche white?

The face when I'm a Nigger


>Argentina being in charge of telling who's white or not

Not fully, there are italian/spaniard and chilean (indian) living there.

Thanks for the info fellow white.



Germans have a very unhealthy fixation with cuckoldry and black dicks and pissing their already poor genetic material down the drain by letting their women getting impregnated by double digit IQ negroids (see Brazil, SA, Germany, USA, etc.)
The italians who built your worthless country are the only thing standing between you and a 8 in mandingo zerg rush. Uruguay is basically Italy 2.0 and there are very little niggers, hence it's a civilized country.

Now let go of your anal clench mayoboi and accept the italian superiority by making sure your nearest fertile female relatives receive italian semen, then celebrate your new italian nephews with a healthy dish of pasta
You're welcome

Kill yourself. Literally everything bad in argentina is product of italian subhuman culture and jews which are basically the same as you. Only Tyrol is exception because it doesn't even belong to italy

lets set the record straight:

Everything below the Eider is garbage.

I can't quite put my finger to where your problem is, but i'm fairly sure it has something to do with Michele doing lewd things to the girl who friendzoned you.
Rejoice, for she will try the greatest of the earthly pleasures, the BIC

are Germans consider northern Europeans now? kek they are central Euro scum at best

>Everything below the Appennines is Africa

I'm embarassed for sharing the same flag with this guy.


Everything beyond the mighty white wall of Dover is Africa and yet the invasion is still setting up camp in London.

Man no wonder I am fucked up. I'm Italian and German. Fuck.

>apologizing to germans
You shame your race, you revolting little queer


What about the falklands????

Fuck the Germans, who gives a shit about them, I don't want to be associated with filthy terroni.
As a Northern Italian I belong to Mittleuropa.
And the Germans are not Nordics btw.

>As a Northern Italian I belong to Mittleuropa.
>fuck the Germans
This is your brain on memes

>only germans live in Mitteleuropa

lol poor girl, even after death all she gets is international bants

just search "tiziana cantone" on porn sites

perchè usate i proxy ricchionazzi?

magari sono italiani all'estero genio

Holy shit guys we got schooled by an aryan ubermensch

Everything east of Australia is niggerland B^)

Italians and germans love/hate each other because they are complementary to each other

t. Abo

>because they are complementary to each other

Are you sure about that


I have an italian gf she told me about tiziana

I'm actually going to have pasta for dinner. Thank you for making it

T. Santi Pzyncszski Quito Kirchner Fernandez

You're welcome! Just don't use those shitty fake italians condiments like alfredo sauce or meatballs. Those are burger inventions

>foreigners can't study italian

leave him, indonesia
he's clearly a bit clueless about the internet

What is that thing that separates the Men from the monkeys?

>the mediterranean sea

Don't all of you guys live with your mamas till you're like 40?

Technically southamerica, and thus argentinia is below the alps, making you a nigg nogg