How different would our world be, if it wasn't for this one bullet?

How different would our world be, if it wasn't for this one bullet?

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War War One would have begun anyway, but at a later date. maybe weeks or months later, possibly years. there were various arms races, uprisings, terrorist acts, and miscommunication throughout Europe at the time.

Serbian nationalists would have created another incident to spark Germany to come to the A-H Empire's defense.

>War War One

not much. Austro-Hungary was in decline anyway

Perhaps the Austro-Hungarian Empire would have survived as they would not have started it.

We're already in an alternate timeline.
The grenade got him first time around.

>No WW1 so no nazis
>No nazis so no muh a aryan genetics.
>Social science doesn't go full list anti genetics because no nazis = bad.
>No SJW movement because people still respect genetics and don't try to blame culture for everything.
>Still have 1970 level tech because the wars forced massive pushes in technology.

Not sure which is better when considering the last point.

Very strange train of thought you've got there. SJWs are the natural product of Marxism, which had infested much of Europe even by 1914. All WW2 did was accelerate their destruction of the West. This destruction was and is inevitable unless someone like the "Nazis" puts a stop to it.

No cucked Germoney.
No Verseilles
No Hitler, Speer, Kammler
No V1 & V2
No Enigma
No Bombe, No Collossus, No Turing
No Wundewaffen
No Operation Paperclip
No Saturn 5
No Stealth technology
No Holohoax


Either we would've uncovered the flaws or the flaws would have made conflagration. The West depends on the greatness of good White men.

Pic shows a 1900 Browning, but Ferdinand was shot by a 1910 Browning. Whose bone-headed mistake was this?

That was just a pretext to start the war, like 9/11.

It would have started anyway since the real purpose of the war was not justice, it was territory.

>Muh Marxism

It's the new Jews...the problem of today's world stems much more from the 1960s onwards complete intolerance of genetics. Tabula Rosa shit is the root of 'everyone can be smart'. This started because anything that the nazis liked was automatically bad by default. The nazis caused SJWS and everything they stood against became popular as counter culture.

Something else would have triggered the war tbqh

''There is no need for you to transfer me to another prison. My life is already fading away. I suggest you nail me to a cross and set me on fire. My burning body will be the torch that shines the way for my people to freedom''

This wouldn't stop the war from happening, at that point they were just looking for any little excuse.
You'd have to go further back if you wanted to stop it.

WW1 is fucking awesome though best war in history.
The war of memes, and nobody knowing what the fuck they were doing

>No nazis so no muh a aryan genetics
Mate the German Volk wasn't something that the Nazis invented they just Incorporated it into their propaganda.

The Rothschilds fortune wouldn't have been taken by Hitler & they rule the world earlier

I can't not imagine Franz Ferdinand getting killed by a 1914 smug pepe

This. He was just a tool to spark it.

>Germany wouldn't have sent Lenin to Moscow to start a Revolution
>no treaty of Brest-Libowsk

i hate you