Normie liberals have been sharing this on social media, can you refute it?
Normie liberals have been sharing this on social media, can you refute it?
Not my race, not my problem.
normie libs caused the refugee crisis (with their votes)
mind blown
also what's up with all these slide threads?
Why don't they work on fixing their country instead of gibfinding?
Normie liberals think people are dogs and cats and things in between, so it's not surprise they think grown men are children.
I didn't say refugee kids aren't people. Fucking libshits and their strawmen.
Rapefugees aren't white
I dont, until the kid is out the vag its not a person.
but no one denied that refugee kids were people
Who actually claims that refugee children aren't people?
We just don't think it's our responsibility to help them, where pro-lifers take their stance against abortion because they believe it to be outright murder
Children being killed > Children not being helped
It looks like typical Christian behavior
Don't you have some refugee feet to lick? It isn't going to lick itself.
If you are against woman abuse, homophobia and death penalty, yet support sharia and Islam, you can stop.pretending your concerns are about caring.
Didn't know it was legal to "dispose of" 'refugee' 'kids' like they are unused fertilized eggs....
maybe they self identify as a child, like peter pan
They are human (barely), that's why Trump'd make safe zones in the ME to protect them instead of supplanting native European cultures with a suffocating inflow of foreign-origin residents.
>the person who wrote this would literally be executed by the "refugee's" for having that twitter handle
What if neither mean anything to me?
Because building stuff by themselves is a privilege of fucking white males
There pro refugee cunts are the same people who vote for Obama and Hillary who in turn are the ones who created the refugees
the good god above? i call bullshit, its the god who created this, created us
the "god" typing here seems to be nothing more than average hedonistic person who cannot see beyong their own asshole
invoking the name of God Almighty to spread your strawman argument to idiots
I'm sure this will end well for the author
Neither of them are human
Can I join your next LARP session Pekka?
Can't we all agree and just kill them all?
They're both people, but Muslims will burn in Hell for denying Jesus Christ.
Those fertilised eggs aren't being shipped with an ordnance-trained adult male with it.
you can't fuck fertilized eggs
can't do it
>refugee kids
Religion is a lot more about murdering other races than it is about giving them all your money.
Pick up the Old Testament and/or a history book some time m8.
Preserving your godly community against the perfidious infidel is a much more legitimate exercise of religion than "Muh bleeding heart 'fugees"
No one claims they're not people, but that still doesn't mean we're obligated to allow thousands of them into our countries.
even if i wanted to help refugees which i don't you get more bang for your bucks helping them locally. You can save 10 refugee kids for every 1 you import to the US and hook up to the welfare state.
Normies will praise obama and hillary the president responsible for the syrian situation.
if you think 30 year olds refugees are kids, you are mentally too young to vote
It´s like when they want more diversity in movies and videogames but they ask WHITES to do it lol
Refugees arent white, hence not people
the fertilized egg doesn't want to slit my throat and fuck my sisters.
I do. They are sub human trash.
corporations are people my friend
nobody cared that coward hypocrite cuckold until you posted it here.
Hello thegoodgodabove.
>Implying I don't think they're people
>Implying I want to go killing either unborn children or refugees
>Implying it's legal to kill refugees
>one is killing an unborn baby
>the other is destroying your country, when you could easily choose to stay un involved, and we wouldn't be responsible
You think fertilized eggs are not people and kill them when we recognize they are and you are killing vagina refugees. Stop pretending you have any moral high ground, murders
that whole account is basically just pic related
what is it with these faggy millenial atheists trying to use their minimal knowledge of theology to virtue signal on social media?
When did anyone say that they aren't people? I just don't want my nation to be torn apart
>implying my children aren't more important than random shitskins in another country
Why do people do this?
>If you don't agree with statement that you don't agree with, then you can't agree with statement that is a caricature of your opinion
>Checkmate, political opponent that i'm not interested in debating with.
jesus was a fucking cuck who "turned the other cheek" so jamal could fuck him in the ass every night. Even his father was a goddamn cuck who raised a child who wasn't his own. Christianity is a whole cuck religion based around glorifying cuckoldry. it's sick, perverted and homosexual to the highest degree.
>thinking refugees are people
can't get much more cucked than this...
> refugee 'kids'
You mean all those able males?
I love libtard atheist accounts.
They are people... that have to go back because they are illegal here.
My concerns are not religious, they'e moral.
Refugee "kids" are not kids.
>refugee kids
The 25 year old ones with beards?
My concerns aren't religious
>can you refute it?
Yeah, because 'refugees aren't human' is a strawman, and no church is saying that.
You can wreck normalshit moralfags and gay-enablers absolutely with one simple trick. You just go full atheist and gas both the unborn nigs an the refugees. Problesm solved.
>minimal knowledge of theology
I've read the new testament and jeebus would've accepted the subhumans right away. Also, a ""christian"" millionare/billionare is an oxymoron. At least stick to your beliefs firmly, faggots. Biblebelter hicks get rekt by this truth daily.
Babies don't rape people.
islam is the ultimate redpill desu, christcucks plz kys
It's a good thing that I am not religious, then. Also I'm pro-choice. Now what?
The message of Jesus can be summed up as "Be a complete and utter pussy."
>muh atheists
Sorry to burst your bubble but being altruistic towards refugees, among other things, is a christian value. It's not called the religion of cuckoldry for no reason.
You've been memeing "deus vult xDD" too much on Sup Forums and apparently convinced yourself that anonymous shitposters are reflective of the real world.
Well they sure have the temperament of children.
>waa gibs me dat
"rape" is a completely false and made up crime used by kikes and feminists to unfairly persecute men. if you think women can be raped you belong over at tumblr.
I agree completely. Neither should qualify as people.
But I'm for post-birth abortion options when it comes to shitskins.
>an incredibly driven gang
Well he was right in that regard. The rest is normal political bullshit.
>MFW this is actually not a rare case but the norm.
>MFW women are designed to work like this
Easy, abortion is a crime against God, where a human being chooses to go(and take there children) is a human concern.
It's false equivalence logical fallacy.
t. virgin
who pretends refugees aren't people? they just will rape your ass, fertilized eggs won't
What if I think neither are human?
>normie liberal
>is an edgy atheist, yet wants to teach me my religion by posting half-assed blasphemy tweets
Non-citizen children mind you. Ill help naturalized citizens all day
Let the refugee kids come.
It's a better life for them to be brought over here to be brainwashed by us then to let the be brainwashed over there.
I would be 100% ok if all the refugees were children under the age of 10 and knew nothing of their terrible religion.
>he's not a feminist must be a virgin
not gonna correct this record, shill.
Now, I'm not inherently against abortions considering how much better and realistic option it is compared to completely banning it. It's just that the supposed refugee "kids" turn out to be 25+ adults for most of the time. There was this recent age test among underage refugees in Finland and the results showed that about 70% of the supposed "underaged refugees" were adults
I'm not inherently against taking in refugees either. It's just that the officials and some political parties are constantly fucking us up in the ass by lying about the refugees and their crimes etc. It's fucking bullshit.
Well yes my concerns aren't religious, I don't want low IQ mudshits flooding into my country.
Plus I believe Abortion should be legal, if it wasn't their would be a lot more dindus running around.
"Consent" is a kike scam.
A fertilized egg can have the ability to read in its lifetime
Btw, I'm pro abortion up to the date the fetus has its own nervous system formed, or at any time if the woman's life is in danger
My concerns aren't religious.
They're centered around my belief of a woman's right to choose. Something these shit skins religiously believe women are not entitled to.
Grown lobs are still children.
No-one says refugees aren't people. We say they're bad people who we don't want raping us. Foetuses haven't done anything wrong.
>implying that rape = whatever bullshit feminists don't like
You misunderstood me. Rape (meaning sexual assault) does exist. The other made-up bullshit? Naah.
I've never had consensual sex in my life. If a woman consents that means you are a cuck and she just wants you to raise her nigger babies.
>Muh refugees are children
So sick of this, they are mostly Adults
Britain got a rude awakening recently when Men with beards were claiming to be 14 are rocking up in London, fucking told you so
how can you sexually assault someone who wants it? women are whores, it's their natural state of being. They all want cock all the time, if you can't see that you're a feminist cuck.
It's irrefutable. If you weren't a normie with female logic you would understand that.
white people are our people. Fetus white people are our potential white people. No libtard is going to murder my people. Refugee people are also people but not my people. I will not help other people above my people.
go correct someone elses record, libtard. Are you mad that I have women figured out and you don't? maybe you're just mad that you live in a shed and raise nigger babies lmao.
Wouldn't Jesus help refugees escaping from war?
I though America was a christian nation. Meanwhile, is mostly atheist countries in europe the ones that help the most. I am dissapointed.
>Matthew 25:35-40
>Luke 3:11
>Romans 12:13
Now spread dat ass kraut. Should've stayed with the meme paganism. At least it didn't cuck you to death.
>how can you sexually assault someone who wants it?
So you're ok with nigs giving you some thug luvin to the rear (as in destroyed rectum).
OR a woman tying you down, becoming pregnant by you and suing you for everything you have
Or a decease-ridden, HIV-positive faggot fucking you.
Raising nigger babies? You have no idea of how things are going over here. Literally all of the women I know hate niggers. Or, at the very least, would never touch one.
I don't think fertilized eggs are people. But I also don't view them as nothing or "just" cells.
As for refugee kids not being people, I don't think that either. They are people. The problem is the majority of these refugees aren't kids, and actually a lot of them are adult men that are posing as children, and then come and take advantage of the charity of countries and then shitting them up in return. There are ways to help another country in need without letting them flood into yours and allowing them to ruin it.
why would I want any of that? just because you're a nigger-loving faggot doesn't mean we here in america (land of the whites) are.
yeah sure, everyone knows foreigners are cucks.
Just like you assume that women want to be raped, they'll assume you want to be raped, since they don't need your consent at all. Simple as that.