Pick a name
Pick a nation
Pick a colour
Respond to the mupdates with your roll else it won't be counted
Include your bonus in your name else it won't be added.
NAPs: Breaking an NAP is a -15 for three turns.
Alliances: Breaking an alliance is a -10 for five turns
If you have made an alliance or an NAP, quote one of my posts to tell me, else it will not be added.
Janny please don't delete thanks.
Starting when six people are ready
Byzantine Empire
If people dont join in 5 mins, start the game
Sure thing.
It'd be nice to have five people at least before we start.
Iberian Empire
Kingdom of The Netherlands
Start to unite the provinces in The Netherlands!
take izmir and then take athina and then irakleo in that order
Fill Valencia and Barcelona.
Take Malta and city in Sardinia, spill to Alger
Fill Norway, if possible, grab the oil
Mupdate 2
New players feel free to join.
Continue to unify the provinces.
Sail to Rome from Sardina and take it, spills to Naples
Keep filling, try to get the fish and lil if possible
Sheeeeeit. Take all the cities in Iberia, and spill into France
take ankara and cyprus, if spills go to sevastopol by sea and head towards wheat
Gothic Crimea
Black or grey
DUDE NOO i whanted to pick that. :(
Russian Chimpire
You both may roll this turn.
Fill into mainland Ukraine and the Caucasus. Defend if attacked.
fill in Latvia and Estonia with whatever is left over
Mt Jews
purple, grey or brown
Take Cardiff and Southampton.
How do you say you take those blank nameless spaces?
Map won't upload. Give me a minute.
Pick somewhere else.
I'll add you next round
Continue to unify the provinces in The Netherlands and start the march for Brussels.
Take Helsinki, spread towards Kalinigrad
Fill the last bit of the peninsula.
Into more of Ukraine we go.
How do I get bonuses on this map, OP?
Keep filling Norway, get the oil if possible
Defend if attacked, take Naples, take fish in the Adriatic spills to Frieze
Take Toulouse, Bodeaux and Wheat
if can roll go for vienna
Mupdate 4
Let me know if I missed you
Defend if attacked, take Frieze spill to Milan
take bucuresti, beograd and tirana
fill in Lithuania
spread east towards potato if possible
Fill into the Caucasus and more of Ukraine.
So how do I get bonuses?
Take Cardiff then Birmingham.
I earlier wrote
Lay siege on Brussels and march deeper into Belgium.
Take the wheat then Lisbon and porto
Take Glasgow. Spills go towards Birmingham.
Just spectating this but man are you cracking me up
Oh yeah and OP, you haven't added my NAP with Iberia
>mfw palis aren't worth shit
Mupdate 5.
Let me know if I missed you.
I'll add that shit this round.
take tirana, budapest and cluj napoca
take potato, spread northeast around moscow to yaroslavl
Fill into every direction really.
Continue the invasion of Belgium and march into Germany to lay siege on Koln.
invade the jews, put emphasis on taking bern and zurich, spill Torino
Okay you willl not add me so i,ll yust spectate then........
Mupdate 6
I was so close to posting you cheeky shit