ITT: Unsettling scenes
ITT: Unsettling scenes
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you mean unintentionally funny scenes?
I Am Legend was shit. Absolute shit. Director Francis Lawrence (Constantine) could have made it an extraordinarily-unsettling experience by having actors in makeup play the beings - instead, he used terrible CGI and not even Mike Patton's magnificent voicework saved it from being yet another generic "apocalypse" shitfest.
Wrong. I am Legend (with the original ending intact) is kino.
>he tolerates shit CGI
I don't remember her ass being that big.
I know what your mum tolerates - big black cock
>teleports beind you
Nothing personnel, kid.
Why do you faggots always post this stupid webm?
There's no way that braapper is real
Because it's funny as fuck
what's this from?
>this is considered one of the best tv shows ever made
what a worthless medium
It is
Why? You do realise the purpose is not to make them look like they're facing each other right? You can't possibly be that retarded?
they didn't have fake asses back then user. that gaggle of armenian whores invented them
Those proportions don't look right.
This fucking scene right here.
I unironically love the movie but everytime I see it I laugh because of this stupid board. Anyone who isnt retarded knows its meant to show them standing side by side you absolute autist
christ almighty
This and everything after made me so sad
More of Trinity's ass please
I think this should've been the final scene, and have his life afterwards shown throughout the movie in snippets.
The Thing 2011
I'm pretty sure 90% of people who post it don't know that.
The only scary part in the movie.
made my cock hard
>The ending of The Vanishing (Spoorloos)
>The ending of Fail-Safe
>Zodiac lake killing scene
>The balcony scene in The Conversation
>Wake in Fright kangaroo hunting scene
>The entirety of Threads
>The entirety of The Hunt
>almost anything by David Lynch
What the fuck happened to m nighty shamalamamam
>he doesn't know how to use the three seashells
Always loved this scene.
Shows you how messed up Smith's character is.
But his reaction isnt that crazy when you think about it, since someone would have to have been watching him for awhile and be capable enough to steal the dummy from the shop, use it as bait and set up the same snare Smith used earlier. Plus theres no way of knowing if an infected did it or a immune human did.
All crashes together nicely.
Ending of Fail-Safe makes me want to stand up and salute the screen with manly tears. A bunch of good damn hero's driven by duty and honor to sacrifice everything to save the human race.
Non-whites and women will never understand.
>in your shoe
>under the bed
Memes aside, is there a bigger butterface than Jamie Lee Curtis?
looked this up and the description sounds cool. is it good?
The way the voice says "chapstick" made my ex-gf physically shudder. That scene is awesome, but the whole movie is pretty creepy.
Henry Fonda in Fail-Safe is the best on-screen american president in cinema history, period.
No one even comes close.
What movie?
Enjoyed the atmosphere of the movie. Like how they kept the Mothman unseen and only a presence. Very underrated desu.
Right click on the picture and google image search it
Holy shit. End yourself, you untermensch. This movie was an utter piece of garbage. Jesus fucking Christ Sup Forums get your shit together
>countdown to my 600lb life
>it's already on
why is this chick(?) so popular in america and why do you fags keep posting her(?) in every threads?
Aliens have always put me on edge and I 've seen Signs like 4 times.
Last time I watched it was on a BBC1 stream. I hadn't seen it in years, last time I had was when I didnt have glasses. It was late, no lights on and I was leaning forward on my desk, face close to the screen.
It was that scene where Mel Gib gets woken up by his daughter complaining about monsters outside her room.
You get some great dialogue while he puts her back to bed, then Mel glances at the window. . . "AAAHHHH!" - Me IRL.
All the times I had seen this movie my vision wasn't good enough to notice the alien on the roof. My face was like 6 inches from my screen. Nearly shit my fucking pants.
Come back M. Night, come back.
Are you faggots even trying?
I actually enjoyed parts of the remake more than the original. Acting in the original was better but the new one's script changes were an improvement plus it has Harvey Keitel being awesome.
fucking KINO. Shame no one has seen it
yup, one of my favorites
it's a tv sow about a tranny on the TLC channel, literally the only people who watch this shit are middle aged women obsessed with gossip, and Sup Forums who are essentially middle aged women in taste
>closeup of toy gun
>cgi muzzleflash
how hard is it to just cut to a tree showing birds fly away to a gunshot noise and then cut back to the getaway car that reveals the body as it moves out of the shot?
why? he was an asshole. i was sad for the kid because he was being manipulated (by everyone) into doing something horrifying that would only bring him suffering but on the other hand he was a legit retard who was ultimately responsible for his own predicament. mediocre movie imo. didn't really work for me
Is this Sopranos or Wire?
Agreed my friend. It feels good to be part of the top 10% of intellectuals on this board
Please never become a director user.
That's pure hackery.
good lord
I watch this movie no context after my mom rented it from Blockbuster, this part was legitimately spooky as fuck.
This is even more ridiculous, making a cut to close up of a toy gun and adding in a CG muzzeflash, why didn’t they just keep the shot on the medium of the actor without cutting, that way the fucking toy gun and the CG would be less ridiculous
user stop being this bitter. girls don't like that.
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
His finger on the trigger is the best part, like something out of s comedy skit.
No recoil also, must be a strong controlled operator
Fuck off. Stop spoonfeeding idiots.
what are you talking about
From my many experiences pausing at exactly that moment I can inform you all that this is a shop.
>Watch a 90's Jeff Daniels movie
>Get a David Lynch vibe
Jesus Christ, take the fucking stick out your ass
kek she(he) looks like Homer Simpson in the fat guy dress.
Honestly with longer hair she isn’t bad. But for some reason she had the new mom haircut for a long time.
I'mma heah fuh da masonuh's job
"Hop on."
>t. Pleb
you're kidding right
>>t. Pleb
>salivates over dreary neo-quasi-westerns with shallow characterizations and meme cinematography
watch more old movies user. it's never been easier to do than it is now (for free if you want,) and there is so much good stuff out there
>shallow characterizations
How? Literally how?
>meme cinematography
Oh so you actually have no arguments, got it