Seriously, why haven't you moved to Russia? It's not like there isn't plenty of available land.
Based Russia
Why not enjoy latest in Russian sport car technology? Fyoderov Tractor M1947 can reach speed of up to 15 kph. Fast enough to outrun angry mother bear.
Because they are worse than the UK for spying on their citizens+ its a poor shithole
Russians have a low standard of living, high rates of substance abuse and suicide, and the largest Islamic population in Europe.
If Russia is not in decline it is only because it has hit rock bottom.
>the largest Islamic population in Europe.
How many refugees have they allowed into their country?
You retards like to put Muslims in a box. Those Muslims have been there for centuries and were colonized by Russians and given a pretty good deal in terms of protection for territorial gain.
A lot of those Muslims are barely even real Muslims, they drink and eat pork. They're about as Muslim as white Brits are Christian.
Furthermore, having been to a few major cities in 2012 there, I can definitely say it's on the rise despite whatever the numbers say. The infrastructure looked much better compared to early 2000s and people were happier in general.
I look on google street view to see some of the streets I walked on 4 years ago and there's even more development.
honestly i think this country spies more, i've been monitored before and russia only just passed legislation allowing police to monitor suspicous individuals so long as they have a court order
the muslim population is native though, dont visit the tatar/north caucasian republics and you will find that the vast majority are othodox russians
OP how much is the average acre of land in Russia by US standards?
The Jew Yorker actually had a pretty good story about the Putin's Chechen satrap that shows the interplay of Islam reconciled with Russian order.
Because Russia may be heavily against SJW crap, but none of that raises their standard of living or makes them less poor. Russia is in general is shitty country. But they would make a powerful military ally.
remember when those "barely even real muslims" bombed your dumb ass in boston
Few or none, nobody wants to come there. They are mostly Kazakhs, Tartars and various Caucasusniggers.
>white muslims are just as bad as nigger ones
Get real.
Stop calling them Muslims then. When he mentions Muslims he is referring to the ones who are true believers, and there is a sizeable population of them in Russia.
They are
>This gay bear
Damn straight Russia is fuelled by its jealously of the west and it's massive inferiority complex towards every developed nation
Plus half of Moscow isn't even Russian
the infrastructure is absolute third world tier compared to western european standards btw
dey gud boys, dey bin stayin away from madrassahs n shiet
I love Russia and I hope they succeed, but I feel the most comfortable among my own people. There is nothing wrong with that. Good luck Russia, do not make the same mistakes we made. And try to better yourselves!
why do we hate muslims again? they have high birthrates and zero tolerence for faggots and feminists
>Plus half of Moscow isn't even Russian
i looked this up last night and it turns out 92% of moscow is ethnically russian
Didn't Muslim in Russia blow up a school or something killing 300 kids?
theres a lot of illegal immigration from central asian countries going in
too much gopniks.
>No Crimea
It was revenge for Putin's false flag bombing
About 2 million of Ukrainians.
Man, pls stop speaking CNN way.
Yeah plently of anons constantly talk about it, how about one of you based fuckers actually do it and get back to us?
I would like to.
I have no plans to learn Russian though, it would be difficult to live like this.
Bullshit only 42 of the city is ethnically Slavic
Top kek Muslim's in Russia sure are peaceful nowhere near as bad as we have it
The absolute single reason is their Australia-teir gun laws. I think Russians are pretty cool, and I'd love to move somewhere colder.
>Seriously, why haven't you moved to Russia? It's not like there isn't plenty of available land.
Because for all of their "le ebin macho country" propaganda they are a poor shithole without a free democracy. So if you care more about telling gay people they're fags than to live a quality life you can move there, sure.
>Life expectancy is a joke
>Population is dramatically decreasing
>Rampant alcoholism
>Country is half ice, half mud
>Cities are depressing commieblocks in ruin
>No warm water harbor
>the state of the ruble
>Know cheats in sports
>No culture
>Losing Easternmost Siberia to China
>Losing control in Central Asia and Eastern Europe
>Barely holding it in Middle East
>China is ready to say fuck you to Russia
>Cuba is definitively lost
>Muh strong healthy bear
That's a reference to Piotr the Pig meme from our country.
I personally dunno but from February a russkie will be able to get 2 and a half acres for free in the Far East regions within federal program. My family gonna take 25.
>Population is dramatically decreasing
already grow
3/14, not bad
that is true
there is crimea tho..
this one here says 77%, wikipedia says 92
you can own shotguns then semi auto rifles after 5 years of ownership
>be Russian
>mom is getting her 5th divorce
>journalist friend dies from mysterious radiation poisoning
>everyone knows politician ordered it but they enjoy immunity from prosecution
>dashcam malfunctions so it doesn't record old fuck who deliberately hit your car for insurance fraud
>find out your girlfriend is doing double anal for Pierre Woodman
>thinking of killing yourself
>vodka fuelled comrade grants you your wish on the highway and your death ends up on Liveleak
>you can own shotguns then semi auto rifles after 5 years of ownership
>Handguns generally are not allowed.
>An individual cannot possess more than ten guns
>more than a ten-cartridge capacity are prohibited
It's shit.
>read Russia's government will give a huge parcel of free land to white settlers who move to Siberia
>get happy
>"Oh yeah btw you have to be a Russian citizen already and speak Russian :^) "
better than we got here desu
You fool.
Being Russian is not a blessing, it is a curse!
You will forever live in a country of rust, blood and snow, forever will be bound to work tirelessly to bring glory, you will again and again fight to keep the invaders away, you will one time after another live with a regime that is as totalitarian as it wishes to be.
Being Russian is not a blessing.
It is a curse. Leave us be, let us suffer it alone, or we will have you bear it as well.
We have a much, much more useful secret service. They simply have more experience doing their job than yours, at least when it comes to fucking up some idiot's plan to blow himself up.
It's actually not
Perhaps, but I'm not looking to downgrade, myself. Wherever I move, my arsenal comes with.
Guys, this is total media bullshit. This is a Navy tradition. Russkie seamen call it "to give a cap". A ship passing by a foe land gives a cap of smoke. It means "I go". US Navy do the same. Kuznetsov was giving smoke passing Channel only. Look she going near Portugal.
What'cha gonna do there? Farming?
>My family gonna take 25.
that's not that much as you might think it is.
afaik it's wilderness which you have to clear first (with all problems that come with that). also all natural ressources like gems, metals and oils belong to the state.
which leaves you with 25 acres of forest and steppe and no fucking infrastructure.
>Good luck Russia, do not make the same mistakes we made. And try to better yourselves!
Yes pls don't do what we did, and ruin your countries, like we did.
Because in truth, russia is an unlivable shithole and ruskies aspire to nothing but get out of it, usually to america.
Fuck off, we're full.
>which leaves you with 25 acres of forest and steppe and no fucking infrastructure.
u think he got this for golf fields?
Living in. I do money in Moscow.
dude we're not even allowed semi autos above .22
not to mention the endless paperwork and police pestering you
We've went through our leftist period.
Cost us about fifty million people.
Back when I had more liberal views on stuff I wished to leave the country and move to Canada or New Zealand or something.
Now, now I want to turn my country into a Canada, but with less pathethic cuck nation and more wealth.
Oh, nice.
I assure you canada is nothing to strive for in any way.
>which leaves you with 25 acres of forest and steppe and no fucking infrastructure.
Doesn't really sound too bad comrade.
We gonna buy 25 more. You can not imagine whatz russian Far East is. May be the best place ever. I've lived there for years.
>implying that doesn't sound comfy as fuck
Build a cabin an an airstrip. Thats how they do it in Alaska.
Back then I didn't see Canadian's downsides.
I only saw a high in terms of living quality, calm country. No conscription, far less crime, nothing to worry about but living calmly.
Now, I think I'd rather live in Somali than Canada.
calm place ya
But wouldn't that freeze an Amerikanski to death in the first winter?
Real rednecks never dies from cold weather. Niggas do.
Ok so I stopped reading at the 2nd one waalcuck.
I like each time cucks start posting shit about Russia it gets more and more dramatic.
Some brit once told he used to shitpost Russia has 6.5% Muslims after that it became 10% after that 15% after that 26% just to meme about it
winds in steppe its more nightmare than frost
No such thing, Sasza.
Because Russia is a shithole. And it's full of Russians. Rampant drug use, HIV all over, crime through the roof, literally no infrastructure outside the main road between Putin's palace and the airport, only big government ran companies do well, because nobody can touch them. Every person for themselves - mentality, the state only helps and protects its friends, doesn't give a shit about your average citizen. Huge unemployment, and regions of the country where there literally IS NO employment to be had, because there's nothing to do. Add to it overgrown and corrupt bureaucracy, if you can't afford bribed forget getting anything done.
There is no steps in Far East. Forests only. No, not forests, tayga.
maybe he don't want live so north more continetal climate u know
The only thing great about Russia and Ukraine is the qt3.14 mail order brides.
Polz suckers suck. In a literal sense. In the past they sucked USSR, now they suck Europe. Suck my dick, sucker.
Time for you to be partitioned again.
>Doesn't really sound too bad comrade.
no it doesn't
my point was: it's just not as much as he might think it is
Gopniks make 99% of the population in any country
Bro, the climate in the Far East is following: summer is very warm, winter is very cold. "Very" is best word to express my feelings about.
Belgium and Portugal have higher divorce rates
They are on the same level as Sweden
For sure you will hate our climate. It was +30C summer, but this day it is -15C and full of snow.
The graph goes up because of the insane flow of migrants from Central Asia and churkas that keep breeding like rabbits.
>upset we're ripping off the EU for our own gain
kek, sure, good arguments there Ivan.
Enjoy your AIDS.
Yeah, good.
Make sure you fire rockets at us so we can use your own missile defence systems to bring them down mid-flight.
Were are you from?
only citizens
most part its a worker migrants
Irkutskaya oblast.
Sorry to hear that slavs will be gone in 40 years. Russia will become a central asian shithole instead of the "midpoint" between Europa and Asia it is now. I feel cold inside.
The arguments are not mine, the western ones. Keep sucking until you nuked.
I would move to Russia in a heart beat if I could. It's too hot here and I make $3 an hour.
Jfc Estonia get your shit together
>murican education
you bury us last 300 years
Been there several times. Lived in Khabarovsk, Ulan-Ude for years.
In Russia you will make 1$ for hour.
I make $100 a month, cry me a river.
I would move to russia in a heartbeat
what is wrong with Sup Forums today. So many ruskie shills.
Russians are a bunch of criminals. I Haven't meet one yet that doesn't propose me to engage on criminal activities. Btw they seem to like weapons dealing and kidnapping.
It already is an asian shithole.
You think all the Uralic people up north and east are ethnically Russian in any way? They are old era nomads, arctic fishers and tundra hunter-gatherers. They don't even speak Russian mostly. Actual Russia is just the western part, all the rest are just tribes that Russia one day decided belonged to Russia and they said "yeah, sure, whatever". There is like NO law enforcement or administration there. It's pure wilderness.
Fucking USA is more ethnically uniform than Russia.
first snow
Is that the maga TRACTOR
I mean MRGA tractor?
247 out of a million is like 0,02% to get HIV
someone post the image of the millions of muslims having prayer in the street in russia