If Trump will win, why is he losing?
That doesn't see right now does it pole?
If Trump will win, why is he losing?
That doesn't see right now does it pole?
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Of course...fucking leaf again...
Ya pole what gives
But he's not losing?
Because Trump is the modern-day Reagan ya fuckin leaf
Great another reason why decent Americans have no business voting for another trickle down president.
Yeah hes well on his way to winning second place! Great news!
Reagan was down to Mondale the same time and he ended up sweeping Mondale. Trump will do the same. KEK wills it
How is Trump real if his hair isn't real?
Just leave...
I think the prosperity of the 80's speaks favorably for trickle down economics
Its real its just a comb over
No you need to know the truth.
it was one the slowest economic periods of the entire cold war u fucking dumbass. do you even know anything?
Maybe for Cucknadia it sucked
Why isn't Trump ahead in polls that oversample Democrats by 9-12%?
Yes, how could the side losing in polls possibly win
During the Reagan era, the US Annual GDP rate averaged a 7.9% growth. Obama only averages a 2.9% growth rate. Trickle down capitalism is grossly more productive over trickle down socialism. Next time you pop off be sure not to do it to an user with a economics major.
This, learn from BREXIT you dumb fucks.
XD!!@#!@#!@#!!! fucking retarded
Trump is Mr BREXIT
>XD!!@#!@#!@#!!! fucking retarded
Didn't realize Aspergers was the Cucknadian mental state
>If brexit will win why is it losing
The day Brexit won was a glorious day. A toast to the return of the British Empire! May you reclaim all of what you lost after WWII
He is winning though
He will win by 3-4%. I called it
Get out Justin you fucking stoner faggot
>But if this is a bad time to hold power, it is a great time to be in the opposition. For a burgeoning far right nationalist movement, a Clinton presidency is good fortune: that’s four more years of the liberal left taking the heat for whatever happens, four more years during which the far right can claim to have a political program that would work if only they could implement it. After the initial post-election disappointment dissipates, this will be an ideal context for far-right recruiting.
Even if Trump loses, the far right still wins.
>polls literally split and going both ways
Not if she fucking start WW3 with Russia ya fucking gypsy!
Probably the most delusional thing I've ever seen.
How do you keep coming up with this shit?
>Excess Hollywoo hates Trump
Stop giving me reasons to vote for him, damnit! I already did!
>nukes drop
Romania looks unchanged.
>How do you keep coming up with this shit?
You could read the fuckin' article.
Syriza's disastrous governance just bolstered the ranks of the Golden Dawn. Same will happen with Hillary.
what, do you realy belive a lot of people arent absolutely fed up with the left aproach to things?
the fact that trump stands a chance of winning realy should say something.
>a fucking leaf
sorry i don't read crap.
So did i, pound it broseph stalin
>stands a chance
no he actually has no chance. no one actually believes he can win. not even his own party believes he can win. he is an embarrassment to america.
>if we win, we win
>If we lose, its rigged
>if we lose, we win because in losing is winning
Old Sup Forums would've mocked this "logic" to death. I miss old Sup Forums.
I love the Portubros, soon they will rule all of Iberia
if you say so leaf.
whatever lets you sleep at night amirite?
Day of the rake when?
are americans really this retarded?
They're just mad because Toronto and Winnipeg suck
Really gets the almonds activated when you think about it huh.
No but you Dutch are
No. It's worse.
literally lmao at you rn
Name one thriving socialist state. Don't worry I'll wait
your just mad because you're going to have a women president. She's better on her knees sucking Billy's Willy than in the oval office.
One if Bill's ex lovers begs to disagree
All of Scandinavia
Protip: The US isn't a capitalist state. There is no free market and the government interferes heavily in the economy. Real capitalism wouldn't last five minutes and none of the corporatists would allow it anyway. PS: why are you Americans always weird looking?
I said thriving not gasping for air and being invaded by rapefugees
Back the fuck off!?
Check fucking mate senpai
To be fair, Brexit had a very minor Remain lead in the aggregate(about 2%, although it was skewed by a handful of bad polls that gave Remain a 10% lead...so basically, it was a dead heat). Trump is down in all polls and by more significant margins. Polling would need to be a Michigan-style outlier for Trump to win.
People will often cite things like Brexit and Michigan, but then they don't talk about the multitude of other races all of the polls called correctly. So precisely about a 1% rate of error among polling in the US election so far as far as being "very wrong" go. The rest has been quite accurate.
So I guess the point is that Sup Forums is banking on a 1% miracle. But hey, they do happen sometimes.
My favorite part about Brexit and this election is that the establishment and the shills contributed to their defeat.
I know three people who admit they would vote for Hillary over Trump, but they won't be voting because they don't "see the need"
That works when you dont import shitton of new people to even it out.
>muh rapefugees
kil yourself. stupid american. i swear i should have saved that picture of a fat fuck american calling everyone cucks when they are surrounded by niggers.
And what if it isn't disastrous?
As long as liberal have domination over the young, it's over whether or not Trump wins. With a Trump wins at best you can hope the preteens of today become conservatives. With Hillary you'll have millenials on crack.
Under a Trump administration, government involvement within the market would be greatly reduced and corperations would become more competitive thus increasing productivity and profit.
>someone put this time into creating a fake video of a presidential nominee being violently attacked
that high road's a slippy one eh
Dont Amerikaners have safe spaces in schools or something nowadays?
I dont think Trump will repeal any laws Obama did in educational sector.
>not even his own party thinks he has a chance
>Hurr durr the cuckservatives want him to lose, so he's not going to win
Typical liberal shithead inferiority complex: what i say is always right and if you question me I'll threaten you like a faggot. Get raked leaf
he fell for the trickle down meme
also, without government investment, the most profitable and competitive companies in America would not even exist.
>he has no allies
>he will win
LMAO! nice argument!
I don't think there's actual safe space laws, just weird kids who set it up themselves.
But the point is unless there's something drastic done soon, it's ogre for american conservatives.
There's no such thing as "pure capitalist" or "pure socialist". All countries are a mix of the two. The main defining differences are how far the country goes in private ownership vs government ownership and what percentage of earnings goes towards "sharing" or public social programs and how far the government penalizes the very successful.
But no government in existence operates off of pure capitalism or socialism. The difference being that more socialist countries have a tendency to stagnate while more capitalist countries flourish. Leaning more towards socialism almost always correlates with bloat, stagnation, laziness, and decline unless done carefully in small doses. It also depends on if your country is currently housing boatloads of lazy niggers and spics to take advantage of these programs.
How does Trudeaup's dick taste?
So he says. Even if Trump does it, it doesn't work. Even if it happens it's not going to benefit most Americans. You guys get played every election, Jesus Christ. I feel bad for you weird looking bastards, your politicians are just sooooo shit and you all eat it up
the surveyed people lied to the pollsters or faked being undecided or just refused to talk
>american obsessed with the taste of cock
Red blooded American here!
Mexico ain't the only country that's gonna build a wall
Well how about this :
>trump wins
>all the 1% he cucked wreck the state on purpose in next 4-8 years
>his policies fail and conservatives are doomed anyway
Basically i think USA is fucked whoever gets out.
>one post
>dat deflection
>How do you keep coming up with this shit?
It's not delusional, it's how basic politics works. The left will obviously go >GOP IS KILL FUCK RETHUGLICANS, but even if trump loses he basically realigned the system, that's not going away,
Economy in Finland is in a shit hole. I really don't think you know what's going on bro.
Tell me more about a decade that passed 10+ years before you were born, kiddo.
Do you kids really believe this shit or this just how you think you are "fitting in" with Sup Forums because your classmates think you are an autist?
economies go through cycles. get over it find land.
>no allies
He's winning independents and bringing people into the party who never voted before. Just because cuckservatives and neocons don't support him doesn't mean he's going to lose.
KEK agrees
a bunch of nobodies who decided to get off their fat ass and vote will swing the vote for trump! wow!
also no one cares about the "popular vote".
>gibsmedat sperg that has never paid taxes and has no understanding of history thinks the Scandinavian model is the epitome of western civilization
Remember when the Danish PM BTFO Bernie Sanders for saying the same shit?
>muh Sup Forums memes
Sweden, Denmark are both consistently ranked as better countries to do business in than the US.
Even within the US, conservacuck "muh free market" states are the ones gasping for air, blue-leaning, more tax heavy states tend to be major centers of business because public investment = better educated work forces, nicer cities that attract talent, etc. there's reason GE just plopped their HQ down in massachusetts instead of fucking Mississippi.
It's more complicated than that son. The US is a pseudo-capitalist state wherein the wealthy run the government for the benefit of business interests, and use the state apparatus to protect themselves etc. They're very much opposed to free market forces, which is why the government keeps bailing out rich cunts and enforcing laws that help them. I agree that the US is more capitalistic than other western countries (read: shittier, virtually no labour laws, no universal healthcare, fascist police, huge incarceration rates, indoctrinated population, corporate bootlicking) which is why it's shitty to be a citizen there. It is way better to be an average Swede or something than an average American.
I hope that's coherent, I'm stoned, something which is probably the death penalty in Texas
That's exactly what happened in the primary.
>Hurr durr electoral college means popular vote is meaningless
Jesus, no wonder this cuck got elected in your shithole country.
Time to play "Spot the liberal Hillbot"
> 1969-1979
> We all Grew
lel are you retarded bro?
You clearly don't understand American politics. "a bunch of nobodies" is 40% of the fucking vote. Independents are a larger voting bloq than either party. If you win independents you win the election.
Sweden and Denmark both have lower corportate tax rates than the USA. Texas is also blowing every blue state the fuck out of the water in real economic growth. California is hemmoraghing wealth left and right to the point that their people are fleeing like Syrian refugees to red states like Colorado and Texas.
It's no coincidence that all of the "blue states" with good economies also happen to be white as fuck. The South got saddled with all the niggers and spics.
We only execute rapists, murderers, pedophiles, and illegals. So basically only libfag
As the underage children here love to say...
"not an argument"
>muh niggers
Nigger pop is still only like 15% in most of those states, and total shitholes like West Virginia and Kentucky are both 95+% white, which your scapegoat doesnt account for.
>red state
my sides
>Texas blowing every blue state out of the water
They have a booming oil industry which a group of monkeys could take advantage of. Furthermore most growth is in blue-heavy cities like Austin, dallas etc (tech industry--which is growing virtually everywhere else also). But despite all that "growth", texas still ranks bottom 10 in poverty rates among other embarrassing HDI metrics. Try again kiddo.
>It's more complicated
Of course. I was just being broad. On a country to country level it gets far more specific than that based on their laws and individual governments, but I'm not going to go over every single facet of it or I'd be here typing all day.
Part of the problem is that liberals are extremely confused and actually vote in favor of laws that make it easier for big businesses to stay at the top and make it almost impossible for smaller businesses to get started or not get bought out. The more federal loopholes and fees that small businesses have to pay to compete, the harder it is for anyone to get started, and yet liberals ironically vote aggressively in favor of these extra taxes and laws.
I don't agree with other specifics in your post but I'm too lazy to argue. I'm going to go eat a deep fried mayonnaise ketchup flavored butterstick.
Texas has a "shoot on sight" policy for rapefugees
I'm not a libertarian but you're a faggot. The 70s were the worst decade for economic performance since Gread Depression. The 90s were much more prosperous overall
Guys remember what leafs taught you. If you loose you win
Name one Cucknadian contribution
Ancap thread
And Deadpool doesn't count!