This Finnish journalist is a former porn star and now a government paid jewish shill. Any toughts?
*and why its a good thing
Why shouldn't she be able to?
If she was smart, then she could get some money off the porn industry then invest them correctly
Whats wrong with this?
I swear Sup Forums and /leftypol/ are just as retarded
>Any thoughts?
Yes: wrong board, polflake
And heres why thats a good thing
how are her braps?
All of her porn flicks suck.
I don't believe that for a second.
She's way too ugly for porn.
At least they're still better than Sweden
thirsty enablers and beta bux will still lead the world to ruin
>Any toughts?
yea, whats her name i want to jerk off to her
rakel liekki, atleast used to be
and that's ok
>dude why does anything matter lmao just turn your brain off lmao
finnish porn is awful, extremely low grade, utter garbage
can someone post that gif of her sucking some black dick
How the fuck does her being a pornstar not allow her to be in politics?
Is there a law saying otherwise?
>she's way too ugly for porn
you obviously haven't seen much euro porn
outside of French and Italian movies they are all disgusting slags
click here to find out why
our president paid a porn star that looked like his daughter to pee on him, I don't see why whatever she is doing is so bad.
There's a niche for every fetish
Hello newfriends, Redditors, Sup Forumstards, underagefags and everyone else.
Threadly reminder that sexism isn't and has never been allowed outside of Sup Forums. Now please go be edgy somewhere else.
>too ugly for porn
if you're a woman all you have to do is be willing to take a dick on camera and you can to porn
Don't bully my pornfu :c
Good on her? Starring in porn isn't a crime you know.
Are her scenes any good
>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
Read your own rules, nowhere does it say anything about sexism.