Sup Forums btfo yet again
Sup Forums btfo yet again
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It was actually only $50 million Friday.
They're counting Thursday showings in that number.
What is this expression trying to conveey?
>What is this expression trying to conveey?
Hes a super villian in his night job.
They do that for every movie
it's frontloaded. there's nowhere to go but down.
>International box office predictions went from 120 million to 150 million
Sup Forums gets more BTFO by the second
That's... how you do it.
its true
I'm blown the fuck out
no way to recover
>"i-it will have terrible word of mouth, see the audience score on RT!"
>Only Marvel movie besides Avengers to get an A+ cinemascore
and surprising no one it turns out people aren't getting sick of superhero movies they just hate DC like they should
>yfw Black Panther ends up somewhere on this list
since niggas can't even buy their own tickets it will also be on the list of biggest 2nd week dropoffs
calling it now Based Marvel is getting the number 3 spot
B-but Sup Forums told me no one wanted to see it!
They said only SJWs liked it!
Mendelson again
>tfw next week it breaks the record for "smallest drop in the MCU"
Reminder that TLJ had an A cinemascore and still had the biggest week to week drop in the history of movies
which means black panther is going to do better
only if you are buying the tickets
That's for every movie you pinhead
that's literally every movie, they always make most of their money on opening weekend
No, the audience score is starting to fall. The movie was shit, that's the sad truth
so it didnt do as well as expected?
Against what competition? All the people I saw it with last night wanted to see it again. It's going to keep making money. I don't know why people actively hope that movies will fail
The drop-off will probably be pretty steep after the first weekend. SJWs wanted to see it opening weekend to make a statement for their friends to admire... but will not go back for return viewings. They don't care how it does long-term, because it does not effect them.
>initial tracking was just around 110 million
>now it's going to make 185 million
yeah m8, it's a flop
Grow up . These movies are trash
every cent of profit is going to people who can trace their lineage back to the slave trade
niggers are literally owning themselves, just like always
alt-righters spamming the audience score on RT means nothing, the movie is great
it's sarcasm you moron
How long can geek culture keep chugging along? Shit, even the Western came down to earth. Modern cape shit ranges from 1/10 to 7/10 and they can still make half a billion easily.
Now I'm wondering, why don't studios scale down some movies and make them for like $80M? People are gonna see this shit anyway, why not have an even bigger return or are obvious green screens and PS3 level VFX the key to keep audiences coming in?
Also charities buying tickets and all that pathetic shit, the drop is going to be brutal
what does competition have to do with anything?
>How much do moviegoers love Black Panther? The Ryan Coogler-directed movie earned an A+ CinemaScore, Marvel’s second after 2012’s The Avengers. On Screen Engine/ComScore PostTrak, moviegoers are giving the pic an 88% definite recommend, a 95% overall positive score, while a third plan to see it again in the theater.
>inb4 "fake surveys bought by Disney"
>UPDATE, SATURDAY: Disney/Marvel’s Black Panther is on a powerhouse run at the international box office as it climbs to $81.5M through Friday. It is now outperforming not only Ant-Man, Guardians Of The Galaxy and Doctor Strange, but Thor: Ragnarok and is on its way to besting all pre-weekend projections. It should cross $150M in 48 markets through Sunday.
It might make more than Ragnarok overseas and that hit $540 million. Considering how well BP is doing domestically it's all but confirmed to cross $400m there. This movie has a legitimate chance of a billion
>I don't know why people actively hope that movies will fail
You know why
>alt-righters spamming the audience score on RT
Proofs? I'm sorry the movie is shit user, I know you had high hopes
He just shoved a giant black dildo up his ass before the photo.
>>inb4 "fake surveys bought by Disney"
TLJ had an A cinemascore too so it's literally that
>black cast, black director, black writers
>Sup Forumscucks now have to invent conspiracies to invalidate the movie
lol you reek of desperation
>This movie has a legitimate chance of a billion
Can't wait, also didn't Ryan Coogler's other two movies get Oscars? This might be the first MCU movie to get one.
sweetie, an A+ is not an A
Kikes are rubbing their hands together so hard right now. Prepare yourselves for a BP trilogy.
Just saw it and it was great actually, going to go see it again with another group of people next week
Stay mad user
>This movie has a legitimate chance of a billion
China is laughing at you
It has a great shot at winning best costume design
Look at this, it's great
>Trolls spam 1s
>It's the truth guys the movie is bad
You keep this up dipshit. It's your standard marvel flick yet has a much lower audience rating. Your handcannon narrative that this shit is somehow worse than the majority of other Capeshit and that "people are finally waking up" is embarrassing.
>a billion
take a look at what's coming out the next few months
it's probably going to hit $2 billion
>sweetie, an A+ is not an A
Same shit, still a great score and still had such a big drop than the entire studio underperformed
it'll get more than Mad Max did
>>Trolls spam 1s
Sup Forumstards on suicide watch
Stargate level of shit.
stop polluting the board with this stupid bullshit. nobody gives a shit about box office performance
an A+ is rare on cinemascore, despite pleb audiences always giving high scores to mediocre movies (like an A- or A)
>An A+ grade from CinemaScore for a film typically predicts a successful box office. From 1982 to August 2011, only 52 films (about two a year) received the top grade, including seven Academy Award for Best Picture winners. A+ films include Titanic, A Few Good Men, Dances with Wolves, Driving Miss Daisy, The King's Speech, Schindler's List and Toy Story 2.[6] From 2004 to 2014, those rated A+ and A earned total revenue 4.8 and 3.6 times their opening-weekend box-office results, respectively
wait Forest Whitaker is in this? I've never heard anyone mention him
>shills believe this piece of shit is going to win anything
Literally CW tier
>makes movie for nogs.
>forgets nogs dont have money
I read that as 876M in the catalog.
>he thinks it's not making good money
legitimately retarded
>superhero fatigue
did they mean DC fatigue, becaues every marvel movie has been a hit for the last 10 years or so
>the movie is great
The movie is the most average thing I have ever seen. It's just your basic bog standard marvel film.
he's trying to be sarcastic
I actually have no doubt it was at least good because Coogler is a good director and 6/10 and forgettable is the floor with MCU shit. It was treating the movie like it was the start of another civil Rights movement that rubbed me the wrong way. The marketing (including all the clickbait articles) just gave me flashbacks to the Ghostbusters marketing, though BP was never gonna be near as bad as that pile of trash
If freaking Ant-Man is getting a trilogy you can bet BP easily gets one
This was a foregone conclusion months ago
They were too busy shilling muh Wakanda to talk about the only actor of note in the film.
although Jordan has a bright future
I think he's making fun of the people who say that audiences are getting sick of superhero movies
Well it's a good thing they've got the Asian markets because it's doing great there
There's a thread on this board literally right now
ah, well apparently im a brainlet then, thanks
Angela Bassett is worth of note
Black Americans are more likely to be descended from colonial slave owners than whites
>the slave owners are real kind to the slaves and give them special jobs, so it's okay that they will keep all the money the movie makes!
stupid nigger, just as dumb as you were 400 years ago
Show me
>All the people I saw it with last night wanted to see it again
>see again a movie next week
Amuricans are really that retarded? Just watch another movie, retardeds lol
>Prepare yourselves for a BP trilogy.
every marvel title gets a trilogy
sometimes when people enjoy something they want to see it again
I know it's a strange concept for you DCucks
this is the hype train and after this it's done
>superhero movie
>shit for kids
Ya know, like every superhero movie. Nothing new here.
Even if it bombs disney is doing a sequel due to how much positive press this mediocre by the numbers movie got them
Watch what? Fifty Shades? Maze runner? They released this movie at the perfect time, it has no real competition
>if it bombs
it's making almost twice the budget on the opening weekend, moron
So, is that normal at murica, seeing the same movie again and again? Wow, seriously.
It ends with Infinity War
He's either a marvel shill or an actual retard that thinks marvel films are works of art
Maze Runner was already being beaten by Jumanji which was released weeks before by the second weekend
I guess Deadpool is the next competition
>the movie is successful
Excellent. Now when libtards whine about no blacks in movie, we'll just point to Black Panther.
Black Panther is a containment movie LMAO
>b-b this means Hollywood will make more movies with lots of blacks
Just checked and Deadpool 2 only releases in May, so yeah, no competition
Infinity War actually releases before that
>nog has 26 dollars to his name
>spends it on a night at the movies because he's dumb
They love wasting their small amount of gibs at the movies retard
It's making 400 million?
So black Americans have a larger claim to the American society and history than someone like Donald Trump? Good to know.
>>b-b this means Hollywood will make more movies with lots of blacks
actually yes, dumbfuck
how about the next masterpiece?
Are you surprised? They vote for Trump, you know.