Usafags. These flags look nothing alike. How can you keep mistaking them? Are you all that stupid?
Usafags. These flags look nothing alike. How can you keep mistaking them? Are you all that stupid?
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sorry kiwi
Np Liberian
>communist stars
fucking commies, annex when?
Sorry, Trinidad.
The revised flags look much more unique.
fuck off just you got cucked by the frogs
No, they're fucking gay which is no surprise by their adoptors
>A fucking leaf
They're all exceedingly gay. Did we fuck you with leaves at some point?
Bringing out an older meme for this one
Almost everyone in the northern hemisphere confuses them. Not because they're dumb, but because you're that irrelevant.
You're all just a bunch of sheep shaggers.
Who cares about the difference?
we've already invaded you
>Almost everyone in the northern hemisphere confuses them
Superior Anglos don't.
t. A fucking leaf
You're a minority in your country if you're an Anglo.
Members of one specie cannot differentiate between face of members of another
Shut up, Paki.
> coming from Philippines
>Kiwis literally think all stars are red
Is it really illegal for you to grow your own turnips?
The top left of those flags are really good looking I have to say.
nice flags.
delete this
>Nz's coat of arms
What are they doing
they are getting whited
"Richly endowed by nature with intellectual and physical powers, of a lively temper, energetic and open minded, and with natural wit, the Maori is fully aware of his progress in moral improvement and culture; yet he is not capable of attaining the full height of a Christian civilized life; and it is from this very incompleteness, that his race is doomed to gradual extinction … Compared with the fresh and full vigour, with which the Anglo-Saxon race is spreading and increasing, the Maori is the weaker party, and thus he is the loser in the endless 'struggle for existence"
Did Australia have better telescopes or something?
Its the same sky down there but the Aussies found 2 more stars and one looks huge so what were the Kiwis doing?
they based their flag of mine
fucking sheep
UK should sue Australia and New Zealand for copyright infringement, you can't just take our design and slap a bunch of star clipart on it you fucking shits.
err? we designed them lol
i think its the same flag that the settlers had on their ship when they landed ashore
Keep talking like that and we'll put you in a home old man.
?NZ flag in 1834
no thats the flag of the united tribes which is a country that the brits convinced the maori to make so that they could legally anex them
Of course Americans are fucking dumb. The meme is real. They're about to vote the psychopathic Hillary into power because they've brainwashed themselves into believing locker talk is worse than starting WW3
To be fair, knowing the difference has no practical utility in America. People give Americans shit for not knowing where Portugal or whatever is on a map, but how many Australians know the countries on, say, the African continent? If you're a citizen of the world's only superpower, all the pleb countries are pretty much the same. An American who can locate Russia and China has done well enough for practical purposes.
No wonder why you're hated so much canada.
>in the commonwealth, you're the redheaded step-leaf
No wonder why you're hated so much canada.
>in the commonwealth, you're the redheaded step-leaf
I feel like I'm the only person who thought the emu flag was funny. Caught me off guard.
Libya used to have a flag with one color. This was a country with a proper perspective of its global importance.
>a fucking leaf
fuck off the ones the left are far superior
long life the queen
>T R E A T Y