Post reactions on Nov 8 when you see this
Post reactions on Nov 8 when you see this
That would be amazing but I think Ohio, Georgia, Iowa and 50% likely Texas will go Trump.
Everything else is accurate though.
I know right
all these trumpfags BTFO
will be amazing to see the salt on pol
Texas will secede from Texas if they go blue.
>I have no actual political opinions other than wanting things to happen so I can shit post
This is why no one likes you Ausfag.
I'll get back to you on November 8th Australian, but I already voted Trump.
>mfw glad utah stayed red
I am an anarchist
trump and hillary are the same puppets but its funny watching ameriburgers salt
Enjoy ur 4 years of hillary
Enjoy your eternity of being called a shitposter.
Enjoy your enternity of being cucked by hillary yank
dw by 2024 you will be 50% white and no more republicans!
then they can bring out the full cultural marxism
austrailia is so useless as a country but they will still be America's bitch nonetheless. I have no idea why you are so cocky for. Just another shitpost.
Don't be too hard on Australia now. They won't be able to defend themselves in ww3 and will end up a Chinese colony. They're just enjoying what little time they have left.
Florida should be red
that's what trump supporters have been doing for months.
by the way why are you replying to yourself?
Not responding to the same person, but he is a fag.
Oh really, you're gonna be on the streets killing people now. Really... Cant wait till you get your brains blown out drama fag
I've been on this board for four fucking retarded years and I never saw one positive thing said about Hillary Clinton up until a few weeks ago when it became contrarian shitposting to do so.
I just want this election to be over and Trump to win so you'll have nothing to make fucking retarded bait threads over.
Supporting Hillary is Sup Forums's version of Sup Forums's support of Iron Man 3.
>Oh man I loved this movie because I knew it would piss off Sup Forums so much!
Hi Drumpfshill.
lol, Hillary will win, but not by that margin
more like 340-ish for her
As much as Texas is a swing state this election, I think Trump will still end up winning it. Even without Texas, it'll still be a landslide.
I told you Texas was a Democrat brown state.
>Tx and nc blue
>Alaska red
Whatve you been smoking cause i could use a bit of it these days
More accurate
its gonna be 88 all over again, screencap this
I doubt many people will be going out just to vote for that uncharismatic witch.
Not that I want Trump to lose (would be jokes if he did win), but I seriously want Sup Forums purged of the degenerate alt right stormfags after the election.
It will look like this. After all the fraud.
This is why you stay in the British Empire mate.
And China would never invade us, they just come here freely as it is.
How did i end up in the alternate universe????
Trump will win
>blue texas
When will this meme die?
Benjaman Fischbein