Alex Jones named the Jew

The madman actually did it. He is fucking done and his career is over.


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Saviour of the west




>jewish mafia
can't you just call it a synagogue?


Funny how some on Sup Forums have always called him "controlled opposition" for not naming the Jew. Now he does it and his critics on here are silent.

A synagogue is a type of building, a physical structure. It's not used the same way that "church" is used.

Nuke israel and the rothchilds...

Literally our Alfred Rosenberg.


He named the jew 10 years ago, he has long since been paid off

Then what do you call a jew's place of worship then?

If this is true, well...
Only took him 15 years or so.
>muh saviour
LOL, this guy is 'the boy who cried wolf' in the flesh.

Well to be honest mate, he did have an interview with David Duke where he went on about how crazy the idea of Jews controlling the media is and generally insulted him. The 180 is a little surprising.

A synagogue. It's a physical structure.

that sounds real payback for hiroshima.
I love it


Try doing #2 with #1's legs

Funny how they became reptilians after this

Exactly. There is something fishy about this.

church can refer to a collective, shorthand for Church of Christ, no?

synagogue similarly refers to the Synagogue of Satan

A holocaust museum

You're referring to a term found in the False Testament, outside of which the term only refers to a physical structure.

You are right that "church" can refer to a collective, like "mafia."

Alex is senpai

He's always been our guy


All jews should be killed and tortured to death. Fuck I hate jews.


It's not even a real fire. it's just him and a bottle of lighter fluid.

It sounds like Suomi could use some cultural enrichment. Would you like that?

Alex Jones must be a great dad

I think this one is photoshopped

lmao, enrichment of culture is the fattest joke ever been told

A bank.

Did he just name the jew?!

Isn't his wife jewish?

He names the jew every four months, I have seen like fucking ten of these threads.

Also, fuck the shills; Kim gave the emails to They have been up for about 18 hours, just over 500 mb.

Your country will be filled with brown, mongrelized people soon enough. Your time is coming, Finland.

A Jew calls out a Jew

Life works in funny ways and it's pretty interesting once you stop giving a fuck and start observing the insanity from the sideline

Savage. Heebs BTFO.

They tried, but nobody wants to live in Finland.
The few refickis they shipped up there literally begged to be sent back, because Finland is hell for non-whites.

>A Jew calls out a Jew
Says the down under jew.


The secrets, Bilderberg!

sure thing Shlomo, honesty its a surprise Jones has managed to avoid naming the jew as long as he has

Why are you dissing on Jews and not "Jews?"

In my opinion its the elite and Jewish plebs while being pushed into agendas are still not in it. Whole Palestine resettlement was basically a power trip from them anyway - they feel elevated and proud they reclaimed the place but they dont really live there or are in any kind of danger.

>inb4 he commits suicide by chaining himself up inside a black bag and throwing himself of a bridge.

He isn't jewish. He is just a good goy who is pro-Israel and I think he is married to a jew.

>A holocaust museum

Underrated post

Alex has always known of the semite problem but he is also smart enough to avoid it in order to garner strength and influence as he successfully has.

I watched the david duke interview and it is the only interview where he is literally subservient to the guest. He interrupted Trump more than Duke.

He gave Duke the floor to send his message WHILE maintaining he himself * alex * does not buy into it.


Wow that was a really good video.

Totally exposes Alex Jones' hypocrisy on the Jewish question. I think his boss is Jewish too.

Why is that after barely escaping one holocaust, kikes start to do everything in their power to bring another one on themselves?

But he is a Jew

He literally says the words "I am Jewish" in one of his videos

How do you do that smoke effect? Is it just wiggly airbrush?

>thinking these paranoid basement dwellers are ever satisfied

You can't say the guy is smart enough to avoid the jewish question when he has absolutely ruined his own reputation with other conspiracy theories like the fake moon landing.

Hm? No it's quite obvious that other conspiracies are quite tolerated but being anti-semite or racist is the ultimate no-no.

I'm confident I could go around and say the moon landing is fake or 9/11 is fake and not lose my job, and simply look foolish to people.

But if I go around as a national socialist- a programmed hate response is triggered in people

Do you have any proof?
He isn't jewish, fag.

If he said something like that it would be extremely easy to find because a lot of people believe he is just a zionist shill.

Its a smoke render.
Somewhere in this video he says it

4:10 is the time he says it

Career is over? Heh, not a chance. Jones is married to a Jewess

They can't kill super Jones no one can Kill super Jones

You stupid faggot
At 4:14 he says ''I am going to stop you. Now I AM JEWISH, now I am not, but we'll talk like that''

You stupid retard.
He presented a hypothetical scenario.

shit, I busted out laughing

He has become one of us now.


(((They))) are calling Jones anti semetic even when he goes out of his way to even avoid talking about them.

>i-i dont have anything against israel!

Because it really is a jewish supremacist elite behind it all and he knows it. He calls George Soros a "Nazi Collaborator" when infact he is an evil kike j00

Yea because it's not like Jews lie a lot at all...
Alex Jones is a Jew made to make truth seekers out to look like crazy tinfoil hat retards like yourself cunt

Stop backpedaling, moron.
You said that he admitted that he is a jew. You failed to present a single quote of him calling himself jewish.

Your your ''argument'' is that you FEEEEEEL he is jewish because of your FEEEELINGS then just say so, woman.

Whys he wearing a Scotland flag? Isn't he a proud 'Murrican?

>Kim gave the emails to They have been up for about 18 hours, just over 500 mb.
33k? :0

wait, the queen of england stopped the parliament of canada? she can do that? what the fuck?

>> trendy socks are literal cancer

His ex wife was in fact jewish. They divorced recently.

He's a clandestine freemason.

He more or less said he was one, but under pressure recently, he said he wasn't one, although he said he has the masonic regalia in a cupboard at home.

Pic extremely related.

They must have stopped paying him




Will he get an apology?



>Jones, who has interviewed Trump on his show, went on a long harangue on the show Tuesday in which he denied being anti-Semitic, but seemed to blame Jews for all the problems in American society, Media Matters reported.

Is he naming the jew to actualy hurt trump

Yes, he (alex jones) is controlled opposition. He purposefully sabotages "patriot" movements in the US.

There is a split in the New world Order of the Jews

ALEX JONES GOES OFF ON ISRAEL! (Before Completely Selling Out)

you said he was controlled oppo Sup Forums
explain yourselves

He's gone mushuggina

>by jimmy rusteling

well played

Well, we all know this is true. But he will go down in history as a conspiracy theorist and nothing else sadly




>jewish thread trying to subvert Sup Forums into division

wow you're fucking dumb

Top kek