>be American
>get fat
Be American
>be leaf
>catch fire
Everyone jelly we can afford to eat. The only reason thin people are thin is because they're broke faggots with rumbling stomachs.
>Be swede
>Allahu akbar
Be Californian. Skinnier than all other Westerners
you're fat because you fill your mouths full of fake food
Is... that the excuse of fat people?
I eat well every day but still stay within a healthy weight. It's not hard. As soon as you see the scale showing a higher number, you cut back on some portions and it goes back down.
I don't get how people don't understand this
What the fuck is "fake" food?.
>Be Burger
>Yas Queen!
Actually, obesity is most common among the lower classes.
Meaning high processed food is cheap, because it contains things like cornstarch.
I thought this was common knowledge here on Sup Forums
>delusional faggot who's too broke to keep eating
It's because you were blessed with a fast metabolism. Not everyone has your body.
>be american
>be mudblood
So everyone who isn't poor is an obese fuck?
Well, believe that if it makes you feel better.
>be American
>call myself white even though I actually look like this
are there any depths to which we won't sink as a people?
you look like a cancer patient.
>So everyone who isn't poor is an obese fuck?
Nope, because get this...rich stupid fucking faggots actually eat and buy a FUCKLOAD of food to eat and then they spend an their off time paying for a gold membership to the closest gym to walk on a fucking treadmill to burn that shit off. Broke motherfuckers eat the same but dont' have the time or money to blow on a some stupid gym routine.
Chemically engineered shit to look and "taste" like food they're feeding you yanks
>its not because I eat seven meals a day
>its my metabolism
>and PTSD caused by thin male shitlords
>be American
>be fat
Record Corrected
>Fast food only exists in America
If you were correct about fast food and shit like that being the cause of obesity then every nation would have a fuckload of obese people because fast food has caught on pretty damn well in other countries.
cancer patients have an excuse at least. I just choose to shave my head because I am a no-class American ethnic nationalist skinhead.
a bowl of doritos mixed with mountain dew and calling it soup.
Literally nobody does that.
ok then
Metabolism is based on how active you are.
It's all a very simple formula. If you take in more than you burn, you gain weight. If you burn more than you take in, you lose weight.
It sounds cliche but it's all diet and exercise.
Exercise = output
Obesity is now a sign of a poor diet and poverty, fucktard
Basically 99.9% of food sold in supermarkets. Pre-packaged meals, frozen meals, anything that isnt natural ie Doritos, soda, shitty fake burger patty.