>implying this isn't sandlers best film
Implying this isn't sandlers best film
Terrible comedy, but fantastic drama in it's second half
I have never enjoyed a Sandler film.
go watch Punch Drunk Love
>end of high-school
>get invited to the kinoplex by the cool kids
>everyone agrees to watch The Wedding Singer (I'm reluctant)
>watch film
>everyone in the group enjoys the film except me
>realize that I'm never going to fit in
>stop talking to them
>jokes on them though, they got jobs, got married and had kids
>I became a NEET
That isn't PDL
Terrible drama, but fantastic comedy in it's first half
First half, but terrible fantastic drama comedy in it's middle third
I like 50 First Dates better. It might also be the last Sandler movie I liked.
>Not Big Daddy
You're wrong and you should feel bad. Ranking Sandler is near impossible, but Big Daddy is the undisputed #1.
This guy can't make good movies.
>not happy gilmore
Lot's of great scenes in this movie
Jesus what is wrong with you. It's Happy Gilmore and it's not even up for debate
anymore. old ones are elite.
It's Punch Drunk Love, you plebs
Happy Gilmore is his best comedy film.
Eh, all he does now is make cheap movies with his friends and gets whatever profit he can. I wish I could do that.
I'm glad I'm not alone in appreciating this one. Yeah the comedies shit, but the drama almost moves me to tears every fucking time.
I like Billy Madison, The Wedding Singer, Mr. Deeds, 50 First Dates and Click. And Grandma’s Boy but he wasn’t in that movie his production company made it.
This is arguably Sandlers only kino. Happy Gilmore and Waterboy don't hold up. They're only funny if you're 13 or stoned to the point that you're mentally 13.
Punch Drunk Love may be good, I haven't watched it since it came out, so I remember it as being meh. 50 First Dates is watchable at best.
Everything else Sandler has ever shit out has been complete garbage.
Then you're A fucking idiot. Anyone who got emotional during that movie is a complete mental toddler. You know they weren't going to end the movie with fat Sandler dead in the rain. You had to know it was all going to be a happy ending. If you didn't, well congratulations on being 6 years old.
And casting Bekinsale as your wife? There are plenty of hot women who can act better than an old shoe box.
That's not Big Daddy...
The father scene was kino.
I wanna sock Adam sandler in the face.
well written and directed but Sandler chews the scenery too much to let it have its full impact
>Punch Drunk Love may be good, I haven't watched it since it came out, so I remember it as being meh.
it's literally an amazing miracle of a movie, no i'm not meming
That new movie he did with Ben Stiller on netflix is god awful.
>implying this isn't sandlers best film
>best film
none of those words go together
>not Funny People
fucking plebs, all of you!
Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, The Wedding Singer and The Water Boy are kino.
Barrymore's too.
Jon Lovitz at the end is fucking fantastic.
>He's losing his mind!
>And I'm reaping all the benefits!
>*huge shit-eating grin*
Sandler's Netflix stuff is awful.
Classic Sandler is awesome. But where do we draw the line? Punch Drunk Love? Was that his last good movie?
It is all down hill after little Nicky.
Most forced talent less bland kike in history of jew movies.
>Weeell his new stuff is terrible BUT...
These same people probably paid to see Grown Ups 2 over Pacific Rim.
>implying it is
shit taste bro
This and Little Nicky are tied for first place
Eight Crazy Nights is also great, so is Mr. Deeds.
Happy Gilmore isn't a favorite of mine, but, admittedly has it's moments.
Also the old lady paying him in meatballs.
Wedding singer is GOAT
Manic pixie girls are A MYTH I've tried lads I've tried