Why's she not more outspoken about the Weinstein scandal?
Why's she not more outspoken about the Weinstein scandal?
No way to get the best thing about it but it was not immediately known
Because she took his cock willingly. Same as all the others who you would think would be shouting about the metoo bullshit but kept oddly quiet.
Love u
Written in the gap on the book is "to white people". It's purposely done so it's barely visible.
she is such a fucking virtue signaller. FUCK HER (i hope i will)
She is perfection
only black peoples superior eyes that can withstand UV light can see it
why do you care so much about natalie mars?
she's ok i guess but her political views dont matter tbqh
>I love books
>no longer talking to white people about race
Does that mean all the guilty whites and angry coloreds who read that book will stop bringing up race to the rest of us white folk?
Come on guys lets make this a best seller!
because she received a big load from weinstein
because she enjoyed fucking him
its the only explanation
>Being so fucking retarded to make the text the same colour as the background
She can't be a paladin of feminism anymore if she addmited she fucked Weinstein for getting roles in movies.
>you are unique and what i say is we all have to break before we shine
>because I keep getting BTFO
>women taking a picture of an item
bait you cant be this retarded
Because she's a capitalist product. She only exists to sell, and do what she's told.
That's the point you fucking retard.
I didn't see that. I feel fooled
LOL is that a real book?
Because many actresses are literal whores.
too busy sitting on my face
Some insects can see into the UV.
White peoples have the ability to see into the infrared. I am one of the special ones that can see radio waves. They’re pretty cool looking
other than the whole lumping all of Caucasia into convenient category to make a statement about economics? she seems like a scapegoating Nazi tbqh
Can she still be saved?
>Why's she not more outspoken about the Weinstein scandal?
Why is the not outspoken about the uncovered pakistani rape gang crisis in the UK?
i think it's a back-handed compliment
>I am one of the special ones that can see radio waves. They’re pretty cool looking
what they look like
liar, radio waves are probably the ugliest waves
she's gone forever
>we all have to break before we shine
that makes no sense
I bet she just made that up on the spot, it's not something she says at all
Some insects have better eyes than humans fyi.
Human eyes are shit tier actually
If people arent allowed to use their words and talk to each other, then violence happens, and i'd be fine with that at this point
fucking retard
It wont be long before the weight gain mark my words.
And she didn't say a word...
Insects may have better band of spectrum that they can see but their visual acuity is pretty shit tiers. Humans actually have pretty good eyesight if you are talking about stuff light light sensitivity but we suck compared to birds like hawks and shit.
Hard to describe, kind of like describing a color. But I’d saw it’s kind of like the Northern Lights, except I everywhere.
It makes finding a spot for the radio really easy
This. Most Insects are unable to form sharp images, but they make up for their poor vision in other areas (chemoreceptors)
Psh, what do you know? I bet you can only see microwaves
It's pretty obvious she enjoyed her time with weinstein, there has been blind items on it about the hypocrisy of HER talking about feminism.
Let's just hope one day someone breaks into his vault and gets all those videos.
>bet you can only see microwaves
even they are better than radio
Jokes aside, it's a great question, actually. Wonder what's going on here.
No!! Stop lying!!
post some of the blind items
You wont be able to see them
what if she was a virgin until harvey "turned her into a woman" and now she has that weird empathy for him that girls have for their first man
if you thought that was funny you should kill yourself
I'm dead
Nah, she lost it in a threeway with Dan and Rupert
>Why I'm no longer talking about race
>proceeds to talk about race
SJW attention whore even worse than jennifer lawrence
>Hard to describe
Because you can't see radio waves with human eyes. Why do you do shitty larps on Sup Forums?
Thank you so much for explaining that to us. I’m pretty sure people all thought he was being serious! LOL
cool story babe
now make me a cigar
She was an accomplice
There's that fish (or crab or something) that can see 7 different base colours. For comparison, humans can only see 3. Imagine the shit they see. I'm optimistic that in the future, via eye augmentation, we'll be able to see more as well. Could be our brains are literally unable to process the new information though.
>that book
I'm sure that's just a long winded way of SJW's talking down to people, but at the end of the day if people leave me the fuck alone about race i would be so relieved.
Race traitors cannot be redeemed.
maybe she's in love with his big fat jew cock and they still bang on the regular. She pretends he's her daddy, that's why he doesn't care about the scandal.
Thread is as neet as it fucking gets.
Emma a cute, smart, kind.
You horrible human beings.
The only reason I like her is because she resembles Hermione
Her deepfake is hot as fuck
Still believes in western feminism, and happily stands with a black feminist who mocks white feminists. Sure she is.
This is why you don't let kids get involved with Hollywood/big paychecks. Set for life financially with nothing to do so you take your ego and try to "fix the world"
I like that dinosaur is he a good dinosaure does he have a good life? I like that dinosaur.
>You are unique
>she says as Watson conforms to think the way everyone else in liberal Hollywood thinks
She looks so gross idk why you fags are obsessed with her
Brie liked this book too, maybe it's good?
Hermione is black though.
>Hermione is black though.
No she isnt, JkR just wanted to stir the pot by claiming that a black actress could play her in the play. But hand picked, Emma Watson for, Hermione and even had drawing of a white Hermione made.
>why im no longer talking to white people about race
Good? I don't want to hear your lectures about how only white people can be racist