Shkreli is going to release his unheard Wutang album if Trump wins.
Another reason to vote for Trump
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why is he helping us
Martin Shkreli is a bro, that's why
Why wouldn't he be helping us?
I don't get your angle.
Why did Shkreli drop the offer to buy Sup Forums?
He's the hero Sup Forums deserves, but not the one it needs right now. Because he's not our hero. He's an attention whoring autist, a rl troll. A pharma bro.
Sounds like he is making a joke because he knows trump will never win.
Such a power move
It's probably unheard for a reason. No one wants a bunch of demos and bsides even the artists think are trash.
Spread this to the black community. Literally all of you walk to your nearest hood and show them this tweet.
>No one wants a bunch of demos and bsides even the artists think are trash.
Pretty sure that "deep" 14 year olds will eat that shit up
He's not, he's just trying to stirr drama and be relevant. Dude is an incredibly self centered attention-whore, did you see him during the congressional hearing? He fuckin LOVES attention, negative or no.
Except the Wu-tang album wasn't a demo. It was a full album produced over the course of years only to be released as a single copy which Shkreli bought for 21 mio. dollars as far as I remember
He is a honest asshole.
And we are helpful. So for now, he is on our side.
Shkreli is a nigger jew faggot who wont keep his word
He is not doing it entirely for Trump.
He's doing it mostly for fun.
I think he paid less...around 1 million.
>mfw Martin Shkreli has been shilling his own tweet all day
>kids (millenials or however you call those faggets) are all gonna vote for Trump now
>DNC can't reeeach those kids any more
Hillary BTFO. It's over.
Not a pharma! We hate people that make more money than us!
also as good a time as any
Hi Martin.
2 mio. dollars. I stand corrected. Would love to hear those tapes
In his own words "why not lol"
He despises nationalism and having pride in ones race. Martin simply just wants to #draintheswamp
Sounds fine to me.
Are your faggy pop culture blogs picking up on this?
is that what abbos talk like?
niggerbums here usually just ask for a completely random amount of money then get hostile when you turn them down
nah man
>me walking away
>keep walking
>nigger keeps screaming until i'm out of sight
Search google images"Top scientists 2016" Another reason to vote for trump
Black vote secured
Meanwhile Putin will drop a nuke called the "Satan 2" on us that is the size of Texas.
What a tought decision we have right goys?
He bought music and never released it? Oh man am I happy Obama is gonna have these evil little bitch raped in prison. I wish Obama would Fuck up more rich people because it is so sweet watching them suffer.
Based Shkreli
I have not heard anything of this and the tweet came out yesterday.
Probably not being covered then. I am in his discord though.
They will. They reported on a bar refusing to serve him drinks a few days ago.
Liked this guy from the beginning. Starting to love him 2bh.
He doesn't care about trump or what happens, he knows how much asshurt there will be among the normies if trump wins
>both buttons done up
No style! Sad!
hiro declined, because he already got paid by CTR
Why does all TV out of Japan look like it's mid 90's?
>he doesn't button the bottom button
Poorfag detected
You know what I wanna hear, right?
>be multi millionaire
>can´t even dress well
I swear I´d be better off with his money than him, I am pretty much and aryan 6 feet 2 ripped demi-god.
>pic related: me obviously
The smug coming off these two.
Because that was the peak of human civilization.
Because it wasn't for sale.
He made most of his money by short-selling. A lot of time this included shady shit like trying to block the companies from releasing new products or smear campaigns.
Is he holding his penis?
>nouveau riche
What you wanna hear?
>He's going to snap the Wu-tang album in half if Hillary wins
I wanna hear that Wu-Tang joint
Baby Boomers.
Gen X.
He's targeting every major generation that can vote with this. Clever strategy! Smart!
Wu tang AGAIN?!
they are literally fourth cousins
But Wu-Tang has been shit for 20 years
Awwww yeahh again and again!
Every god damn day in my city.
Secretly, I tell them no, but I know that I do have the exact amount of change they need because I always carry miscellaneous change on me.
The dude is an asshole.
But he is so fucking based.
He is CTR, abort, and reread memo!
I want da Wu-Tang Clang, da Snoop Dogg-Dog, and two packs of Shakur.
He isn't really helping us.
Don't fall for the lies and the distractions.
Overrated shit
Most overrated shit ever, literally boy band from 60s
The Wu-Tang album is just 65 minutes where Ol' Dirty Bastard accidentally left the deck running while he was huffing subfloor adhesive out of a caulking gun and arguing with his own teeth
So you're saying it's the Holy Grail for your average dindu?
Being this ass-blasted about not having any music in your country.
How does he have unheard Beatles? If it wasn't worthy of the quadrillion 45s, lps, cds, fucking tapes and 8tracks and everything else that is out what could he have?
That's a pretty good deal.
I hate this asshole. (But not for increasing drug prices)
Or maybe I don't listen to overrated shit
Coming from a 25 year record collector and music nerd who grew up in the most transformative era of music I agree with your assessment of these (((artists))). The industry fell apart in the 90s, and the record execs took complete control of the songwriters and redefined performance standards. This led to grunge, and top 40 alternative music which later commercialized MTV and led to the rise of monkey music and it's undeniably detrimental impact n society and culture. It was (((them))) controlling the younger generations the whole time. And the Beatles were the first example of their social experiment which led to the Hippie movement, a (((plan))) to inject commie culture into baby boomers so they'd become another enslaved generation by their (((design))).
Most people don't realize how much of the music thats popular is taken for granted but most of it wouldn't be popular if it wasnt being used as a tool to shape society and the three that Shkreli has are prime examples of the manufactured and controlled (((artists))) driving this shadow industry.
There are still real artists and labels that exist and have transcended the industry. But let's face it, everyone knows where the real money has gone and what has it gotten us? An entire race that feels justified in every wrong it's people's culture are guilty of? Top 40 music in general should be labeled The Audible Jew. How much Audible Jew do you let your children consume?
Would this not bring up some sort of legal issue with the actual content creators or is it because he bought the albums he's free to do what he wants with them?
He owns them so he's free to do what he wants.
wanna send that discord ameribro?
I am trying to remember if I even know any Wu-tang shit. The only thing I really remember about them is that someone spray painted that big w on the water tower in the town sometime in the 90s.
He's doing a lot of things with this post here.
Absolute genius.
1. The people who would want those things are so fickle they would vote for Trump just to have those things.
2. Showing that he believes Trump will most likely lose.
3. People who don't care about that kind of music are smart enough to know he wouldn't keep his word.
You don't come across as someone who has children, to put it mildly.
Hes for anything that helps big business. Trump is for helping big business.
Any other questions?
It depends on what is in the contracts.
And big bussines is somewhat bad?
>who are the providers of long term employement
Psst. Companies don't hire more staff than they need.
Think about that.
This guy's a legit psycho.
hi, buzzfeed!
Would you agree that a big busines needs more people than a small business?
>unheard Nirvana
>Wu Tang
Do I look like a 13 year old emo girl to you Martin?
Why would I want that? Those artists are awful. Better shill harder kike.
holy fucking shit
>albanian wants people to vote trump
he is as rare as a unicorn
>YFW Shkrelli just gave Trump a bump for the black vote
>37 CENT
this is too real. niggers always ask for a specific yet random amount of cents. I have a hypothesis they can't do any math therefore all quantities are interchangeable, more or less meaningless because they don't know the meaning. they just hear or memorize words that they figured out represents a number. what that number is or how it compares to other numbers, they haven't the slightest clue.
Fuck, I want that Wu-Tang album so badly..
Please Ameribros, make it happen.
>implying beatlemania is over
Clearly he's incentivising millennials to go out and vote for Trump.
Millennial turnout was a big problem actually for Brexit, iirc less than a third of them went and voted on that or remain. Very beneficial for Britain, considering that millennials were polled as extreme Remainers and after losing turned up on the streets to protest and demand a second vote.
In any case, we're going to hear the wu-tang wins. Finally.
Snkrllix wants the Jonson
ZING!!!! LOL, so much this! Upvoted! xD
Trump campaign is desperate.
This isnt about reaching you. It is obviously aimed at swaying hippies, hiphop fans and emos. All which are very likely to vote Hillary otherwise.
>yfw forgot to bench
Time to cut fatty