He killed millions (by not killing the joker)
He killed millions (by not killing the joker)
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nah because after the second one youre net down one killer. you dont become a double killer!
What if you kill 100 killers?
If you kill a killer who was going to kill 1000 people, the amount of killers may be the same but the amount of victims is much lower. Batman sucks at philosophy and logic. What do you expect when it's written by a bunch of English majors.
can any comiccucks tell my why they haven't give joker the death penalty? Are they that against it
Really makes you think
He is too crazy.
That's not even the problem with what he said. If batman kills 100 killers, there is now only one killer. Batman. Why didn't you or who ever wrote that line get that?
Quantum physics would happen.
the real question is, time after time Batman apprehends joker and brings him to the authorities and they keep dropping the ball and either
a) dont sentence him to death
b) keep having MASSIVE security failures that lets the Joker escape
you can rag on batman for his no kill rule all you want, but if state and federal authorities were doing their job, and locked him up securely, then everyone could have their cake and eat it too.
Can't he just lobotomy the joker or something? Maybe amputate his arms and legs? Completely make him a non threat and so weak he'll never influence anyone to do bad shit ever again? He doesn't have to kill him.
putting one fake quote with another fake quote together, nice
kill all of the killers and then kill yourself
>Joker amputee fuckslut
Why don't they just put the joker in a nth metal box with no doors but a little hole to give him food?
Fronk Castle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fagman
Thanks Sherls. Feeling smart now?
Why couldn't the Netflix show properly convey Frank's pathological need to kill criminals? They tried to sympathize with him and present him as a hero when he's not and muddied up the whole thing.
>retarded writer writes retarded line for supposed genius character
he breaks the jokers neck in the dark knight returns
which is what he shouldve done years ago but i guess the idea is that the joker hadnt been killing for a while and people thought he was reformed
He also looks like a spic, when Fronk is the whitest most caucasian straight man there is, and is also in his 40s-50s
The bizarre thing is it makes him LESS sympathetic. In the comics he is just following his nature. In the TV show he has less of an excuse if he's a normal enough guy to still have a full range of human emotions.
Should have been this beauty
>Kill a killer
>you become a killer but eliminate one killer
>kill five more
>now there's 4 less killers in the world
Not legally responsible for his actions. Can't kill him. Read Joker: Devil's Advocate. It's a story where someone sues to have him considered mentally fit so they can give him the chair.
Is there a story where some vigilante kills the joker and Batman hunts him down?
>Fronk is the whitest most caucasian straight man there is
Frank is the most italian of the itals, sicillian, even. Frank Castle came from Castigllione. Read a comic and go back to Sup Forums w/ your racebending bullshit.
>when Fronk is the whitest most caucasian straight man there is
Wrong. He *is* italian, friendo. Of course he would have a mediterranean hue. You are looking for Nordic Punisher and I don't think he exists.
>Is there a story where some vigilante kills the joker and Batman hunts him down?
>Literally the plot to Injustice
Come on...
Isn't it Superman doing the killing and thus turning into some tyrannical overlord?
Not exactly what I was asking for.
All comics are stupid and over the top in nature and you are more idiotic for wanting a 1:1 copy of a children's Exaggeration Magazine
But it's not about how many killers there are out there, it's about how many victims there are.
Batman was such a cuck. That's why The Punisher did so much more good in the world than Bruce Lame
Oh gee willikers, excuse me for wanting a proper representation of the character, sir. I didn't want to interpose between you and your adult entertainment for adults such as yourself.
>all comics are stupid
nope. most are, but same goes for movies, tv shows, etc
>wanting a 1:1 copy of a children's Exaggeration Magazine
nothing wrong with a little catharsis once and then
I'm quite sure he is a huge consumer of adult entertainment
>Can't he just lobotomy the joker or something?
In the cartoon, Supes did this to all the batman villians.
Name me a couple comics that are not stupid nor over the top
You are assuming that his character can have a proper representation. You are just thinking on the comics YOU like. So basic.
Batman NEVER said that shit. Fucking cucks trying to ruin character by putting their pathetic opinion in character's mouth.
Take Habibi for an example
why not just kill hundreds of killers?
then theres one super killer
Except he didn't. It's fake.
damn I would watch the shit of it
that's why he didn't kill hitler
No one killed Hitler, he lived to a ripe old age in Argentina, where he died happy surrounded by the bountiful fruit of his loins.
If you eliminate the homo, the quantity of homos will change
Because then you don’t have a story. Anything else is a lame justification that does more harm than good to suspension of disbelief. Comic villains spend a lot less time in jail nowadays for more or less this exact reason.
Killing is not a crime.
kill 10 killers
now there is 1 killer alive, 10 dead
wow 2+2 =4 -1 that's 3
then you are just an edgy fag like Dexter
>Batman captures Joker multiple times
>Joker has served several different sentences, at which any time ANYONE could have broke into prison and ended his life
>somehow Batman is the one responsible for killing him
This is the big point everyone misses. Yes, not killing Joker puts more lives in danger. But it's not Batmans job to kill Joker. You can't tell someone else to take a life, that's your own burden to bear. Everyone yells at batman to kill Joker because they want the easy way out, they need someone to do their dirty work and much to the masses chagrin, Batman is not that person.
if you kill your enemies they win
Are Western comics even dumber than weebshit?
Dexter was stone cold retarded, and had the shittiest luck to boot. Nigga shoulda been dead or in prison ages ago.
>Is an entire medium in a country worse than an entire medium in another country?
>generalizations are impossible
That's a generalization too, by the way. Just a really stupid one. And yeah, there's plenty examples of one collectives' products being better than another collectives' products. For example, do you find it plausible to claim that Ugandan literature is on par with French literature, or that Thai engineering is on par with Japanese engineering? Then fuck off.
Technically Finger's editor killed those people.
This is why stories shouldn't last 75+ years.
>if I needed a sidekick
Like Microchip and that female Punisher?
What female punisher are you talking about? The lady who had breast cancer? Also, in MAX he kills Micro at the very beginning
The cops could easily just put a bullet in Joker's head and call it a day. Batman is literally a traumatized little boy, taking a life would utterly ruin him. It's not his responsibility.
>taking a life would utterly ruin him
lmao what a cuck
>You can't tell someone else to take a life, that's your own burden to bear
Bullshit. Batman has saved Joker's life many times. If I tried to kill the Joker, then Batman would beat me up. Batman has become part of the problem.
Batman didn't say that. Typical 9gag. That's not even the proper reasoning.
Why doesn't Punisher kill big names? Checkmate.
Batman has saved Joker's life sure, but there are tons of opportunities where Joker is alone with cops or locked in prison/asylum, and no one does anything.
>big names
Because powerful super villians are bulletproof.
Bats doesnt have a job. There’d be no real serious issue with the cops if he broke the jokers neck since no one knows who he is. The cops can’t just murder the joker because then they’d lose their actual, real jobs and probably go to prison. It’s the court system that fucks up, how he isn’t just confined for life in a maximum security military prison and put to death almost immediately is the problem. There’s no lawyer on earth who’d seriously try for a stay of execution at that point.
>well in MAX
Which to Sup Forums was the only Punisher book ever.
>what female punisher
Lynn or Rachel
If some cop killed a prisoner he would be fired, it would ruin his life. Literally no one would care if Batman killed The Joker. Stop being an apologist.
Honestly, his best stories are pretty much seperated from the rest of the marvel shit. He gets his own big villains and exterminates them
how in the hell punisher could kill dr. doom? magic bullets?
what if i kill more killers, dumb bat?
To me it really is. Rest doesn't work. He needs his own space, outside the marvel continuum
Being a kid is idolizing Batman. Being an adult is realizing The Punisher makes a lot more sense.
>Being an adult is realizing The Punisher makes a lot more sense.
Being a teenager*
Anger and hatred, muh edgi boi
Gotham PD is corrupt as fuck, you could kill the Joker and get an accomodation.
Then what comic book hero do adults agree with? Stocks and Bondsman?
they had to introduce that memorable female main character
The Punisher is a more believable Batman. They are both vigilantes that have no superpowers. But Batman is a billionaire, super genius ninja that has science fiction technology. He's also a pacifist, which makes no sense whatsoever for a vigilante or a ninja. Even though he has no superpowers, Batman is portrayed as a god that can go toe to toe against Superman using his character shields.
The Punisher is just a veteran vigilante, armed with guns he loots from the criminals he kills. The Punisher doesn't save the world. He fights drug dealers and child molesters at the street level. The pacifist Batman always holds back, not even when the entire world is at stake. The Punisher always gives 100% to get the job done, because he can afford no less. At the end of the battle, the Punisher is always wounded and looks like raw hamburger. It makes him more human.
Oh right how could I forget her.
Ninety percent of the FBI lady material was a waste of time. Ugh, I wanted this to be good.
>go to look for character's name
>can't even describe her character or what agency she worked for
>don't even remember what minority she was
>not part of any comics
>The Punisher is a more believable Batman
>the guy who never misses a shot, never experiences collateral damage, has plot armor that even challenges Batman's and even had a paranormal entity canonically grant him the power to do his bidding
>more believable
Stick to video games.
John Reece > edgisher and soyman
Leave the paranormal shit out. Focus on real Punisher (MAX).
Stop lying using green text.
Punisher was going to kill Joker then faggot ass Batman stops him.
Then you're a hundred times a killer.