Why are muslims so inconsiderate with western culture?
How do we get them to assimilate?
Why are muslims so inconsiderate with western culture?
How do we get them to assimilate?
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Thay guy is Indian you retard.
>believing Muslims can assimilate into any western society
Slide thread
Why do you feel the need to make these same threads every day? Are you a butthurt mudslime?
That wehrmacht is out of regs, fag.
Jesus Christ I want to murder you. Sikhs are not the same as Muslims. Fighting for America makes them "considerate" with American culture. Btw are you retarded? Wtf does "inconsiderate with western culture" even mean? Kys please and thank you
It means assimilate to the culture and society that is giving you handouts, welfare queen.
why can't you get assimilate your nigger? they're more americans than any other immigrant yet it's like they belong to another colture. answer: you can't assimilate who don't want to assimilate.
So are you going to acknowledge that you're picture is of a Sikh, or are you just trolling?
waffen ss
No one wants to see their ass twice a day.
Wow, that's a Sikh.
Why is American education so shit???
Why would I want to acknowledge paki camel fucker?
They need to dress up like everyone else in the military.
>How do we get them to assimilate?
The only solution is to take a very small number of them to force them to be around white people. If niggers stay with niggers they'll be niggers
integration is a myth.
it's not really a thing.
think of jews. they have lived like 2000 years with whites and they still conspire against them.
same thing with gypsies. they have lived like 1000 years in europe and they still resort to begging and stealing and don't have jobs.
why is that muzzie wearing a US uniform?
Are you the same guy from yesterday who was pretending not to know that the dude in his image was a Sikh and got like 200 triggered replies?
what are you even talking about kraut?
Probably trying to infiltrate base to blow it up.
thats a sikh you fuckwit they are grreat fucking loyal warriors and some of the best non serbian kebab removers. theyve killed muslims for thousands of years you idiot.
Sihks are sick
Exactly the same slide thread with a picture of a Sikh as last time.
Fuck muslims
Sikh not a muslim! How many Americans does it take to show cultural and social ignorance? Apparently just one who represents a population of self righteous stupidity.
You're a perfect example of why so many immigrants see no incentive to assimilating and your mindset will kill America if it's popularized. That guy in your first pic has completely adopted American ideals to the point that he's willing to die to uphold them and you're not only completely disregarding this due to a piece of fucking headwear but you're confusing him with Muslims, a group of people who he's been raised to fucking loathe. Stay classy, you ignorant fuck.
>How do we get them to assimilate?
You dont. Assimilation is not possible and it's wrong. A truly strong efficient state should be more like a patchwork of different opinions, races and cultures, not a crucible.
Every new generation of immigrants have had issues assimilating and every time there has been us natives calling them out and hating on them.
Should this change?
No, We help create a social pressure to force their assimilation.
Do the libtards want to change this?
Yes, they are stupid to think large groups just simply assimilate through the magic of "diversity".
We must always be critical of immigrants and we must take steps to insure that they assimilate to our culture and not the other way around.
To me while I am afraid of the death of the white race I believe that if we can assure the assimilation of other races into our western culture then we will be ok.
I honestly believe all these "t-they're bro tier!" comments are from the same person.
He is baiting my child
Implying indians can't be muslim. That being said. He is a sihk. Well, thats my guess.
You know this niggas is Sikh, brotier
Because they are just here for free shit.
> Assimilation is not possible and it's wrong. A truly strong efficient state should be more like a patchwork of different opinions, races and cultures, not a crucible.
The state should not work to create the Crucible.
The state should work to create the flames of culture that heat the crucible.
The government should endeavor to reshape culture so that all others must bask in the glow of our civilization. In this way all others conform to us by trying to emulate us.
This is why we must MAGA. To once again shine like a giant beacon, spreading american ideals across the world.
Why do you want them to assimilate? Why not just get them to leave. Assimilation is globalization. One culture.
>He actually believes this
>the Crucible.
You dont get it. The Crucible is destructive and dangerous. The crucible entails shit like racemixing, a patchwork doesnt
Ah. The burger retard baiting for replies again.
oh you two
There is literally nothing wrong with the Sikh in your picture. He's wearing a turban but doing so in a way that's patriotic to his country and well within his dress code for the military.
Who cares, they all need to leave.
Do sihks have to shave their beards if they are deployed and issued with gas masks?
>they don't want to assimilate to western culture
>they like their own culture
>they have zero reason to even attempt to assimilate
>western governments make no attempt to try to assimilate them
would you change if no one asked you to change?
Muslims are so sadistic stone you just for masterbaiting.
Thats why need to assimilate.
And thats why we need to them out if they can't handle it.
By being as inconsiderate or even more with them.
This. Although I wish all soldiers were allowed to have beards.
is that captain khan?
Its a disgrace to uniform. I mean why even call it a uniform after that shit.
it's fucking costume.
Muslims need to learn to live with western culture.
That's a Sikh you goontarded fuckstick.
1. Sikh's are not Muslim.
2. Pic related.
>beard deployed == beard doing a desk job in DC and bowing to allah three times a day.
>western culture.
Because he's wearing an obvious special snowflake turban.
most immigrants assimilate by the second generation, all immigrants assimilate by the third generation
The don't bitch about facial hair in the military
>t. I just passed basic
>I was very proud of how my room inspection went today
>other people in the military think I'm a dipshit
Nobody worth their salt in the military gives a flying fuck about needing to have everyone at a single standard. Its what we use to indoc troops you dipshit, after the little kid games are over you learn that the military is a job.
>living in the 19th century.
Leave the tequila alone, pablo.
>caring about military structure in general.
Because they don't believe in a "Melting Pot". In fact, their goal is to poison it.
I still think camo turbans are heckin' rad
like most animals, you beat them because they only understand fear and pain.
Yeah, I forgot that
>It's 2016
>posts a sikh cunt
>an indian religion that is dedicated to the removal of kebab
needs more poo in loos desu
Baiting this hard
That guy is Sikh. Their entire religion is based around defending themselves from islam, and a lot of their prophets were brutally murdered by Muslims.
More femminist cuck regulations. Up until only recently in history everyone in the military had a beard.
>sikhs are bro tier xD
>gas all shitskins!!
>not knowing why being clean shaven was made standard
>not being in the military but thinking your opinion on military doctrine carries weight
I don't know why American posters don't get called out for how shit quality their posts and opinions are. They have opinions on everything, and knowledge/wisdom about nothing
you could learn a few things from the japs canacuck
Why hate Sikhs? They stand against everything degenerate. They sure as hell kill the shit out of gays and Muslims if it was allowed.
Fuck you, I know that guy and he's a bro.
That's a Sikh. Are you a master troll, or just stupid?
I don't want assimilation I want them to get out
because its an invasive species you moron invited in to destroy fiat currency and reign hell on the indigenous people
It's a voluntary force, yet it's ran by the government, therefore it must follow and abide by the constitution. I disagree with beards cause its unprofessional, but some can say the same about tattoos. but a beard has a operational issue. Hygiene, gas mask seals, ect. For thisreason, he should shave or not be in a deployable unit. HE would be putting himself at risk, as well as the peopleasure who try to NAAK his dumb ass when he gets gassesd.
We have freedom of religion in this country. If the man wants to serve his country to defend that freedom I think it's reasonable that he can put on the damn uniform in this way.
If you don't want freedom of religion perhaps you should leave and go to a place that forces you to assimilate.
>paki camel fucker
>Sihk are known to btfo mudslimes
This is just a CTR cunt trying to fit in
Stfu CTR stop baiting the more gullible into misinfo and ignorance, fuckin kike bastard
The ONLY argument against beards is uniform standards. Many currently deployed spec ops have beards, and gas masks are barely used anyways.
Best mate was a big Sikh lad in college. Me and him and our respective house mates would get completely fucked up on pills and go clubbing every weekend. Every Sunday morning at 5am we'd end up sitting in the same corner under the stairs with a couple of cold ones we stashed having the most intense discussions about the meaning of life and, shit you talk about when you're pissed and half wiped out at that time of the morning.
A more beautifully 'proud of race' lad you never met.
if you were to have mistaken him for a Muslim intentionally yank, he'd have tossed you about like a wet rag.
Beards don't interfere with a properly fit mask anyway.
>you're a comfy fresh E2 in the army
>you and your bunk m8s are preparing for ethnic clensing of shitskins
>you're walking to post one day
>this fine Captain walks towards you
what do?
you salute the rank, not the man
>implying sihks aren't honorary crusader material