Did slavs really go into space?

Did slavs really go into space?

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Using Nazi technology.


In canada we're taught that Roberta Bondar was the first lady in space, but that doesn't seem to be true.

And they were first cuckboi.


Didn't stay relevant

also czechoslovakia was 3rd in space (after USSR and USA)

>actually believing this
You realize Nazi jets, rockets and overall space program was not the best one, others are just less known? Same goes w tanks

Not exactly.

The Soviets failed to retrieve any V2 rockets from Germany, they didn't even get any parts from the V2. All they had were some old blue prints of the V2.

It was the genius of sergei korolev that designed the first Soviet rockets.

In contrast the United States captured dozens of V2s, a bunch of spare parts, all blue prints, and they creator of V2, Von Braun.

Von Braun ended up designed all the rockets after the US ones kept blowing up.

That tape's fake, and Roberta Bondar was the first Canadian female in space.
First /human/ female in space was Valentina Tereshkova.

>rendered image of a concept is an achievement
Otherwise, accurate.

Russia first living thing to die in space
Russia first rocket explosion to take out their entire R&D development
Russia first dead man in space

>space program fatalities
I don't think you want to have this discussion.

Nobody has been into space.

Oh, alrighty then.

Thanks Russiabro

the ultimate red pill

I though the Yanks got all the Nazi rocket scientists.

slavs go into space
squat on the moon
with adidas spacesuits
and adidas shoes

They did and now that they cant rely old nazi scientist. US has to buy rocket technology from Russia for their satelites and buy rides from Russians for their astronauts and use better russian spacesuits.

It's too bad we've lost Steve Irwin. How are we going to beat the alium invasion now?


Send John Titor back to save Steve

that would actually be a good movie

You do realize it was a RACE, right? Everything you did we did better, just slightly after bevause we didn't built our shit out of old Soviet rifles and canteens

You act like because you did it first that we never did the at all.

Consider the following: planning these missions takes months, sometimes years . Everything the soviets did we did just a few more than later, so we were obviously working on the same shit at the same time...it's content retarded to say "DURR WE DID IT FIRST HURP".




>tfw white civilisations are so fucking superior
Feels good man

Both sides of the accomplishments will be for nothing if you fuckers keep arming yourselves.

wehraboo detected


oh god all the butthurt

Sexy Oleg is for waiting you in orbit.

>Keck Observatory
Brothers, we will be using that when we have to fight the final boss.

Yuri Gagarin

Alan Shepard

>you will never work on a space station

You have down syndrome. Lay off the Soviet vodka, perogie. Your country is irrelevant

Poles are the niggers of Europe, just ignore them.

You are pretty buttblasted though, go eat a burger or two to calm down.

yes and they were nice enough to test the rockets out on cats and monkeys before they vacuum packed some poor turnip farmer inside to die

First doggo in space. Nevar forget. RIP in peace

Vidi ga ovaj, naso si kome da se slihtas.

So how'd your spagheti powered bumper cars do in ww2 you flip flop

Yes, Yuri Gagarin was launched for 100 minutes, while USA was still dick-measuring, pecker-checking, & test-launching with chimpanzees...
>>Soviets gave no shits about Yuri's safety, If he had died, they would have covered it up & tried again.

>said by frenchie

LMAO I legit can't tell you apart from sandniggers

>њeмy ce нeиpoничнo cвиђaјy кaтoлици

Иди пoпyши им мaлo кypaц, Хpвoјe.

>Kek observatory

Did USA ever really land on the moon?

No in soviet russia space goes in to you.

Actualy soviet supermarkets where named kosmos. Not because of the crazy tech but they are as empty.

Hanz you are drunk go to sleep.

Ti si taj koji ga ducka, i to amerima sramoto.

Yeah, Russians won the space race buddy, I see you are still way too blinded by butthurt to see it.

There was no moon race. There was a space race. You lost it.

We build planes, we have a spacial programm, we sent a probe on a comet, we build nuclear aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines ...
What has your country done ?

Saved Europe.

>We build planes, we have a spacial programm, we sent a probe on a comet, we build nuclear aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines ...
That was before you succumbed to US influence.

De Gaulle was a great man. Look at what you're doing right now: joining back NATO, dismantling your land-based nuclear platforms...

we actually defended ourselves in WW2
and we had safe New Years Eve 2015/16
and we never had clashes with sandnigger migrants in any of our cities
Not to mention one of our guys stopped the sun and started the earth
We also invented Vodka
welp, last statement is false
God invented Vodka to stop Polish people from ruling over the galaxy

Are you joking?

Both US & Russia stole like thousands of Nazi scientists and forced them to work for them and show them all they know after the war.

That's like standard procedure, you dumb?

After a war you take your enemies scientists & technology unless you're a complete potato.

>implying Russia and US didn't steal all the space research from Pooland

If there is one thing that the soviet union was good at was producing really good scientist and engineers.

Its just that the actuall construction of the things they designed was usualy fucked by the not so good parts of the soviet union.

The joke about soviet rocket scientists driving cabs in america isnt that far from the truth.

Poland could into space.

just cuck my shit up senpai

>white civilisations

Frog, you're overdosed on baguette, get some sleep.

You can still rise back. Eventually, I guess. Nobody on the political scene has the presence of a De Gaulle or Pompidou, but France isn't doomed.

You fuckers better not sink right as I'm about to emigrate.

>If there is one thing that the soviet union was good at was producing really good scientist and engineers.

I got a good laugh, thanks man.

Russia dumped all their GDP into the space race and military, then failed at everything else. Then collapsed. hooray?


fuck off
we're full

There was a war and we happened to win.
Gosh, I con't believe you are able to survive winter with that level of autism.

How ? You just got raped by Germans and Russians
I agree

It was a race to show who could make a nuclear warhead. Traveling to the moon represented technology to hit the other country with a nuke.

>first to put things into space
>starts putting everything into space

welp, our culture and identity is still alive and thriwing, while your country is not even France anymore, its Cuckliphate

Rashka you forgot about the first pole in the space because of you

>How ? You just got raped by Germans and Russians
Poland did it thru all it's history, let it be, everyone contribute, as they can.

We're still building nuclear submarines and sending probes on comet. Everything is not lost


Nah m8, we lost to the biggest world powers once, let's just remember that.

We fucking saved your goddamn revolution as we got forced into uprising by the mason elites so Russians couldn't pacify your puny fight for the freedom.

When will you fucking pussies already thank the Poles for dying for you whenever it comes to defending your business.

not cool Siergiey
also in 1610 we raped you back
now that we are all assfucked, we can be friends

Space doesn't exist you fucking cuck.

One more sandnigger won't change shit, senpai, not like you can do anything about it anyway

Might as well profit from the laxist immigration laws before the FN gets elected

In 1610 we were almost one country, it was a political thing, not war.

There were some based poles throughout history espacially during the French Revolution and the 1st Empire (pic related) but I don't see how you saved Europe

When it comes to rocketry the problem is that Soviets weren't that far behind. They just never approved large-scale experiments like V2 but they've had numerous gifted people working on those since 1900 or so.

Poland won war against USSR in 1921, use it as example instead of war that literally happened 400 years ago, dum-dum

Wehrner von Braun built all yankee space stuff, retard.

You should really learn some history before unknowingly feigning stupidity.

Because we got struck by everything so your ass was safe. It's common knowledge that the Germans would've fuel the communist revolution and take over the Europe if it wasn't for us. But you don't know that, you've never experienced communism so it's hard to realize how much torment we've saved you from.

Poniatowski was a lad.
But then he died covering the French retreat :^(

Hahaha Space Shuttle

Sorry Wania, but CCCP was not real Russia, you were hijacked by commie autists, 1610 is more glorious to me.
I gotta go study, keep your chin up cousin.
Hope USA will not break out WW3 so we won't have to murder each other.
uh huh, ok then, whatever, got stuff to do

Don't act like you were fighting alone against the commies. De Gaulle was in Poland during the war, he even got the War Order of Virtuti Militari.

Nod an argument

even the russians copied the shuttle with the buran

He was one of the best Marshal of the Empire.

>copied the shuttle
We took design(same way Soviets did with many things, like cars), there was no way USSR could copy what's inside of it

It was really more of a bold, solid and factual statement than an argument. But ok I guess, not sure why someone would purposefully ignore facts, unless that is, you have low standards. Ciao.

Yes, they skies are ours


>not Russia
guess that makes you a nigger too

If double digits then slavs are white

>Germans would've fuel the communist revolution
i dont get it

germans wanted to fight communism with you, but poland allied with soviets instead

>this event is relevant today
>first woman in space
Yea, sure thing buddy