Did He just have the best death scene in any comic book movie ever? Yes, yes he did...

Did He just have the best death scene in any comic book movie ever? Yes, yes he did. His only competition is Rorschach in Watchmen. It was epic.

Overall the movie was a awesome entry into the already strong marvel universe. Top 5 easy. It had some flaws, such as the crappy CGI rhinos, but as a whole it was a really good comic book movie. I know it gets a lot of hate here for some understandable reasons (SJW propaganda) but it was actually good. Michael B Jordan is one of, if not, the best villains in a marvel movie. Plus that line and scenery for his death scene were awesome.

How did he die?

argh! a movie about black people! this triggers me!



He’s stabbed with a spear in the chest and he mentions his father telling him how beautiful Wakanda was. Black panther helps him to the edge of this cliff with the sun setting and he says “beautiful.” Black Panther says “We may be able to still save you.” To which he replies “Why? So you can lock me up? Nah, bury me at sea with my ancestors who jumped off the ships because they knew death was better than bondage.” He then proceeds to pull the spear from his chest and fall over dead. It was awesome. Obviously a little more powerful had you seen everything prior but it was great. I unironically the beat death scene i can remember.

No joke wanted to start clapping after that line. Dope way to die.

>Michael B Jordan is one of, if not, the best villains in a marvel movie.
So happy to see this guy's career move up after Fantastic Four.

He's basically the Black Chris Evans

Disney shills plz go

Hold the fucking phone. No way he was better than /ourguy/.

Keaton and Michael are 2 of the best villains

>with my ancestors who jumped off the ships because they knew death was better than bondage.


Reminder he didn't do anything wrong and if he succeeded the world would be a thousand times more prepared for Thano's invasion.

He believed all (black) Africans were his people, even if they were not from Wakanda. Wakandans were probably never taken as slaves as they hid and isolated themselves with their technology. His plan was to give weapons to all black people all over the world and free themselves from their white oppressors.

Niggers don't like BDSM, go figure

He WAS talking about his own ancestors. His mother was a black American descended from African slaves brought over on ships.

Had he succeeded he would have thrown the whole world into one giant race war and made the world much weaker. T'challa agrees at the end of the movie to share their vibranium and technology to the rest of the world. This will make the world stronger and better prepared for Thanos' invasion.

The villains were the best part of it

Klaw was hammy as fuck and Killmonger literally did nothing wrong

I am 99% sure they added the scene where he choked the woman afterwards to make you hate him

"I'd rather die free than live a slave" basically

So, his grandfather and uncles jumped into the water while his mom just banged her way to Wakanda

drink went through my nose

It's weird to me how many people are saying his performance was too overblown. It's Serkis. He's not going to do a subtle performance.

He was fun to watch.

Sounds fucking ridiculous and you now sound retarded for suggesting this was "great".

His father and grandfather were Wakandan royalty.

I think you are very confused, but also not worth educating.


What's ridiculous about it?

And how they ended on a slave ship? Was not Wakanda supposed to be an country isolated from white culture?

>Did He just have the best death scene in any comic book movie ever?

Wait. Did a stupid nigger just spoil the ending of his precious nigger movie that hadn't even been out for one day? Great job, Sambo, way to make your subhuman race look good.

name five better

His MOTHER was an American whose family was brought to America on slave ships.

His dad was a Wakandan spy in America, who fell in love with an American woman, dumbass. His ancestors he’s talking about are his mothers side.

Trite and melodramatic as fuck.

choked with kfc

Thank you user, you deserve the trips

what a fucking shit show this movie was.


How so?

>Did He just have the best death scene in any comic book movie ever?


If you come to Sup Forums without having seen every new major release, you deserve to be spoiled.

>Nah, bury me at sea with my ancestors who jumped off the ships because they knew death was better than bondage.

This is a joke, right? Does he know the blacks sold the slaves?

How is that in any way relevant to his point? They would still be in bondage either way.

You do realize he was speaking to a native African at the time right, not a white person?

>they knew death was better than bondage
They knew death but not the safe word.

How does that change the statement, idiot

adjective: trite; comparative adjective: triter; superlative adjective: tritest
(of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness.

>dying in another's arms

adjective: melodramatic
relating to melodrama.
characteristic of melodrama, especially in being exaggerated, sensationalized, or overemotional.

>using your last breath to utter some heavy-handed message about slavery

Spoiler it faggot

His mother was African American

He did nothing wrong and you know it

I didn't ask for the definition of words, I asked what made the movie's ending trite and melodramatic?

Also, a small correction: he did not die in anyone arms. He commited suicide by twisted the spear in his chest and falling over.

His death was good, including him finally being able to see the Wakandan sunset and his "heavy-handed message about slavery", because they all tied back into his motivations as a character and how he was still that poor kid in Oakland who felt trapped.

You kind of suck, mate.

*Black American
Blacks in America LARPing as Africans is pretty sad tbqh.

>Forbid whites from having any form of expression that can be accused as wrongthinking
>Allow to fully express every other culture
I want Hitler to raise from his ancient tomb.

>You kind of suck, mate.

You're kind of easily impressed, mate.

It's like you're not that old and haven't seen a lot of movies or something.

>Dying =/= die
"He’s stabbed with a spear in the chest" "Black panther helps him to the edge of this cliff" presumably using his arms presumably as he is dying from the spear in his chest. Hence he is at that time dying in somebodies arms. Fucking retard.

I'm thirty two. I'm honestly just asking you to express a genuine opinion and then justify it without memes and jokes. Has the internet robbed you of your ability to do that?

I prefer watching animals documentaries in home

>African American culture is dogshit and brainwashes its people into becoming misguided angry BLM KANGZ criminals

>The only thing that can save the Black Diaspora and remove tensions with Whites is for them to immerse themselves in the untainted pre-colonial culture of Africa

This is the ultimate red pill.

No, T'Challa floats him up the cliffside using his telepathic tiara. You clearly did not watch the fucking movie, so why are you in this thread?

No one is larping as Africans, just acknowledging African ancestry. Trust me, no one wants to be an African in 2018. The whole afrocentrism meme died out decades ago.



>The whole afrocentrism meme died out decades ago.
Imagine being this naive.

Imagine being THIS naive. No one wants to live in Africa, dumbshit. Not even the wokest of kweens.

>My ancestors were slaves
>Dude's ancestors are a closed off ethnostate untouched by the world

What did he mean by this?

He believes in the debunked out of Africa origin theory too

You're the one claiming that afrocentrists all want to go back to Africa not me. You're also the one claiming that afrocentrism has died out. You've not provided any evidence for either of these assertions.

Shot by police

But by choosing to live and accept his incarceration, he would take responsibility for his crimes. He was not offered a chance to become a slave so he was a fool for thinking so. All his last words demonstrated was that he is cowardly, lacks responsibility, and lacks basic intelligence. It was not dignified at all. But at least it portrayed the idea that there is one less nigger on this planet. It suited me.

His ancestors were also slaves. His mother was not Wakandan.

Too much drift on a wet Wakandan road and he crashes the MongerMobile.

What exactly is it that you believe afrocentrism is?

This. Remember how based Black Panther was to Zemo in Civil War. If Killmonger payed for his crimes maybe one day he would be forgiven and even rise again to the court, but he choosed the easy way.

Damn, even Batman would be envy

>>>one hates whitey for doing things generations ago that he himself has done today before breakfast

>>>One is a working class white guy with a black wife and daughter

>I am 99% sure they added the scene where he choked the woman afterwards to make you hate him
It was so odd seeing a black guy kill his black gf like she didn't mean anything.

Sup Forums may claim this movie is SJW propaganda but it really has some hidden treats in it like the "King Gorilla" guy making animal noises at Martin Freeman.


niggers can't into math

Stepped on someones Jordans


There was A LOT of clapping at my screening.


Urgh..at least now I know how the black man feels.

>Le "spoiler" meme

What are you, twelve?

go away Sup Forums

He was talking to a black person. Nothing to do with whites.

>I bet you didn't expect that

Seriously, how will they ever top this, I was nearly in tears

WHOA let's everyone not tell the ending of the movie, that would make people reluctant to go see it!


>white oppressors.
Where's that?

>It was epic
Reddit would be more your speed.

>This is the best Gillian ever!

Marvel fans whenever new movie gets released. Remember how they prised whatever the villains name on infinity war?

Kino villain.

He literally cries about white people the entire fucking movie. From the opening "how do you think your ancestors took it?" to his final death scene "muh slavery reee."

This was a shit movie with a shit director and a shit writer, but you fucking faggots won't give it anything but a 10/10 because you love to suck nigger cock that much.

Dude wants to kill whitey


I liked the movie.

So uh, when they went to get back that 2kgs of Vibranium and totalled two cars made of Vibranium on the public streets. Did they ever address this?

They wanted Claw more than the Vibranium.


Why do you hate the White race so much?

We earned it.

What!? I don't hate anyone.

the scene where he choked the woman was the most retarded part of the entire movie