The meaning of your name is your superpower

The meaning of your name is your superpower.
Your favorite color is the color of your suit/outfit.
The years you have been on Sup Forums, is the amount of years you have been a hero or a villain.

Amuse me...

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>means "victory" or "victorious"
>2 years of drawing porn on this site

What kind of super power I can get related to "victory"? Seems kind of easy to be a hero with it.

>"Yahweh is salvation"
So I guess my powers are salvation. So I can make people regret what evils they've done and help them atone?

I wear a navy blue suit with a white tie.

And I've been saving people for eight years.

Man, I'm a shitty fucking hero.

>Name is an alternate version, but still means "Victory of the people"
>11+ years
A bit dubious 2bdesu

probability manipulation or the ability to see how to win, but seeing isn't the same of doing.

> Means Peace & God
> 7 Years

Welp I guess I'm the new superman.

>name means the tall and prideful
>favorite color is midnight blue
>2 years as a superhero

I guess I got size manipulation powers like Kamala Khan.

You can manipulate the chances of victory, similar to some kind of Roman or Greek God.

>Bee and honey powers

9 years of bee superpowers, with a purple and gold outfit. I'm ok with this.

My nickname could be
>Royal Melly

>Name is a Greek baby name meaning "to tame" where the bigger version means "To subdue"
>7 years
On one hand I can be the best pet trainer ever for anyone needing my services but on the other I can find and domesticate the biggest Eldritch monster with more arms than the wackiest god in India and rule the world.

My name is Buck. So I have Male Deer powers?
The suit is blue, and I've been active for over a Decade.

>means either blessed/white or soft, from the UK
Holy abilities? Snow powers, maybe? Either would be neat.
>purple, specifically lavender
Noice. A uniform based on russian winter wear? Priest clothing?
>10 years on Sup Forums, 12 years online in general
A British villain that resides in Russia with ice powers and a god complex? I like it.

>favorite colors are for girls so shadow the hedgehog black
>seven years

What do you even do with number based powers? At least the roman numeral could be worked into the costume design for aesthetics.

>"Spear of Battle"
Guess I'm a master spear fighter.
Thinking blue suit and shades a lá Woody or maybe something more tacticool like Sandy.
>8+ plus years

Or maybe the strength of five average Sup Forumsmrades.

>The name George is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name George is: From 'georgos' meaning tiller of the soil, or farmer.
>Blue and Gold
I'm a lead farmer, motherfucker.

>The Red Haired
>Ten Years

I can turn people ginger, control an army rust colored rabbits and leave false evidence everywhere.

I remembered this guy existed after failing to think of cool number powers.

>who is like the Lord?
I guess me?

>Wich means Bright Soldier, Dunno what to make of it, apparently my ancestors where spearmen or something, my last names can be translated as Warrior and guardian to boot.
>Silver, Sue me i like reflective stuff.
>6 years

The name and 2 last names are so millitary based I dont think i can run away from becoming an out of place hero that tries to pull an El Zorro stunt in an era of heavy weaponry or a guy obsessed with swords, lets make him a hero obsessed with the concept of outsmarting his opponent trhough swordplay even if it isnt practical, trying to live by a code of chivalry in a society that makes it seem like he is a madman, Lets name him Silver Edge.

>Greek name meaning "Defender of men; protector of mankind"
>1 year

I'll translate that to multishield generation and crazy durability. Still a rookie at 1 year of service, but not all that bad at all. Could probably help out on a street tier superhero team.

>2 years of drawing porn on this site
What was the purpose of including this?

>"lion" in hebrew
Fuck yes

>So Many different meanings for my name.
>Am part Irish, so I'll go with the Gaelic meaning
>"Young Warrior"
>Kind of Vague, but I can make it work. Probably proficient with the use of several weapons, along with enhanced physical attributes.
>Favorite color is red, a fine color for a warrior
>Been fighting the good fight for around 6 years now

>Son of the Blessed
>Like 6, at least? Jesus christ.

I guess my power would be some kind of holy magic or divination or something?

You should clearly be a dominatrix villain.

>My name is Buck
Do you like to fuck?

A womanizer with a knack for gambling that always has a back up plan, uses the power of money and attrition to bring down however opposes him, even in defeat he always win something by virtue of his backup plans.

This could work really well as a villain, especially if by book ends he could become president or reach a point where if the hero stops him his masterplan gets into motion, bonus point if he is the smooth villain to a super heroine, or said super heroine has to side with the villain to achieve her goals or fend of an immediate threat.

>Greek name meaning pure or clear
>4 years
So healing or nature powers maybe?

>William is willpower and salary protector
>7 years on this site oh what (terrible) luck
>orange outfit

Well, guess I can't be a green lanturn. I always did play the tank roll in MMOs so maybe I'll be the most annoying orange to taunt my foes

That shit is 2 cool 4 skool my friend

>8 years
I guess I have lion based powers, maybe I can become a werelion for that furry audience
Also I want to be a bad guy, a fancy bad guy since fuck being a hero they get stuck with the worst shit and fuck doing your own dirty work

An Eastern Euopean version of Wilhelm/William

Having infinite willpower or granting it to others, I guess. Though, that's basically the opposite of me IRL.

>It's the name for Ireland in ancient speak I guess
>1 or 7 years depending how you look at it
I honestly have no earthly clue, maybe luck powers?

>Son of the Blessed

You have pseudo Popeye powers but instead of spinach drinking makes you stronger, the more you drink the stronger and drunker you become

Which apparently means "Perfection" according to wiki and urban dictionary
>Dark Blue
Probably slashed with black too
I am a fucking villain these days, trying to get the cancer off my home board so it can be perfect again, I wasn't always like this, I started to go evil when Sup Forums invaded, the day the /oil/ infection spread here I went full heel. The ends justify the means.

What kind of power suits the description "defender of men"?

>Gentle + Smoothed Polished One (double first names ftw)

Legit, I have no idea what either of my powers would be.

>"God is my judge"

Some kind of forest dwelling Knight Templar

You're the modern day personification of Ireland

>to hold, to posses
>4 years
What can be my power?

Or a Spectre type instrument of God's judgement.

Here's an idea

Legit can't think of a power relating to dawn. Putting people to sleep, I guess?
>3-4 years as a hero
>navy/midnight blue

that's cute, user

>one who tiles
Fuck it, I'll take it. I guess I throw tiles at villains heads and/or I help people increase the value of their real estate by laying nice floors.
Maybe like some composite armor to kinda match the tile theme, idk
> four years, still getting used to the hero life

>name meaning: rose, beautiful, vivacious
PLANT POWERS and maybe apperance changing powers? life steal? idk
>favourite color: red/black/purple
alright i can be an edgy plant person
>2 yrs
newfag edgy plant villain. i will take it

>Irish for "helper", English for "cushion"
>not a Sup Forums regular until recently

The Green Cushion! He pushes internet movie reviewers out of windows before cushioning their fall. His catchphrase: "Pride before the fall!"

I'd go with reincarnation of Hector

But something like Jericho makes more sense for the meaning.

>Nicholas = "victory of the people"
>Probably something that gives others powers like Hawkmoth from Miraculous Ladybug
Probably a hero in the background, empowering others to make their own victories. Still, tempting to play it morally gray, giving powers to those willing to shell out a massive paycheck for it.

>"Victory of the People", also "A spirit of the waters" and "notch or small cut"
>Sky blue
>9 years

Some kind of hydrokinetic super-muck-muck who uses his abilities to help people. Quenching thirst, bringing rain. A raging torrent of justice.

And your hero name shall be: Father Christmas

>One who holds Christ in his heart
>5 years
Red suited preacher who solves cases with the lord on his side.

Or something with crystals, maybe.

Shield-like? Something defensive? Or you're a human with slightly amplified skills or something.

Dawn means awakening so maybe you have the power of making people woke.
Or you can project light blasts but only when it's dark.

>The unisex given name Devon is of uncertain origin. It is mainly a North American name, and may be derived from either the English county Devon, or from the surname Devon.
Well shit, I guess I'm powerless

I don't know, eight years?

Forgot to mention I'm going by Christopher Priest

I'll take that. I don't even mind if my powers just project weak light blasts, as long as I can somehow help people awaken their super powers or something. I like playing support.

something something inquisition

You could also say you can channel the FULL POWER OF THE SUN.

Or the ability to wake people up, even if they're in a coma. I can see it working for corpses, but very briefly, for interrogation on a crime scene or something. Like a supernatural walking alarm clock.

> It is possible that the name is derived from an Old Celtic word meaning "high" or "noble". For example, the element bre means "hill"; which could be transferred to mean "eminence" or "exalted one"
>I think something like 5-7 years?

Yeah I dunno. Dominion powers or something like that?

>"just, true, fair"
>about 10

haha, time for some JUSTICE

You have the power to get high.

>can wake people in a coma but only very briefly
Shit user, that's depressing, in a way.

You can manipulate people into submission for a short while? Like, you can briefly lord over them.


Why do you hate French people?

>"Little King"
>4 years

So my power is probably shrinking related, maybe controlling atoms, germs, insects, or small animals. I'm guessing my outfit is a really gaudy jump suit, I'm imagining bright red with a white mink fur trim over the shoulder and across the chest. Can't forget the crown and fancy boots. Maybe a scepter that is the source of my controlling powers while the shrinking is innate. My shtick is probably kind of villainous and probably involves a large Napoleon complex.

Surprised no one has had this yet but apparently Nicholas and Alexander already came up twice.

>name meaning "God has shown favor"
>9 years on Sup Forums and I would have looked at Sup Forums at least once back in 2008

Jesus is literally my co-pilot, we go around righting wrongs with catchy 80s background songs.



>11 years

Means "Yahweh is salvation" like that other Josh sad, but through a Greek translation is also the name of Jesus due to transliteration and is in some ways considered a prefiguration of Christ. He was also a warrior of the faith and a disciple of Moses who continued his work.

Being a warrior and the color red go well together, and the prefiguration gives me a kind of Man of Tomorrow feeling. Not a prophet but someone who lives by example to incorporate the knowledge of the past (Moses) to change the world to a better future (Jesus). Kind of like Superman or a New God maybe?

You're Ant-Man.

Jordan [N] [H] [S]

Heb. Yarden, "the descender;" Arab. Nahr-esh-Sheriah, "the watering-place" the chief river of Palestine. It flows from north to south down a deep valley in the centre of the country. The name descender is significant of the fact that there is along its whole course a descent to its banks; or it may simply denote the rapidity with which it "descends" to the Dead Sea.

What kind of power do i got?


>name of the first Roman Emperor to adopt Christianity and move the capital from Rometo Byzantium
I guess I get the powersof being a filthy rich Emperorplus some "God's Champion" stuff.



I guess I'm ByzaDoom.

Water manipulation?

Rabbits can be bucks too. I guess you can jump good

Your arch nemesis is clearly tile fucker, aka the tile defiler

You have the power to drag people down to hell


"Son of the right hand"

God's right hand was cast to earth, causing me to be born a pseudo-Jesus. My robes are cast in a yellow holy light.

I have mainly healing powers, but I can also do alchemy and necromancy.

I go around the world stopping hatred and anger.

So if you're God's right hand cloaked in yellow I guess that would make you a king in yellow

>Son of the South
>3 years
I'm the last soldier of the Confederacy, lost in time after the end of war. Desperately fighting to return my homeland to its former glory. The only question is am I a hero? Or a villain?

>refers to blossoming of flowers
>mint green outfit
>3 years
So like, a nature-controlling superhero?

Sounds like Contessa


means "the lucky one".
Just put a big 7 7 7 on it.
>5 Years
5 years of stumbling around just surviving out of sheer luck.

>name means "I deserve the crown"
>2 years
I guess I have the ability to manipulate others and maneuver myself to the upper echelons of society with little to no effort

>means "Defender"
>3 years

Am I Daredevil?

>french man

Means the the people's victory, derived from the Greek goddess of victory, Nike.

I'd wear extra-reinforced knight armor with Kevlar underneath.

>Years of practice
Been here for four years, five if you count a year of actual lurking. Guess I'd be a bit used to being a hero.

Still, I'm in the same boat as right here. Does "victory" as a super-power just mean winning, or is it like luck-based powers where things go in your favor (such as people can't shoot you because they'll always miss or be out of ammo)?

>Gift of god
>1 year

>Gift from God
>9+ years

I make wishes come true (though I can choose which and how exactly). I can't use this power by myself. The mechanics of my power mean that I work best in teams (good genie) or against talkative villains (asshole genie).


My name in Norse means affectionate.

In English it means olive tree a "symbolizes fruitfulness and beauty and dignity. 'Extending an olive branch' signifies an offer of peace."

In German it means a FUCKING ELF ARMY

My favorite color is Blood orange.

And I have been on Sup Forums for almost 9 years. I am a old fag.

I am Captain Alfah Sigar, leader of the (peaceful but really annoying) Sun Ward Alliance army. A small army of fays and other magical beings that wish to reclaim the surface world after the humans force us to live under ground centuries ago, so far I have establish cells around the world. I have began a campaign of annoyance on the humans by having my cells disrupt your tv and internet signals during your favorite sport/event season (*Evil laughter*). But sometimes I will allow myself to ally with you dirty human heroes to save the world or to save a country or to save a city or to save a town or a house or two if the threat is great enough. Only because I will not let anyone else take you humans down but me!

Imagine controlling pollen and making your enemies sneeze uncontrollably.

>Transliteration of a scottish clan name from norman french that literally means 'Grand, great or large'
>4 years

Welp, I'm either a non angry hulk or pic related.
I guess I'm just a big guy.

Jesus, it's been years since I last thought of this episode

i hate having the same name as you, newfag

>hero to ur people
>villain to people who don't like u

You would be the equivalent of any folk hero

>Originally in hebrew it was Abram הָמוֹן (hamon) which meant "many, multitude"
>Also known as the friend of God
>Maybe 3-4 years since I started consistently posting and not just lurking

So I'd be this guy with stand powers? Or maybe I can multiply myself because of stand powers. And have a weird gimmick as a weakness as per most JoJo characters have.

>Laurence (Laurel)
>The name is of English origin from the Latin Lauras with the meaning referring to the laurel tree. Various names related to Laurel are Laura, Lauren, Lori, and Lorraine. Another related name would be the Germanic Mythology name Lorelie which means "luring rock" and is mentioned in a German legend saying that a maiden named Lorelei, who lives upon a rock in Rhine River, lures fishermen into death by her songs.
>2 years

So i guess that i have the power to manipulate people by singing?
>Start singing
>People nearby kill themselves because i'm terrible