This is just getting fucking pathetic

this is just getting fucking pathetic.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Man who stars in Marvel movies shilling Marvel movie
What are you surprised about?

What's pathetic is you Sup Forumstards spamming your butt-hurt over this movie 24/7


I find both sides of the argument equally revolting myself.

This. I'm handicapped and the fake sincerity and nice attitude everyone feels obligated to express towards me is so fucking annoying I can't be bothered to be around people anymore. Same shit is happening with this movie, because it's full of niggers and if you don't like it, people might think you're racist so you just do this fake bullshit adoration ritual.

Agreed, fellow warriors of truth.
May we meet upon the battle field one day.

Yours truly
A brother in arms

You know we can see on the archives how much you spam these images right? Is this your job? You do it every day over multiple boards.

>you work for us now, Ryan. Endorse it.


>Terrell Jermaine Starr, Senior Reporter

>As soon as I stepped out of the movie theater, I was no longer in Wakanda. And that made me sad. I was forced to share an UberPool with two colonizers. I wanted to yell “Colonizers!” and ask them for their tourist visas, but I could not. We weren’t in Wakanda. Nor am I Shuri. I am joking, but I’m really not.

>For more than two hours, I was surrounded by blackness, consumed with a power of self and possibility I’d never experienced during a film. For two hours, whiteness was not centered. I was. It was challenging to wrestle with that reality and the possibilities of such a world because I was born into a reality where whiteness is the default. My struggles, my successes, my dreams are all predicated on fending off and negotiating with whiteness. In Wakanda, whiteness negotiates with me and has few options but to comply.

>That is a wonderful feeling. I have never watched a Marvel film—nor am I a comics fan—but that has changed. Black Panther left me with a buoyancy about what our current world strives to make impossible: a world centered in blackness, our existence. There are no bells and whistles to Wakanda. It just was. For two hours, so was I. I just was.

>Now I am in America, where just being is a struggle. I long for Wakanda.

So basically Black Panther is Avatar for black people.

Which niche liberal rag are you bitchbaby quoting for easy (You)s from triggered polflakes? Do tell

What, that we needed another goddamn Black Panther thread? Absolutely.

It's extremely gay that a hero's main weapon is fucking cute little cat claws.

Homosexuality rates are the highest among blacks out of all races, so it does make sense.


Oh noes niggies have something they enjoy, you guys have some serious problems

Yeah he should shoot lazers out of his eyes and blow cold air while prancing around in a red cape. Dumb closet homo.

>instead of blacks pooling up dat dosh to convert their neighborhoods into Wakanda
>they spend all that dosh on seeing a fictional portrayal of Wakanda, a fascist ethnostate surrounded by a great wall which keeps your average Africa black away from Wakanda's "chosen noble people" that Trump would love very much, whose black king battles an antagonist who is a rap/gangster caricature of the same dumbass blacks paying to see this movie and glorify it
We live in a glorious time.

Stupid fucking nigger movie

it's not just Sup Forums though. Black people and psycho liberals have been acting insane as if it's the second coming of Christ himself.

I guess there's some merit to that theory that says gays didn't have a father figure in their lives then?

this so much. I don't give a shit about the movie and stopped watching the MCU movies in the theater but both sides are fucking retarded. blacks and fans because they are buying into literal garbage and haters because they have nothing better to do with their time than discussing movies they don't like and searching for online articles about them

>black people suddenly want an all black society
>because of a movie
>dictators from the past wanted a white society
>because of their ideologies
how the fuck are these people nowadays different from hitler at this point? they're basically one step away from just saying the white race should be extinguished or some shit

Corey Feldman?

I feel bad for american blacks

this place is a repository of racism and autism though.

it doesnt have to answer to any standards

the entire media/social media juggernaut is being retarded as fuck about some lame marvel shite.

I feel sorry for intelligent american people in general. they have to watch their society go to shit because people can't differentiate between life and fiction. ffs, all of these dumb motherfuckers live on social media and buy into everything the media tells them instead of making something out of themselves

>go to see BP
>an incel battalion is blocking the entrance

what do

>intelligent american


I thought this whole Wakanda thing was pretty stupid, which it sort of is, but when you think about it american blacks aren't even allowed to have a fictional success without tons of people come sperging out how they never achieved anything WE WUZ KANGZ shitposting etc.

It's rather due to the fact that the media is pushing the entire blackwash history bullshit. people don't like people, especially the media, changing history. why does the media have to force anything regarding black race when it comes to this movie? why not just let it be successful without pandering all the time? it's because every outlet has an agenda and right now it's cool to support black people in making them powerful. the problem is that black people are on the hype train without thinking properly and realising that they are just being used. nobody is out to help them because if the government or media was actually trying to help them, they would finance some proper educational facilities and projects instead of trying to get black people into the cinema

not gonna lie, I feel like the media is far more racist than people flat out saying "blacks are shit" because at least racists aren't deceptive assholes

>how the fuck are these people nowadays different from hitler at this point?
well gee i don't know...

how have the media changed history?


This is so bizarre. Why are people acting as if it's a big deal? It's a fucking movie.

And the white man is making this movie to look "progressive" and make some serious money, not because of genuine intentions.

Obama was a big deal once and then 8 years later we got Donald-fucking-Trump.

How can people be so thick?

As an Asian, this is all so pathetic.

That was a good deal until I saw the fine text

Damn fucking right they're gonna be triggered. And Kylo Ren here will know when they are.

Marketing scam, they saw Wonder Woman being one of the most profitable capeshits ever and they decided to try it with negroes. The thing about Disney marketing is that they go all in, as you can see in this same board

they are clearly trying to because they are covering stories like "egyptian kings were black", or some other type of "x was black/had black heritage" bullshit when historians have clearly proven that stuff wrong. the worst part about the entire story is that especially the media is what's driving the american society apart. instead of spreading the opinion that whites and blacks should work together, you see articles like "white people are shit and this is why". it's simply not healthy for a country to be exposed to headlines like that all day every day. it's just pure dividing and conquering but this us against them mentality isn't going to bring you anywhere

Saw the movie today, is that how jiggaboos actually talk irl?

>hurr Sup Forums is for le edgy buzzwords and meme
fucking newfags are coming in like plagues

lmao sad

Because yall have dozens of Asian countries with their own movie industries to watch.

Delusional nig.

Germanfag here. you can always count on Americans to be the retards of the first world nations unfortunately. it's white people that are primarily making money off of this movie but obviously, that fact is never addressed. as long as it is lucrative, Disney will feed people any type of bullshit, no matter how retarded it is

D- delete this !

>implying niggers can think

>"yeah, let's seclude ourselves even further, that'll show white people what's on"
>"yeah, let's go back to the state we were at at the beginning of the 20th century where blacks were only talking to blacks"
philosophers really weren't lying when they said history repeats itself

the people who reflexively reject/condemn pro-minority sentiment in the media are just as bad as the clickbait journalists who run those kinds of stories. history is not being rewritten, user, don't worry.

Yeah, Bollywood. That's why I find this whole thing amusing.

But if you're black, can't you see how they're just throwing peanuts at you?

You're amongst the most poverty stricken, least educated, least wealthy, lowest income and highest single-parent/divorce households yet people are going crazy over a fucking movie?

You lot have got your priorities seriously wrong. Even in Africa right now, Nigeria should be hitting 5-6% GDP growth yet it is getting rinsed by the likes of China and barely got out of a recession.

it's just escapism for black people, calm down

Maybe the movie is just really good

Sad? I find it pathetic.

I'm Indian, we've got Bollywood, an entire film industry, the biggest film industry in the world, dedicated to Indians.

Blacks get one movie, only cos' the white man wants the $$$, based on a fantasy land and they're clapping like seals when African countries are still dirt poor and aren't growing anywhere near as much as they should. You've all got your priorities seriously wrong.

How can you not see them patronising you?

I reject pro-minority sentiment and I'm a minority myself. I was literally an immigrant in the 90s who integrated perfectly, yet it's retarded to see the media portray minorities with clear patterns of criminality as objectively innocent. obviously, not everyone belonging to a minority is bad but the way they talk about there being literally no problems at all is worrying. then you have the media talking about "white movies" being bad because there only being "token negroes" while black movies are allowed to do the same thing with white people. it's a form of hypocricy rarely seen in first world nations. why does it always have to be pro minority and not pro people in general or pro solidarity? the media is out for short term profits by a single minority instead of focusing on the long run, namely the strengthening of the society as a whole

>For two hours, whiteness was not centered. I was.
I pity these retards. Am I supposed to be angry at some moron who feels like a man for the first time becaue he watched some superhero flick? It's pretty sad

>orchestral trap music

so this is afrofuturism...

>how the fuck are these people nowadays different from hitler at this point?
Hitler actually accomplished something in reality, blacks can only accomplish things in fiction.
The difference is pretty big.

The Disney kikes are shilling their nigger movie all over Sup Forums. Every other fucking thread is about this nigger shit.

especially black people should be looking for education instead of escapism. that's what's fucking with them in the first place. their own mentality is fucked beyond repair while whites, asians, and smart black people are prospering

why are shills shilling this movie 24/7 ?

This honestly. Blacks are so fucking stupid & easily placated, getting farted in the face by Dems & the entertainment industry (we wuz KANGS!), yet their entire community has been in free fall for decades.

They'd rather be lied because the lie takes all the burden & responsibility off of them. The Jews of Hollywood know this, so that's what you're seeing today. Poor dumb bastards.

What happened to BLM?

because Americans have been at the center of infantilisation facilities since the beginning of media. it's literally impossible for most dumb people to realise what's going on and others looking down on them while counting the dollar bills

if things go on like that, I can only see some form of race war starting over there

it is though

>I reject pro-minority sentiment and I'm a minority myself.
why do i care? you are literally resorting to identity politics in order to condemn identity politics.

this period of time is the swing of a pendulum. obviously there is a double standard when it comes to the media's idea of diversity representation, but that's because people feel that double standard is justified as a corrective measure. it is just fashion. it will stop.

>I wanted to yell “Colonizers!” and ask them for their tourist visas, but I could not
lmao what a pussy

I'm no big fan of black culture in the US and I do think some of their problems actually stem from their permanent victim mentality,but aren't they allowed to enjoy a simple movie?
it's really strange how people immediately jump from anything positive abot blacks to white genocide

Ayo so u b saying we should move to Wakanda?

I wasn't really only referring to the movie itself but in general (BP, music, etc)
I'm just against all these shitty headlines influencing what people think. even though I'm definitely not seeing the movie, I'm still all for other people enjoying it but without being biased because of the media

Imagine how Africa would look today if wypipo never invaded it.

Some parts of North Africa look good today, but that's because there's no negroids in North Africa.

I've been here since the L O S T days and have never seen Sup Forums melt down like this. Bravo Disney.

Why are americans and Europeans trying to segregate themselves so much?

>I'm just against all these shitty headlines influencing what people think

they only influence if you allow it to happen. normal people aren't brainwashed by this.

Call me a newfag or whatever but how do you do this? I know where the archives are but not how that links to current user posts

like shit-tier low-res cgi? nogs should be grateful

So Wakanda's an isolationist nation state with zero import/export - how the fuck are they that rich? What the fuck do all those people do in all those skyscrapers?


>take a shit in front of them
>point at it and say
I'm just curious how a bunch of these walking and talking make a sci-fi movie. Now let me pass or I'll get the mace.

>they only influence if you allow it to happen. normal people aren't brainwashed by this
you are wrong

>those mud huts on top of skyscrapers

Hahaha wtf

literally ONLY the American masses ("normal" people) are brainwashed by it while intelligent ones aren't affected by it. nowadays, it's not normal to be intelligent anymore in the US

>aren't even allowed to have a fictional success

Fake awards and recognition does not inspire betterment. This money making movie will not help black Identity in anything but the most superficial way.

>walking into theater
>some black dude is making video and yelled "WHITE POWER"
>other black dude falls for it and starts yelling at him and shouting back "BLACK POWER"
>some sort of weird african event happening shit load of blacks wearing traditional african styled clothes walk out with face paint and shit
>some guy is shooting a show of some sort and interviewing all the africans
i thought i could've just enjoyed the movie and its african elements without any politics, but it really feels like theres a lot of unnecessary politics surrounding this movie and its portrayal as some sort of "black empowerment" film

but god damn there were some beautiful black girls in that crowd though, im not a big ebony person but my eyes opened a bit more today

Agreed. They'd be more truthful and forthcoming under Hitler. You'd have been exterminated so as not to be the drain on society that you are.

fpbp as usual, the rest of this thread is just shitposting

Hahahahahahaha holy shit, americans are beyond saving

>You'd have been exterminated so as not to be the drain on society that you are.

"Soon after his birth, Joseph Goebbels nearly died of pneumonia. Although he finally recovered he did not enjoy good health. At the age of three he contacted osteomyelitis. As Ralf Georg Reuth, the author of Joseph Goebbels (1993), pointed out: "For two years his family doctor and a masseur struggled to rid his right leg of intermittent paralysis. Finally they had to tell the despairing parents that Joseph's foot was 'lamed for life,' would fail to grow properly, and would eventually develop into a clubfoot."

Please tell me more about how much you don't know jack shit about Nazis, brainlet. You just need to suck up to them, and they are fine with whatever.

Jesus christ
I wonder if this means BP the character is now going to infallible in future films as everyone would chimp out

>Comparing the minister of propaganda to the average untermensch

So, I'm guessing your disability is mental, right?


>average untermensch
>everyone I'm talking to on Sup Forums is an insignificant piece of shit like I am
You poltards are cute.


Opinion disregarded.

I'm going to pirate this movie just so I can delete it.

sometimes i wonder if you guys (the leftists here) know that in 50 years you'll be considered like those guys who wanted to keep black people in chains or didnt believe in racism in the 20's.

your firmly seated attitude about how white people are not victims of racism (though its clearer and clearer to anyone who looks that most racism in the world today is against white people; that most sexism is against men) is a scarily similar echo from how those guys in the 1920's sounded. And now theyre exposed. time exposes us all. difference being your records are on the net forever.

It doesnt take much to get the Gammons triggered does it. Its only a film snowflake, calm the fuck down.

Would Wakanda even be a thing without Vibranium? Did this movie imply that a Black Utopia would only exist if they had a fantasy metal?

>look ma, I totally proved that I'd be a great commander of the Reich