Hillary wants war with Russia.
Why don't we start spamming that nu-male fag Hillary supporters will sign up to the US army to fight Russia.
Nu-Males will get scared that they might be signed up for the draft and won't vote.
Hillary wants war with Russia.
Why don't we start spamming that nu-male fag Hillary supporters will sign up to the US army to fight Russia.
Nu-Males will get scared that they might be signed up for the draft and won't vote.
Inter-dimensional 4D autism.
pretty good idea lol
I was just thinking this last night - memeing the draft and WW3 in association with Hillary would be a great idea.
I just keep thinking all the nu-males and tumblr fatsos fighting together against Mother Russia.
>Yfw NoOnesWithHer
How does it feel to support a dead candidate?
Something like this.
Nu-Males telling other nu-males to sign up for the draft. Hopefully it might scare some undecided nu-male fags off voting for her or voting for Stein.
Our speciality
How's this?
I wouldn't put Trump in there.
It's good but you don't want them to think they have a choice. You want them to think Hillary is going to start a draft to start a war with Russia.
They just think "Dumb white boys from the South" will go and fight the wars for them while they go to starbucks. You need it to sound like Hillary is going to have police knock on their door and send them to a boot camp.
I can imagine that "ok, lets plan our attack against russia. But we have to make sure that our attack doesnt favour any ethnicity, gender or believe. we need to take care all of the different groups will be represented among the victims according to their occurance in population. So before go over the unimportant details, let us decide on a tolerance quota of the relation of the groups among the victims to the representation in the russian population. I believe we should make sure that those two differ not more than 5% since everything differing more than that surely shows bias regarding the targets"
like this?
Listen to
All men are automatically registered to the draft at 18. They just haven't used it since Vietnam. War with Russia would necessitate it.
>tfw too old to be drafted
Have fun dying for no reason
>like this?
Definitely something like this.
>stand in unison by holding each other's hands on the battlefield and blocking the advance of the enemy
Everyone 18-25 is already signed up
This is a good way, because they are the biggest fucking pussies on the planet.
Makes posts on imgur, thats where a good hivemind of bernie people are
I want to see some photoshops of pyjama boy in the trenches in WW2 or some shit, talking about how proud he is to fight for #Her
Good luck fighting in a military full of trans and SJWs. I would rather be thrown in jail the have me or any of my family fight and die for her globalist interests.
Who here 26+ and comfy?
Nice try, but liberals are smart enough to know that it's redneck Trump supporters that enlist to become cannon fodder. Enjoy dying for your Queen.
Kek is rekt.
Voluntary service works because we haven't fought a proper military in decades.
Made this but I guess hmm how can I imply draft more without it being too over the top?
Needs to be this but with a numale airman or marine basically saying "I'm with her because I want to fight Russia, go join the armed forces ΔΊ
Liberals end up protesting the war anyways and slays the Queen in the end.
Full circle buckaroo
Hillary also supports drafting of women. Make one with a colored hair SJW
USA is literally too cucked to avoid a completely avoidable nuclear war
I think you gotta put a reference to nukes in there, to really drive home the point. Something like "total war against homophobia" then sneak a mushroom cloud in there to make it really psychotic
This is actually a semi-good idea.
Iunno this is pretty much perfect IMO. Maybe "we will fight" is better, implying that you will have no choice
Great idea. Listen here friend. Im a designer, I'd gladly make propaganda.
Just dump some stock photos of nu-male looking faggots and Im on the case.
This is a good thread.
It's already law to sign up for selective service so you don't need to put draft.
Say something about enlisting.
>Why don't we start spamming that nu-male fag Hillary supporters will sign up to the US army to fight Russia.
Are *women* subject to the draft these days? If so, it should be aimed at them, too.
too late i already deleted the .psd
it was only a meme prototype
How about "A vote for her is a vote against evil russia. But in the fight against hatred a vote is not enough. Join the army"
Eventually put some subliminal stuff in there like "yvan aht nioj"
We already signed up for the draft for student loans idiot
They only protest when it's a dumbass republican in the blacked house.
If you niggers elect Hillary and it results in NATO members being drafted to fight this shit I'm going to be pretty pissed off 2bh.
You're gonna have to shoop some pudgy numale into an army uniform, along with some message that is happy to #gotowarwithHer.
I really feel like they need to see themselves in the uniform for this to land
Yvaaan eht niooooj
word, serious potential here
>I really feel like they need to see themselves in the uniform for this to land
This. We need them to think "oh fuck. If I vote for her I'm going to have to go and storm the Normandy beaches like Saving Private Ryan".
You might not have to shop if you can get a good screencap from this
False, WW2 draft age limit was 45. Its implied they would use the same for WW3. Also they nixed college deferments, and things that would normally get you DQ wouldnt for a major war.
>i cant read xd
Yes, they are, and they are very butthurt about it. Iirc all women 17 and under TODAY, are subject to selective service when they turn 18.
So now there's a growing disconnect with older, college feminists who are safe and the next generation who are angry because uppity feminists are wrecking things
Don't make it too sexy though. We all know the numales love the fag sex.
Or would it be better to post masculine men beside the nu-nales, so the nu-male also feel they are physically inadequate?
A-..are you doing it for free?
NOOOOOO! This will cause them to think about all the gay sex that can be had on the DL.
25 but already served and busted down for smoking the herbal jew. If war started tomorrow I'd probably be so far down the list I would be 26 and inelligable.
Tldr. Bring on ww3!!!!!
So do our armed forces.
Something like this or we could co opt the videos where they have footage of soldiers fucking around and mopping or just playing fuck fuck games with the army theme song in the background, I gotta find the videos, I love those things
Put something like "Sign up, or be drafted to help fight the evil russians blah blah." Get that choice out of there.
Who is Harry S. Truman
>I'm with her lies
unfortunately for me in Denmark you are still part of the "Total Defense" until you reach 40.
Better get my Volksgrenadier gear in order for the 8 Nov. Cant wait to murder fellow white men!
Dumping numale faggots. Let's make this happen.
Wanted to make sure they looked semi-aspirational. How hipsters think they look, not how they actually look. Still cringy as fuck though.
>Enthusiastic Hillary supporters (pic related) overwhelmingly vote for Clinton based on the presence (theoretically) of a vagina and *CURRENT YEAR* type of reasoning
>Hillary is owned and beholden to the interests of Neo-Cons and NWO-style globalists, who see the elimination of Russia and others as a sovereign state necessary to achieve a global plantation of cheap labour and liberal progressive values across the world
>AD 2017, war was beginning.
>Most military aged men (late stage millennials) are either NEETs, fat, chronic drug users or suffer from other psychological problems caused by single mother households.
>Women and SJWs are conscripted into service to fill the shortfall in recruitment. After all, it's CURRENT YEAR and no longer will straight White men carry the entire military burden
>Frontlines in the war have stabilized around Minsk and Eastern Ukraine
>War devolves into attrition mode after early American successes, heavy use of tube and rocket artillery by Russians as American conventional war capabilities have atrophied fighting pointless desert policing ops.
>Body parts of SJWs and feminists, along with numales and the Mexicans imported to fight in the war litter the battlefields of Ukraine and Eastern Poland, ground into the winter mud and churned up by mechanized forces and artillery, turning the ground into a purple-brown jelly of entrails and wet clay.
>One war photographer comes to blog about American success, but accidentally films someone's intestines getting caught in the running gear of a Bradley fighting vehicle rolling past
>The Romanian capital was hit by a stray missile, and their government capitulated and renounced NATO
>Poland fulfills her historic role as disposable cannon fodder is reduced to Neolithic conditions
>U R Gay
Sup Forums's greatest strength.
We should also encourage females supporting Hillary to shame Nu-Males into joining.
It worked for the British during WWI
A world war would almost be worth it if it wiped out sjws.
there's something appealing to me about relocating shitlibs into images of war
How's this?
>AD 2017, war was beginning.
All your base are belong to us.
Great idea.
how will it feel when trump loses knowing that you wasted hours of your life on pointless shit like this?
every new poll shows trump losing by more and more.
it's over boys, pack it up
that pic hahaha
I can just picture him facing a gopnik with a entrenching tool.
This version is more aesthetic, use this going forward I think.
Pretty good lad
That's it! That's the one!
Spread it like nigger AIDS, guys. We have work to do.
Haha not bad, english teacher.
Would ground troops really even matter in a war against the US and Russia? Everyone dies either way
Fucking great.
Can you make one aswell for young women. Reference the fact that women will be drafted now. "Thanks to women like Hillary we can now fight homophobia on the front lines in Russia" or something.
>tfw 26 and don't have to worry about this nonsense anyway because trump will be president
I don't know if you're baiting but the draft is mandatory for all males and females 18+ in the usa
if you're in pshop, put a drop shadow layer style on the text, makes it look way more professional
Hard mode.
Stop proxying under my flag you pile of scum sucking shit worms or I'll rape your mutilated corpse and piss over it.
using pdn unfortunately. is there an easy way to do it in that?
front lines, grrrrl power
>I don't know if you're baiting but the draft is mandatory for all males and females 18+ in the usa
It's not the point. The point is that we scare nu-males and women into thinking that they will have to fight a war with Russia. The police will knock on their door and drag them to a boot camp and make them go and fight a war with Russia.
Hopefully some fags will stay home that day and not vote.
"It's my privilege to fight with her."
>hurr durr, what about this example from 70 years ago
You Trumptards are ridiculous.
looks like a little bit of work forums.getpaint.net
Take out the us army icon and you're good. The military is not allowed to endorse any policy or political canidate
Interdimensional 9D weaponized autism is our speciality.
Never underestimate the power of weaponized autism.
Ha, fuck Denmark!
>National Service Reserve
Replace the nuke with like paratroopers in the air or landing or something imo. Nuke is sorta parody-level.