

already watched it 5 times, 3 times on cam

Bit late faggot

already saw the web-dl

Thanks for the heads up

Most over rated movie of 2017

>making thor into a the biggest quipper now and banner a bumbling autist

wow so enjoyable lmao XD

It's a solid comedy

The ending was really underwhelming and pretty much every act was underwhelming.

You should kill yourself OP. really, do it faggot


The sudden change in his personality was so jarring.

literally the worst of all MCU movies. as a fan of Phase 1, I cannot understand why anyone would consider this one to be better than even Thor 2. Thor 1 shits on Ragnarok for not treating its audience like a bunch of retarded kids. I found both GotG movies to be silly but those didn't have a serious story to begin with and were nowhere near as stupid as Ragnarok. Also, naming a movie Ragnarok and making it a comedy is disgusting, especially since none of the previously seen characters were behaving like they did before. Especially Loki was a victim of that shit
>be stoic guy with issues and deep hatred in first movie
>be a silly jokemaster in third movie
way to go

This cultural appropiation has to stop

Should I watch this?

Is this another cringequipkino like every other Marvel shite?

>I will destroy Asgard
>uhh wait a minute.. I'm spinning here xD
top notch

if you don't like cringefests, definitely don't watch this one. I gave it a chance and it's atrocious. literally counted how many serious scenes there were and there were only two of them, both with Heimdall which is weird as fuck. everything else is filled with humour and stupid quips that don't even correspond with the situation at hand

Pretty much. It's basically Guardians of the Galaxy in terms of it's feel.

That's not the best part but pretty much everything with Goldblum and the rock guy was at least chuckle worthy

>hey luke, remember the Valkyrie who was trading slaves, hunting people and selling people to a psychopath that kills them in horrible ways or feeds them to hulk
>she was a good friend

Worst film I've ever seen
