Serious fucking question, why dont Russia and America ally to rule the fucking world?

Serious fucking question, why dont Russia and America ally to rule the fucking world?

I have the answer you seek, but first you must tell me who that is.

Democrats to blame

dem digits

oh, wait yeah CHINA

Slight shoop

Bush was on the way to doing that.
Bush and Putin were literally best friends. I don't care for trump, but if he wins, the best thing that will come out of a Trump presidency is much better relations with russia.
I'm hoping one day they will be our ally.

it is obvious

Russia + America would make China it's fucking bitch. And the Aryan race rule the fucking world. (Shitskin btw)

>Sup Forumslack shitposting
Yeah if that guys a jew then I'm a jew

It really comes down to the jews and the holocaust. I know, weird right? International politics is framed around information. In russia everyone knows the jews are evil, the holocaust is a lie and the jews control the UN. In the USA, nobody believes that. This is why they cannot cooperate. As far as holocaust revisionism and neo nazi politics go, you need to at least be aware of the rhetoric. I do not care if you believe it. You just need to be aware.

The thing is, if the jews really did stage a violent coup in germany, executing millions of germans in a racist communist purge, this explains why germany hated the jews. If the jews really did stage a violent coup in russia, executing millions of russians in a racist communist regime, this explains why the russians hate the jews. The difference is that post war the germans were defeated and brainwashed. That means russia, russian citizens, are the only people in the entire world who know the truth about the holohoax and the jewish banking and war machine. This makes russia an ideological threat to the jews, and the UN. It makes russia the largest enemy to the NWO, because a russian can red pill normies.

>literally best friends

The whole collapse of US-Russian relations BEGAN under Bush you fucking idiot. NATO enlarged under Bush right up to Russia's borders with the Baltic states, while Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 because both it and Ukraine received a membership action plan from NATO earlier that year. Plus there were the missile defence shields in the mid 2000s that caused more headache, meaning that though Putin maybe respected Bush more (his daddy HW was former director of CIA after all) than he did Obama, calling W Bush and Putin best friends could not be further from the truth you absolute fuckin moron

because America and Russia have different ways of ruling

this bitch







Because Europe and Russia will ally and cuck the fucking burgers.

This succinctly explains why it seems the whole world is pointlessly against russia: we are in an information war, and the russians know everything about history that jewish academic institutions cover up. They don't want you reading eastern european literature, they don't want you talking to eastern europeans, and they don't want you to think of them as ubermensch but slav shit. That way no matter how much truth and logic russian culture or society presents, onlookers will brush it off as extremism. This is how project Mockingbird works, you just repeat rumors but learn nothing.

Brainwashing everyone to hate russia keeps you ignorant and enslaved. Misdirection is the magician's oldest trick. Don't hate the jews who started two real holocausts! Hate those dirty communist russians we secretly holocausted by starting a violent communist coup in russia, killing millions just like we did in germany! Good goyim!

becouse Russia and China ally to rule the fucking world

Because they're both powerful enough to see each other as rivals. Not until they have a real common enemy (most likely China, maybe in a decade or two) would they ever be willing to set differences aside and cooperate effectively

This is more likely.

We went back to the Berenstein Universe.

Because plebs need entertainment.

The Globalists control everything except Russia. They're trying to reverse Brexit by sending troops; the Evil Empire (ObamaNation) will keep false flagging and scapegoating Russia to distract from this government's many crimes and the fascistic warmongering criminals always need a distraction to go with the intimidation i.e. the domestic terrorists violating people's civil rights for being white.

If Trump wins then we can have peace and the ideal would be with every independent nation since the NWO is dying, but the tyrants aren't going down without a fight, as you can see.
If Hill wins both the U.S. and Russia are finished and I wouldn't blame them if they nuked D.C. and L.A. Hell, they'd be doing us a favor.

CTR this is your best topic. Only one that makes me consider voting for Hillary. Slav + Caucasian = true white power. We'll deal with Jew later, or not, like most burgers I am part all types of white including matrilineal Jew but with blue eyes and blonde hair, so go for it

>posting friendly Putin pics


Our government failed in the false flag of taking down several sites. Their plan was to blame Russia. Trust me, if Russia were to carry out a cyber attack on us every fucking thing in every city is going down. The inept POTUS and corrupt Granny in a pantsuit best stop trying to frame and provoke Russia or we're all doomed.

If Hillary wins she's not going to last a week before she gets capped. Stand up for yourself you spineless cuck, if the world is doomed anyway you have nothing to lose.

What do you think Trump is doing?

What do you mean stand up for myself?
You don't know what I do.

Because russia isn't intrested ruling the world


Only took off a several dozen pounds.

Humans seek competition wherever possible.

Bipolar world is profitable, easier to manipulate population both sides (assumption of a great external threat unifies people and gives them purpose even in conditions of a total deterministic void).

Were there no large countries with nukes and instead one big formation, the population would've been too large to properly manage and control, too diverse and ambitious in their own peculiar way (Russian/Chinese/American mentality is heavily different) to model appropriate policies.

Furthermore, there would be no 'external threat', which is an ultimate propagandist card to pull out.

Lack of an outside competition will slowly lead to cultural, social and moral degradation.

Someone is doing some information sorting and structuring here, someone with a name ending in 33.

kill her
kill them all

Because both want to be #1

And there can be only one #1

Indeed. When we used to have a true Liberal Arts education in this country and every viewpoint was taught (this ended in the '70s) the lessons from the Tower of Babel illustrated your point and most of us knew and understood.

Let's start with suing them first, Homeland Security.

>sue the president of the jwo

>Humans seek competition wherever possible.
Humans do. Nations, empires, federations, states realised centuries ago that fair competition is too risky. Exceptionalism rules. To win by fair means or foul..
Competition advances us, as long as we don't incinerate the place the threat of it at least pushes us forward.
You are 100% correct

We're filing suits against the DNC and HRC campaign now. Break them financially is step #1.
Well, that after forcing the corporate/state media's hand. More to come.





You're really Taylor aren't you? Plz stay queen

Because Russia's geographical insecurity compels it to push outwards to create a buffer between its core and potential enemies. It is not in the interest of the US to have a massive hegemon present anywhere, and certainly not one that could potentially combine Russia with Germany and attain parity with the US.

This is the actual answer cya

She's called Ashley Sage Ellison
Hahahaha, good one


>combine Russia with Germany




Are you fucking retarded?

>slight shoop
my sides.

Still, those udders are delicious.

Furthermore, in my opinion, a fight, both literally and figuratively interpreted, is what makes us alive.

And let me elaborate on that one, we all are hardwired to strive for something against something else. E.g. get food, protect family, etc. In modern world most of these issues are rendered non-existent due to advances in technologies of various kind, but does that take our instincts off the list? No, it doesn't.

We just find alternative 'ultimate purposes': religion, work, etc.

Now imagine if you are a dumb average normie guy in his early adulthood without a family, religion and talents.

You would feel alienated by the world, you would instinctively seek the cheapest purpose you could find just for the sake of it, for else you would feel void of life.

That's how terrorist organizations and cults are formed, hence destructive ideas are easier to follow for young impulsive brains.

And here comes the hidden function of the state. To provide the ultimate purpose, which would be true without any skill entry barrier, so even the most retarded youth could feel alive.

That's why military exists and should exists. That's why the world is divided and external threats are assumed.

Else we would feel like bleak imitations of life, had we no ultimate thing to service.

This is what I came up with after several weeks of my depressive episode.

It wasn't a prediction, I was explaining why they are incompatible as allies you spastic

Nyet, paper-thin proxyfaggot CTR warshill. Try harder

would fuck
wouldnt ever fuck

Tramp is already signaling that he will do Moscow's bidding as Putin's shill. Paul Manafort, the Kremlin's mole, is already on Tramp's payroll.

> Russian makes a surprisingly cogent psycho-philosophical argument for nationalism
Looks like all that Dugin they put in the water supply is paying off

Germany should have allied with Russia instead of attacking them.

>In russia everyone knows the jews are evil, the holocaust is a lie

Holocaust denial is a crime in Russia.

Implying Russia isnt a cryptocolony.

Kek hello Cockhole shill
Why is that surprising Russia has always had some of the best philosophers

Which is why the jews will never allow it. Why else would we be threatening to go to war over fucking Syria?

also for

Am I implying that we should go to war?

No. All I am saying is that the world is divided for a reason, independent of our conscious perception.

The imitation of war must persist, for else a collapse everywhere is imminent, if we don't find a complete virtual replacement to unload our instinctive lust for combat.

At the same time the REAL WAR is madness of the same level and must be avoided.

Most humans are stupid and rely on instincts way more than they think they do, hence why I think that all I said is the case.

Politicians understand this and that's why the concepts of external threat, hybrid warfare exist.
They are needed to prevent the hot conflict. To unload all that lust for blood, we accumulate unknowingly.

I hope that VR technologies will eventually help us to cope with our unconscious imperfections.

We don't want war literally, but we all want a fight, a personal fight, which would make one's even the most shitty life have a purpose worth living for.

Hope I got my point clear.

Russia is aryan now? Lol, ask Hitler if he agrees.

You're an idiot

Considering Hitler considered slaves untermenchen that would never happen.

I wish I didn't agree, vodka-peasant; but I came to the same conclusion myself.

Because America is run by kikes and the kikes don't want to share the world

That's right americans
you have OWNERS

Maybe we are not so different after all, ryssjävel

I just want to be friends with Russia and make the world more white :( Is that too much to ask?

because fortunately russia is man enough to talk down the shit that USA pulls day after day

i will smile on the day that europe and russia finally set aside their differences and shit down your throat

>NATO agrees not to expand toward Russia
>Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland added to NATO

When did Bush become president? Putin was one of the first people to reach out to the US and say we've got your backs after 9/11. Bush invited Putin to his ranch and they chilled for a bit. Then Bush went back on shit like ABM treaty, furthered NATO expansion and was generally just another stooge trying to kick Russia while it was down. Bush is far from innocent here but Clinton started the Russian mess.

Real talk though, it wasn't any individual president. It was and is the gigantic hidden government comprised of the CIA, DIA, NRO and all those other 3 letter departments.

I think i still have some pics from back when she was thin somewhere in my PC. They were not as big, but she still had impressive tits.


That is not an argument for something, rather an acknowledgement of a dire fact.

If the state doesn't provide the purpose for youth, the youth will find it in something else. And if the education levels are low, they will likely find it in terrorist organizations, cults, crime gangs and etc.

That is why the Middle East is ridden with apeshit insane muddies. Lack of opportunities + very weak states.

The religion there provides a pillar of hope, which gets interpreted in a vicious manner combined with feeling of unfairness. Thus, islamists spawn.

The same could happen anywhere.

If the state fails to fulfil its role, something else would come in its place, which could potentially be worse.

The best solution is to enroll stupid teens in the army and give a fake big powerful enemy to prepare to fight against. This gives them purpose and prevents from going destructive.

And this is not a joke or irony.

America is a kike-anglo alliance. If you aren't a kike or an anglo, you're just meat for the grinder.

>take the fat out of her cheeks and neck
>put it into her tits

Damn that got me
(pic: favorite band from Russia)


Russia is a pretty cool country desu.

The book of Daniel.