>demanding bitch who expects everyone to pull their own weight
>works at a supermarket and pops out babies despite being poor
Demanding bitch who expects everyone to pull their own weight
Yeah but if she aborted them you'd be crying about that too you big baby.
every woman on this planet
contraception existed in the 90's you dickhead
nut sack.
birth control is not christian
you know what I dont get, she gets laid all the time right? so whats her fucking problem?
No I wouldn't.
lois did nothing wrong
there's nothing wrong with angry people
She is a horrible and selfish person. She acts like she does everything for the greater good and like only she gets to decide what that is. Perfect example of that is box flattening.
>malcolm does something efficiently but his superior is dumb as fuck and insists on doing stuff his slow way
>lois punishes malcolm and makes him obey authority,no matter how wrong they are
That rule doesn't apply to her because she explodes in anger at everyone,whenever she wants.
>being coddled as a child
kys, op
there's nothing wrong with kids having to accept whatever their elders say, you fucking modern degenerate
that creates character though, much better for the kids than the alternative of being a cuck the rest of their lives
Was a teenager too loud while he was having fun with his friends near you? lol
YWN have her yelling at you while you fuck her tits.
Fucking kill me now
>Understands the importance of working to support her family and also reproducing to keep up the white birth rate
Sounds pretty based to me.
didn't she get mad at Hal for not getting a vasectomy after getting her pregnant again?
also despite being demanding, I don't think any of the kids had to work during school so they couldn't have been that poor (although malcolm works as a janitor to pay for college afterwards)
isn't taking orders blindly being a cuck?
babies are tax write offs, of course she would be popping them out. they hate francis because he is no longer applicable
Contraception was a meme pushed by the Rockefellers to decimate the native population and create a false demand for the mass immigration of unskilled labourers to lower wages.
There have been rumours about what was going on during Malcolm in the Middle. not saying bryan is a kiddy diddler, but producers probably did something that has fucked the kids up permanently.
you are not supposed to take orders blindly, you are supposed to accept the consequences when you don't though.
Nobody said that the kids were wrong in making her mad, that's part of their job too.
this is why we have to end poverty and end pro-life retards. imagine if every poor person aborted at least half their pregnancies. the world would actually be at peace, imagine braindead american christians actually aborting their schoolshooting/handicapped children instead of letting them bankrupt their society and families
that's the entire point of the show, dumbasses. Even the theme song explains it
Erik Per Sullivan recently set up an instagram account
Maybe it was lois's actress that did that. you know, touching their penises and butts while no one is around. or even fingering them or pegging them a little while she gets the chance