/bb/ Celebrity Big Brother

HOH: Omarosa
Veto: TBD
Nominations: TBD

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ari is constipated




>tfw no brandi mommy gf


Sat 2/17 9:54:22 AM PST


Ari nip slip



What are we voting for?



I want mark or metta to win it.
Metta would be more hilarious to me


because it'll force someone to use it and be funny

plus the other two are too powerful

Diamond POV will most likely send James/Metta home
Others two - one of B/R/A/M alliance
I voted for spotlight - if one of nominees wins, it's just usual veto

If you're team Omarosa or James:

If you're team Ross/Marissa

you're voting for what the veto is, not who wins it

Oh, I'm retarded sorry.. Spotlight then

if this is the retarded way you are going to go about it then you have to wait till after hoh to vote

I don’t participate in the fan votes

This is one of the greatest days of my life anons

hoh happened last night

no worries. I thought the same desu

>you have to wait till after hoh to vote

read OP

Spotlight because fuck their opinion on if they want to use it or not.

VIP veto is the least game breaking so if you choose to vote and dont vote for that then you are part of the problem

I'm not voting for VIP because it benefits Ross and Marissa the most and I don't want them to win this game.

part of the problem

i thought it was for the next eviction after omarosa's hoh


Is James natty?

>giving someone an option to save 2 people of the block is the least game breaking one

you are the part of the problem
spotlight veto has 33% to 83% chance of being won by someone who would use it anyways thus making it just a regular veto


VIP veto is the only option that allows it to be used as a regular veto. ur an idiot

>VIP veto is the only option that allows it to be used as a regular veto

except it can ALSO be used to take 2 players down AS WELL AS take one person down, wait, and then take another nom down

It's the second most gamebreaking behind Diamond

ur right they all suck let me change my stance. if you vote at all you are part of the problem

Well, one of them is getting chosen, so by not voting you're part of the problem and shouldn't complain about the results

this, voting doesn't matter anyways, grodner will decide an outcome

I knew it

everyone is problematic

So we can pick the type of Veto can only be won by Omarosa, Her two nominations and 3 random HG?

The Diamond Veto makes the most sense, because it give the Veto Holder power and not the HOH.

VIP Veto is a regular veto and Spotlight would be a regular veto if the person who is on the block wins this.

Or spotlight might be cool if they don't tell the Veto holder what their power is until after they won the veto.

>so by not voting you're part of the problem
wrong. if u vote ur the problem

when they tell the hgs about the change to the veto power is a very important part of the equation

under a normal season or HG i would say its lame to strip the power from HoH but since is omarasa.. WOO LETS GO

fuck her stupid kool-aid drinking ass and grodner trying to rig it for her

>le Centrist face

sure sure

not an argument

>VIP Veto is a regular veto

It isn't a regular veto, but it can be played like one.
It can also be used like a regular, HoH noms new person, and then can be used again.

Spotlight is a regular veto that HAS to be used

if grodner was trying to rig it for omarosa they would have delayed this twist until after her hoh

none of them are regular vetos stop saying that

>Wanting Omarossa, the ONLY player who will target Ross/Marissa, to get fucked so they're safe this week

get your priorities straight niqqa

Mark thought that F3 HOH Part 2 eliminates third person and Final HOH crapshoot is just for a show
althogh desu it is a reality more often than not

Brandi wants some of that BEAST MODE COWBOY DICK

its pretty funny how assblasted catladys are whenever he says anything

>Mark/James/Ross/Marissa f4

how do these people not see Ross is good with everyone

lol, no

our vote doesnt matter. whichever veto will benefit omarosa the most when it comes time is the one that will be revealed

the veto that benefits omarosa the most is the golden power of veto. that veto is not in play this week. stop being retarded

i don't hate anybody this season, there's a few people i maybe find mildly annoying but there is no one to hate. kinda embarrassing to admit but that takes a lot of the interest out

it was already decided when she was casted that she would win. CBS would look stupid giving a show to someone that didn't win it.

Is BMC natty?

>CBS would look stupid giving a show to someone that didn't win it.
this is a really stupid opinion

If a vote between two things that is going to happen regardless, you vote for the lesser of two evils.
If you choose not to vote, you are the problem when the greater of two evils wins because you didn't do anything.

>Marissa says that feeders probably would love her to be in F3

yeah, right

>biggest contract at $1.2million to be on the show
>contract for being on the show includes her own talk show after the season
>everyone else is only getting $100k

That's literally what I implied in my post

you literally called spotlight veto a regular veto

that HAS to be played*


they wanted omarosa to do a talk show on CBS and included her in celeb bb to boost ratings. they did not put her in bb celeb with hopes that her winning it would boost her talk show ratings. they did want omarosa to last more than a week which is why they gave her the 'random' safety but they clearly dont care if she wins or not because this veto twist only has potential negative effects for her

He's a manlet.

a regular veto allows the hg to keep the noms the same. how can you play the spotlight veto and do that?

she did get more stipend but that total includes IF she wins the 250k

its 400k for the others (with the win). her base is closer to 750k tops

>a regular may or may not be used but it can be used on a yourself (if your on the block) or another nom
>the spotlight veto is the exact same except it MUST be played

So, like I said multiple times, it's a regular veto that HAS to be played

a regular veto has specific powers that the spotlight veto does not have. the spotlight veto is not a regular veto

>james: i dont want to start any rumors but yes brandi is getting a good check but she has no money in the bank.

brandi is getting more $$ too

>a regular veto has specific powers that the spotlight veto does not have

which are?

the option of not pulling anyone off the block. the spotlight veto does not have this power

So, the spotlight is a regular veto, that MUST be played. Gotcha

no because a regular veto always has the option of keeping the players on the block the same. if any type of veto does not have this option it cannot be called a regular veto in any way




So, the spotlight veto is a basically a regular veto, that MUST be played. cool

no because a regular veto always has the option of keeping the players on the block the same. if any type of veto does not have this option it cannot be called a regular veto in any way

So the only difference is one has the ability to not be used and the other one has to?
So they're basically the same, except one has to be used?

Are you autistic or retarded? serious question

the fact that the spotlight must be used also potentially changes who will be trying to win it



i wonder if those decorative divider bricks are real concrete or a prop styrofoam


it's crazy seeing Ari throw Brandi under the bus to Omarosa

its so dumb how they look for reason to justify why they want someone out instead of just saying. this person annoys me or i want to win

they are using the hinky vote to turn on her because shes annoying the shit out of them

based af
brandi was throwing her utb as well with her subtle "oh look how good ari is, and how smart, and how beautiful, and how she will beat us all in the end"

>Brandi: omarosa has been getting stuff when she asks for it. i've asked for fleet enemas and haven't gotten them she asked for the make up palette that is $100 and they got it for her

wait wut? brandi wants to give herself an enema


I don't like American big brother is all about the strategizing, and challenges and shit. That reduces it all down to survivor lite edition. The Australian one was better in that even talking about who you want out at all is enough to get you kicked.


What was your thinking behind flipping the house to get rid of Chuck in the first eviction? I know you’ve seen seasons where people have made big moves early on and paid for it later. You never want to go full Devin, Shannon!

>Shannon: Well, Devin went a little crazy! (Laughs.) Devin wasn’t about flipping. Devin was losing his mind in the house, I remember. I didn’t feel like that was what was happening.


I really hope Based Lady O axes that faggot Ross this week or that fat ugly jew Marissa.

shannon is a devin poster