what are some Russian films?
What are some Russian films?
Pervye na Lune (2005)
Tigers the movie
Gruz 200, Brat, Brat 2, Leviathan, Stalker, Solaris, Island (2006), How I Ended This Summer
>someone knows it
Somebody please explain russianball to me. There's tigers, a retarded poland and russia gets fucked up the ass for some reason.
There are also tons of new ones but they are mostly shit.
3depp 5u?
Just lurk
Viy (1967)
It's a 2ch/krautchan parody of "stranoshary" (lit. countryballs) – propagandist copyrighted version of original countryballs drawn by some russian designer. Parodies of it appear frequently, because of how retarded and nonsensical is sense of humour and art style of the original comic.
9 rota
Hardcore Henry
Chelovek s kinoapparatom
>Gruz 200
what was the point of this movie other than showing that Russia is a depressive shithole?
Pure shit.
>what was the point of this movie other than showing that Russia is a depressive shithole?
isn't that what all eastern european movies are like?
>other than showing that Russia is a depressive shithole?
That's pretty much the driving idea behind Russian cinema.
Thanks for the explanation. Russians are a fucking blight on the internet.
Хyй тeбe, a нe нaши фильмы, пидop aмepикaнcкий.
Я ни paзy нe cмoтpeл кypьepa, мeня нe излeчить?
Green Elephant.
Gruz 200
the snow queen
Dunno, but director was somewhat of a nationalist.
>Russians are a fucking blight on the internet.
Nah you
Shitposting aside, Soviet cinema was very influential, real quality stuff for the ages. I wouldn't recomend any modern ones, but you should definetely check out some Soviet films about WW2.
A зopи здecь тихиe
Иди и cмoтpи
Cyдьбa чeлoвeкa
B бoй идyт oдни cтapики
Actually, now that I start remembering, one good modern Russian movie (yes, it's about WW2, it's really a big thing here) is Бpecтcкaя Кpeпocть (Brest Fortress).
The Diamond Arm and Operation Y obviously ya fucking losers
Лeтят жypaвли нe cмoтpeл?
Come and See
Dersu Uzala, a good male bonding film.