Fucking shitposters
Fucking shitposters
what the fuck, this is fucking incredible.
And here I was thinking Finland was a nanny state
One step closer to making "fuck off we're full" into a national anthem.
Australia is now shitting up our language too.
not my fuckin fault you cunts
Is cunt just like a normal word for you guys? Do you say "mornin' cunt" to your mailman instead of hello?
Australia and UK are much worse. Finland's bit on the nanny side but it has nothing on some other countries out there.
fuck me now I can confidently start saying fucking shit with fuck without anyone getting offended
So in order to shit on christians they have changed the laws so that it's no longer bad to tell them to fuck off?
a small step away from full blown 1984
>people greet their mailman
is this common outside of finland?
I think the mailman would freak out if random people started talking to him all the time
Yes we greet people
Autism capital of the world
good luck finding someone, even from the christian hard right, who doesn't at least yell the words "fucken wanker" with a voice ringing with pride
i bet old freddy said "fuck these chirpy cunts" to his mates when they screeched at him
toughen up cunts
shitcunt grandpa cant handle a bit of harsh language, no wonder you lost your empire
protests should be illegal
>disturbance of peace
>vandalization of property
>blockade of honest hard working citizens getting where they need to be
All those things are already illegal. Why not enforce those laws before making protesting illegal?
I've had a few beers with different postmen when they were delivering at like 2 or 3 in the night. If I walk past a postman when he's delivering in my apartment I usually say hi. They don't seem to mind.
Only if you're mates with the mailman. But pretty much yes.
>having beers with your postman at 3am
That's actually really sad, what is it about Finland and depression/autism?
its the cold, and the eurasian genes
>drinking beer
>somehow sad
Fuck you that's like the only time I'm happy
>morning post is delivered at night
>be outside drinking a bit
>postman drives to the yard
>offer him a beer and talk shit for a while
what's so autismal about that
Fuck those fucking hypocritical cunts. "Big win for free speech" while they push for it to be illegal to say marriage is for a man and a woman.
It's the context, not the act.
It's not so much autistic as it is just really depressing. Perhaps the way I imagined it is sadder than the reality though.
and then he lost his job for drunk driving
thanks matti
go and mow my lawn mr postman :^)
Is cunt considered offensive in Australia? Do they say it on TV shows and the news before 9pm?
I imagined it as really depressing too. It's probably just depressing cos I imagined it in Finland though.