this fucking company has ruined Sup Forums by releasing some capeshit/sw every 3 months thus repeating a never ending cycle of pointless discussion and fanboy wars. Say something NOT nice about them
Ban Disney from Sup Forums
Disney was better when it was run by antisemites christians
they rape young girls
Only if DC gets banned too.
based disney continuously BTFOs the salt right
Get used to hiding threads. It's the only way forward.
I concur
As evil as evil corporations can get
Stay mad op
DC has self banned itself, there's like one or two DC movie threads for every 50 marvel movie threads. The movies were so shit that people won't even ironically shitpost them anymore.
and not just on this board but EVERY BOARD
send that shit to /trash/ where it belongs
Fuck off shill
Sup Forums already has shit like a mecha board, a pokemon board and a ponyshit board.
Capeshit board fucking when?
Nah I think he's complaining about the Black Panther shilling and that movie was trash
Yeah capeshit/tvg would be a nice addition
nah... mods ruined Sup Forums by letting Disney Bots make tons of spam threads everyday. Even now, there's a shippy on-going Star Wars thread everyday.
>Even now, there's a shippy on-going Star Wars thread everyday.
What's going on with that by the way, why do mods allow an unashamedly viral marketing general
Good luck trying to counter act paid shills and mods, the 2016 election was a fucking mistake.
They are a cancer upon film and art. I live for one thing only - to see them die.
Disney owns Sup Forums tho. Well, not Disney themselves but a company they own for sure. How else do you explain no limit on SW and Mahvel threads? fuck you could all make one right now and not a single one would get deleted. Watch I'll do it right now
Paid Disney jannitors/mods. I was banned for pointing out rule 6 in /reylo/
Is this real?
Yes. It’s real.
Disney is trying to monopolize the fantasy genre. If you think I’m kidding, you should look into copyright laws, who it is that keeps “lobbying”(let’s face it, it’s fucking bribery) to have the window of copyright protection lengthened, and why.
Good luck creating anything new when there are several competing megacorps, Disney chief among them, who own entire stables of fantasy characters and stories, and have a marching battalion of lawyers just chomping at the bit to sue your ass over the vaguest resemblance or similarity.
They are killing creativity, and if we continue to support them, a day will come when your only chance of being a writer, a filmmaker, or pretty much anything that touches on the fantasy genre will mean working for them, meeting their demands, aligning with their agendas.