Did any white people fight in WW1?
Did any white people fight in WW1?
According to DICE, no.
No only the bravest kangz fought in that war
t. Im a dumb faggot retard that needs video games to learn history because ive been a waste of space my entire life
The ones who died.
not on the Entente side in any case
i am white and i can confirm that i didn't fight in ww1
yes. it was white male privilege to get mowed down by the millions.
whitey wuz livin in caves at the time
Where are the transgender soldiers is my question.
Will the kink-shaming ever stop?
You're not white, you're a dirt sandnigger
No, the powers of the day recruited all soldiers from India and the African colonies, of course, they wouldn't want to sacrifice WHITE men the dirty racists.
Would he go trough all the struggle if he knew nuggets would be main players of the war?
He probably never saw one, so he would see no difference between the nuggets and the apes.
There were a few scattered companies of whites in WWI, but the vast majority of combatants (really 99%) were PoC's. Even then, that 1% of whites were generally regulated to logistical and support roles behind the lines.
those cheeky italians...
No but they took credit in it, like always
Fucking Sweden.
Niggers being 99% of the German and British armies in this game are the only bad thing about it.
Did you see how pale white the ottomans are in this?
Fuck, they're whiter than Norwegians who never saw sun in their life.
God fucking damn it, sweden.
Get your shit straight.
Kek, literally the exact opposite of what happened, yet most people would believe you.
Haha, this shit is the opposite of that chink commercial
no, because in 1914 white people were know as humans and everything else was soulless human shaped animals
>white people
Who? Are you stupid nigga? White people don't exist baka.
White people were still living in caves while ingenious googles were building computers, weapons, and being kangs.
Literally black-washing.
This is an insult to my ancestors who fought in WW1.
Fuck Sweden the country is cancer. Let them serve as a warning to the rest of us.
what the fuck kind of question is this?
of course they didn't
fucking /thread m8, i'm dying
Je voorouders heft niet gevechten in de grote oorlog en ook niet mijne
Stop playing fucking video games you fucking children, your the reason the future looks so "nuclear war bright".
>expecting "vidya games" literal digital fantasy lands to be accurate representations of anything expect Jewish propaganda
I guess wolfenstien was accurate representation of WW2 yeah?
kys faggot
Lest we forget.
Projection and not getting the joke in one post! Wow, Mom!
so, im just as mad that they put a black person in battlefield 1 as much as the rest of you are
however, looking from an objective standpoint, the black guy isnt even a main character in the story mode or multiplayer
he is literally a throwaway character that is meant to die like 20 times in the tutorial
you NEVER see him after the tutorial is finished, and the rest of the characters are white
(((they))) are getting ready to put the googles to good use. "I can be a hero," and Shhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttt
I like this better plus she is much hotter than that Italian chick.
Dirty sock found
I'm a Brit m8
Yeah in the Lawrence of Arabia part of WW1
The Dutch where neutral so i would say no
goddamn nigger nazis
Carried on the shoulders by some Arab woman who single handedly fights armored trains with Metal Gear heat seaking rail guns on top according to DICE
Of course not
Oh fuck off, the number of ass blasted man children that bitch about niggers being in a swedish WW1 role-playing game and then shit up pol/ with their threads is real. Don't pretend its just a "joke" faggot you're only fooling yourself.
>tutorial for fps in 2016
>being over 18 and playing vidya games
>getting as blasted about niggers in fantasy games
See the problem here is that you're clearly a man child. Otherwise you'd be smart enough to not waste your time playing these shits.
>nb4 i just use it to wind down after coming home from my "Engineering" job bro
Your ancestors, assuming you have any that actually fought and died in WW1 would spit in your face if they knew you were playing a fantasy game about literally what was remembered as THE WORST CONFLICT to ever befall the western world, and indeed the world as a whole in their life time. Only superseded by the 2nd jew produced war in which even more Westerners died and yet here you faggots sit complaining about a fucking kike game about these horrible catastrophes instead of preparing for the next Jewish production that will surely see most of you faggots on the firing line or turned to ash.
Kill your selves....and get it over with.
The fact they tried to make the claim that this could even approach "historical accuracy" is laughable.
Also this image is sexist. It should be a google woman.
Only trolls, wizards and kangz.
>your the reason
I really can't take anything serious said by someone who does not understand the difference between 'you're' and 'your'.
Go fuck yourself please :^)
He's chastising you for being a child when he has the diction of a child.
Was there any white soldier in the russian army ?
>Did any white people fight in WW1
Of course not. They used their white privilege to stay at home while millions of POC were forced to fight and die on both fronts.
>suffer and live through one of the worst wars in human history
>a hundred years later and people desacrate your memory by making it racebait
I GUARANTEE 90% of Sup Forums and white men in general who play games, bought this piece of shit, guaranteeing there will be a lot more of it.
Stop your fucking whining. This is the future you literally chose. Stupid fucking KEKS.
i would paint that statue to look like a white guy, would be hard with the negroid features
Your imperial family was black, stop colonizing the truth
I haven't seen any nog or Indian soldiers in the campaign mode yet online uou've got guys in turbans with working class English accents and black with perfecr Austrao-Hungarian voices. It's weird.
>complains about grammar
>ignores kys, vidya, and fact that this is Sup Forums
your both faggots
That's because you evil whiteys colonized Europe
The t*rks are white
There was no Slavs in WW1
no because we sent in the niggers and other mongrel races first
Calm down m8 it's only a game
TOP KEK BEER DRINKERS!!! Oh believe you me, us FRENCH are ITCHING for a war with GERMANY. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of kraut soil that has running water, electricity, or boche that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the Krauts and Muslims first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY beer drinker sausages eaters they see. When we are done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it.
Goddammit user, that hit me pretty hard.
The narrator was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but I think he made the right choice given the unfortunate situation he was in.