*blocks your throne*

*blocks your throne*

that tiny bitchboi can't block shit

he's a bigger guy than daenerys


*fucks your aunt*


Just walk over, at best he will bash his head at your knee

The Last Kneebender

why did the north even accept him as king
he's not a stark
why didn't they choose sansa


He is a man, has support from Stannis, the wall, experience in fighting and leading men into battle

She was raped and changed her cloths

Is there any hope for /got/ threads to be active again on Sup Forums without some mods deleting them? If not, then I can finally leave Sup Forums behind for a time being.
If yes, then when will /got/ be active again? I really miss those threads where we can discuss and shitpost at the same time.

I really miss /got/ and everyone in it.

WHAT?! NO /GOT/?! No /got/ threads or generals anymore?! Fuck this! FUCK THIS! Man fuck it. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it and fuck it! FUCK IT! FUCK THIS SHIT!

Maaaan fuck this shit;
Fuck Sup Forums
Fuck Sup Forums
Fuck moot
Fuck the faggot mods
Fuck Reddit
Fuck Drumpf
Fuck you all

I’m out and never going back to this cancerous edgy shithole who loves Blacked threads, Baneposting, waifu, pedos, repeating the same memes thread cancer shit.

What the fucking fuck happend to /got/ threads/generals?

*Doesn't finish his series*

Too much shit posting. GOT generals have been been during the off season for a few years now.


but he is a stark

No he’s a Targ

that's utter bollocks and you know it
the average /got/ thread was about 80% serious discussion. sure, it usually opened with a few shitposts like "first for X" and had a few reddit posts interspersed within the discussion, but the "too much shitposting" thing is just utter shite.
and now you have cancerous tumors like reylo general popping up, which is even worse than shitposting, as it's pretty much entirely composed of tumblr fanart.
Additionally, dr who is off-season, yet /who/ is still allowed to proceed with all of its cancer.
What gives?

but officially he is a Eddard Stark son.

Now yes but when they were banned the threads were 99% shit posting. It was bad enough that people that actually wanted a real thread had to go make their own only to have the shit posting moving over too. you ended up with half the board being GOT generals and all full of shit posting

No he’s offically a Targ only most don’t know it. Either way it’s still not a Stark because most think he’s just Neds bastard.


>half the board being generals full of shitposting
that's not specific to game of thrones. whenever there's a big series finale, or a star wars or capeshit movie, more than half of the entire board is filled with cancer pertaining to whatever's trendy. Ignoring that general trend and placing punishment on one specific instance is downright retarded.

If it turns out I slogged through Feast for Crows for no fucking reason, i'm going to defile this fucker's grave.

Yes but it always dies down. With GOT it was all year long so the threads were banned during the off season

you know what makes me laugh the most?
bookfags having to labor through the daenerys storyline in the books. In the show, it is the most annoying, inconsequential, slow and messy storyline, so i can only imagine what it's like in the books.
But there's more: while the showfags get to finally see daenerys get to westeros and do shit that actually matters to the story (fight cersei, fuck her nephew, etc), the bookfags will never get to see her do any of these things.
Sorry user, this is just too funny

>be 70 year old obese man
I've got all the time in the world to finish two books right? right?

The costume design sure turned to shit


My hope is that, in the books, she dies in relative obscurity before ever making the trip to westeros. Tyrion will bring that army back and fuck Cersei's shit.

my dude, i'm sorry to break it to you, but the entire point of asoiaf is to have her basically fuck jon snow and maybe have his babies. What you thought to be a deconstructionist take on fantasy is actually nothing but classical lotr-style fantasy after all.

You're saying gurm will continue to subvert expectations by suddenly deciding not to subvert expectations? I don't think my wojak brain can deal with that.


>We've got to tell Jon
>No we need to wait till after he gets his dick wet
Bran is the best wing man

Nearly all thread/general have people shitposting too much! So Why did the mods decided to ban /got/?

I want /got/ back! Let us have one /got/ general with back to back threads! Why the fucking fuck are SW, Blacked, reylo, Dr who, ST and shit threads allowed? Why do mods hate /got/ so much?!

george r. r. martin is as full of shit as he is full of mayonnaise.
the whole "subverting expectations" thing is fucking drivel. The show or the books would have never gained so much mainstream traction if it were not for the consistent rooting of its themes and concepts in classical fantastical themes and concepts. GRRM couldn't escape tolkien's creative influence if he turned the speed dial to 10 on his mobility scooter. There's just no way. And while the old man sits there and tells you the oldest stories ever told (hero's journey, etc), he presents it with a veneer of "edginess" and "subversion" that is claimed to be fundamental and paramount to his entire conceptualisation. And the normies eat it up like the cool new shiny thing that it is while boasting to everyone around them how deep their understanding is of a purportedly incredibly complex and non-traditional show, while in reality it is just the classical western fairy tale about heroes that defeat monsters in one form or another. Don't get me wrong, i think GRRM does a fine job of narrating this fairy tale, but don't make the mistake of thinking that game of thrones subverts anything about the fantasy genre beyond the most superficial layers. When you peel those layers back, you realise that the concepts and themes are very much conventional and inherent to most epic works of western fantasy fiction since Tolkien.

i miss these

Fuck mods seriously this thread is pure discussion. I miss my comfy /got/ bros

*ruins your life*

Most unlikeable dull, bland main character evr

>literally mfw my sister pops out a targ baby into my arms and asks me to protect him at the expense of my honor and my relationships with everyone

How will King Jon and Queen Daenerys handle religion under their rule? She's a fire god worshipper, he's an Old Gods worshipper, and they want to rule over a place where 6/7 of the territories are New Gods worshippers.

How do they consolidate all of these people?

I think you're digging too deep into it. The fact of the matter is he enjoys introducing likeable themes and characters only to destroy them in the most horrifying way possible moments later. He's a sick fuck projecting his twisted fantasies on paper. I don't think even the show runners understand how deep it goes with him. Half the reason I can tolerate these books is because on some level i'm as twisted and depraved as gurm himself.

In the books it's better, things are more developed AND most of all Dany isn't an annoying bitch, or at least not as much. She's rarely in control of the situation, exactly how you'd expect an amateur princess to fare. She gets swayed by everyone around her constantly, while the show always does the reverse like with the mercenary guy that becomes a quirky fuckboy instead of the mesmerizing macho man that Daenerys can't control

Us bookfags will never have to deal with shit like "all meh must die... but we're no men xD"

You can think about it this way, but then i invite you to consider the following: so far, what you've described (introducting likeable characters and then permanently killing them off) has only happened to characters that are entirely unimportant to the main plot of the story (jon/dany). As far as i can see, building up fanbait characters that are utterly expendable and then expending them is a cheap trick used to attract redditor filth that thrive on cheap movie thrills with no actual substance. This is a huge reason why reddit loves GoT. Le epic plot twists. What actually happens is old man kills a completely unnecessary character, and then presents it as the greatest plot twist in history, when it actually is, well, a death of an unnecessary character that no sane person would even shrug over. Just a thought.
true, she is a bitch in the show, but in s7, especially in the later parts, Dany is downright adorable with Jon
what the hell happened?

Book Daenerys actually does a decent job as a ruler, the problem is that everything falls apart because she doesn't have the stomach for it like Tywin. She tries to be harsh and murderous and gentle at the same time which results in half-measures.

That was the whole point of Mereen and what the fat man was trying to get at and why he couldn't end it. But by ADWD Dany chapter 10, it should be pretty clear she's going to either leave and go to Westeros or come back and completely decimate everything and raze it to the ground, Carthage style.

She's the anti-villain of the story.

better question is: how will they get marries if they are of two different faiths?

What happened was the character was strengthened by a foil (Jon) who got her to see herself in a new light and removed some of her worse attributes.

You responded to slightly better writing.

Show: no one will care
Books: UnJon will be an Old Gods/R'hllor syncretist, and Dany will forcibly convert Westeros to R'hllorism and purge the Faith/High Sparrow like her ancestor Maekar once Cersei is dealt with.

You mean *fucks his aunt*

i thought the writing of their interaction and eventual romance was way better executed than any other romance on the entire show. Their dynamic, how their interaction changed Dany and really took her down a notch, something just clicked.

dany is not a fire god worshipper though. where does that come from?

Not user, but how can a character be unnecessary just because they die? You can't look 100% at the end of a story, count the characters left and assign a binary "worth" to those who survived - Ned Stark may have died early in the overall arc, but his worth was far from useless as he basically set in motion the civil war. I can understand not liking Asoiaf/Got because of the hyper dick sucking that Reddit always attracts, but GRRM does have a good knack for making characters interesting and having a plot that is reasonably interesting and coherent (books 4 & 5 less so of course), and not just because "le epic twist" (most "twists" are just unfortunate outcomes that are foreseeable but happen to characters people like, etc)

if a writer consciously kills off a character, then that character is by definition unnecessary to the endgame. they are not needed at the point of the ending. sure, characters dynamically work and interact in a dynamic environment, and can be interesting, of course, but when I said "unnecessary" I was referring to the absolute requirement of those characters to be present for the end of the story. And indeed, those who survive to the end are the important ones.

>characters died in earlier seasons that committed less than half as many fuckups as this faggot
fuck you jon snow

#MeToo, fuck the mods. I miss /got/ so much and every poster in it. I want /got/ back!!


She already has shades of it because of the locals she has amalgamated into her cult of personality, and the show and books seem to be heading in that arc.

so how long is that boat trip?
and how many times did she get nephew'd?

please explain how littlefinger, tywin and eddard are unnecessary characters

for the second time, when I said unnecessary, i didn't mean immediately useless, but rather not central to the closing of the story.

Lords of Plebs

We talking book or show time because one is months of pure ecstasy and the other they only had time for a quickie.

books, of course.
also because of detailed descriptions of their incestuous intercourse

What was his tax policy?

Fuck you Jaime chapters were absolutely kino and we get to see Brienne fucking get what she deserves instead of the bullshit they did on the show. Don't shit on A Feast For Crows like this.

Let Littlefinger take care of it and it ended in disaster, which is what Gurmy was trying to say.

Problem is that shit only took him so far. He still had a story to tell to eventually the while “anyone can die” bs breaks down. It never worked for shit anyway since the characters with plot armour were always very obvious

Because got was particularly toxic at the time

Every time I say the best chapters in AFFC were Brienne chapters and they were beautifully plotted and written, I get called all sorts of nasty names and a contrarian. They were like an old Western, and would've been kino if in the show.

But fuck it, I believe it.

post his ass

So is every thread (and board) in Sup Forums, so again...What’s the problem?

rewatching game of thrones, on season two at the moment.

does Sup Forums like the first few seasons? i find them comfy as fuck, good script? scenes etc. flows well. dothraki scenes are shit but the rest is good.

whats the general consensues of when it got shit?

>tfw no Jeyne Heddle gf

whats with fags and their egos and muh word is muh bond.

just bend ur knee and then fuck em over when theyve helped kill your enemies.why the fuck in a medievil like era would anyone have consciences.

Each season is worse than the previous one. Season 3 was the last good one, Season 4 was the last watchable one.

can someone tell me how an auntie can be the same age as their nephew

Because the Targaryen children were some years apart; Rhaegar died when he was early 20/late teens, as Dany was born. And Rhaella (their mother) died young.

Rhaegar was born in 259. He was already a father of three by the time Dany was born. It's not exactly complicated.

The Targ kids are really far apart in ages due to numerous miscarriages, stillbirths and crib deaths between them. This isn't accurate, but let's say that Rhaella was 16 when she had Rhaegar, 26 when she had Viserys, and 36 when she had Dany. It's really not that crazy of a possibility.

They moved to r/freefolk

I checked that place out once. Ended up in a wheelchair from cringing so hard.

I'm older than one of my uncles. It's just timing.

Is AFFC unjustly criticised when it's actually the best book in the series? Consider:

>Removes Dany
>Removes Tyrion (who at this point is an insufferable asshole)
>Removes Jon
>Great Jaime chapters
>Brienne's death

This is all that was necessary to fix the show. You all saw what focusing too much on fanfiction tier characters like Dany when not even GRRM knows what the fuck to do with her has brought us.

>Brienne's death
user, I



>black robe with chain
Yeah epic costume there. Her exiled beggar king of a brother was more decked out than her

It was always shit. But yeah, everyone wearing black now makes the whole thing even less visually interesting.

Because he was the one fighting on the front lines. Also Sansa has a vagina

Careful Ned...Careful..

Their fucking casting was shit. Rhaegar was literally so fucking hot, Cersei would've dropped Jaime like a sack of potatoes. Instead we got this.

He fucked up the battle pretty bad. He doesn't deserve the title. And neither does Sansa for withholding vital information. They both killed thousands of their own guys with their incompetence/malice.

To be fair, finding an actor hotter than NCW is next to impossible. Even for a non speaking role.

“Jon Snow avenged the Red Wedding!”

He’s a kind, temperate, philosopher king archtype who, in the world of the show, has:

Been Lord Commander and brought peace between the wall and wildlings

Defeated Ramsay Bolton (admittedly with help) by being on the front lines and charging in and killing many people and beating Ramsey near to death

Has been proven to have honor, loyalty, and a strong sense of family. Was chosen personally by Stannis and Mance as someone worthy

Also hes a bastard and an underdog and has done all this shit. People love the under dog.

Thank you for not deleting this, mods.

True. The writers fucked up the battle of the bastards by making Jon act like a retard and having a deus ex machina at the last minute. But anyways since Jon left winterfell he has been fighting battles and commanding men, Sansa on the other had has been a political pawn. Jon was more qualified.