das rite
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It's also insufficient to stop trucks of peace and c4 from exploding
Haha stupid republicans and thier god and sheet
Evidence also indicates the FBI is insufficient to investigate kids threatening to shoot up school because they're too busy investigating Trump, who will be impeached any day now
Evidence collected over many years, obtained from many locations, indicates that banning guns is insufficient to stop people from getting guns.
wow this is really relevant to tv and film
He’s not wrong, preying is useless. It doesn’t actually make a positive impact on the world, it’s a just coping strategy for mentally weak cucks
>inb4 triggered religious larpers
>mfw its real
what an obnoxious asshole
t. soyboy
>it’s real
Jesus Christ Neil, did Bill’s negativity get to you?
>capitalized "prayer"
Ladies and gentleman, the negro intellectual.
Why don't we just ban the excessively powerful guns like assault rifles? Or at least restrict who can purchase them.
I get hunting rifles and shotguns and handguns, fine, but why would a regular person need a high caliber assault rifle? The only reason those guns exist is to kill as many people as possible
>100 million guns
>30 million guns collected
how successful
I thought he was supposed to be scientist?
Evidence only indicates that prayer does not stop all bullets from killing school children. Children getting killed by 1 bullet does not disprove that prayer stops thousands of others.
If those kids had brought their bibles with them they'd still be alive :'(
he's just an entertainer that likes to spout out sciency facts that he reads online
>all guns are banned in australia
if you dont know what you are talking about, maybe you shouldnt be talking, because you can most certainly own a firearm in australia
>I get hunting rifles and shotguns and handguns, fine, but why would a regular person need a high caliber assault rifle? The only reason those guns exist is to kill as many people as possible
Because it's a false argument, and anybody being intellectually honest knows this.
The vast, vast, VAST majority of homicides are committed by handguns, NOT by assault rifles.
Shit, more people every year are killed by bare hands than by rifles.
So if you actually wanted to make a dent in the murder rate, you'd need to get rid of handguns.
This is what the left actually wants, but they're too scared to admit it because it's a very unpopular opinion.
>like assault rifles? Or at least restrict who can purchase them
already happens. you have to pay extra and apply for a permit to get a weapon with full auto capability
Because we sell those guns around the world and then complain about the wars in those parts of the world.
It’s only fair that we have to deal with it too.
Sup Forums - Television & Film
the place to have a discussion about gun control
Instead of having more pointless debates over gun rights, how about trying to figure out what leads amerilards to shoot up schools?
How many children did scientists deliberately shoot and kill to prove that prayer is ineffective?
Yes, but people don't commit mass shootings with handguns. Putting a dent in the murder rate is obviously a far bigger issue, but mass shootings are an issue on their own
So is "gun control".
nice reddit spacing soyboy
>see this coping mechanism?
>it doesn't stop bad things from happening
What can stop Muslim assault trucks in Europe?
>Yes, but people don't commit mass shootings with handguns.
Only when they're going for the high score
Most people don't want an outright ban, that's a straw-man.
And reducing the availability would probably stop a lot of people that should never be trusted with a gun to get it.
And do you also want to let everyone drive because some people drive illegally without a licence?
Nigger science man is gonna burn in hell LOL
I ain't even religious, but I'll never understand edgelords who make this argument. Kind of lost some respect for Neil just now desu
>i'm going to bring my antireligious beliefs into any discussions because i want people to see how much smarter i am than these "imaginary friend" believers
why is this nigger considered a scientist?
If everyone had a truck, this would never happen.
Yet it worked in every country that tried it. Really makes me think.
>Japan has a border with a third world gun crazy shithole called Mexico.
So how did a 19 year old kid with a medical history of psychotic disorder get one? Did he happen to casually know a few arms dealers even though he was a social nutcase?
Wrong. People don't do evil things all the fucking time because of their belief in a higher power of consequences. This is especially good work against sociopaths who do not have any natural empathy. Sociopaths are really what we are dealing with in a lot of these mass shooting cases as well.
Dont try arguing with these nu-Sup Forums fags all they care about is having the edgier opinion
Time apparently, hasnt been one in quite a while
Thats not how Judaism or Christianity interprets prayers. That your (autistic) interpretation of a Bible you haven't read
Regardless it is not even an anti-christian comment with respect to any Christian/Jewish interpretation of how God wills things
This can't be real
What can stop white kids shooting up schools in the US?
are twitter normies the most cancerous internet bloc currently festering?
Most mexican cartels get their guns in the US
When you’re in a building shooing people unarmed it makes literally no difference if you’re using a semi automatic pistol or rifle. You can shoot equally fast with both, and pistols are much more concealable. The only reason people go after “assault rifles” is because they’re scary looking to fags like you. Shall not be infringed, you betaboy.
being christian seems to be the new fedora
The most recent two were slanty eye and spic so I don't see the relevance
Yeah, Mexico's doing great.
It’s not like any of threads that pertain to film are good anyway
>the same capeshit topics everyday
christians BTFO
Jesus fuck what an autistic piece of shit. It's called coping. If an atheist is involved in a traumatic event they'll do something similar. I can't believe he was tonedeaf enough to post it, I know he's an atheist but I didn't take him for a reddit tier idiot
The same thing that makes kids commit suicide in other countries. America is the only place where they have a viable option to inflict their pain on everyone else as well.
>Mexico is now bringing in guns to the US
Is it opposite day?
its real. Tyson really does come out with shit an edgy 12 year old would say.
You mean with all those other shithole countries with LESS liberty? XD
dude just saw this meme on facebook. totatlly epic
He didn’t have a full auto weapon. I honestly don’t know the last time one of those was used in a murder in this country. You should really educate yourself on firearms before you propose banning them.
>Letting an infinite amount of muslims into the country even knowing it will cause terrorist attacks is fundamental to our freedom and the attacks are part and parcel of living in a free society
>Ban guns though
>guys, lets just convert everyone, then there will be peace and we'll all hold hands :))
Apparently you don't know how violent crusades are, and then once you have conflicting sects of the same belief. Lol if everyone was atheist there'd actually be less murder
it means if USA banned all guns then they'd come in through Mexico, brainlet.
>not Randomized Control Trial
Isn't this guy supposed to be a scientist?
it sure helped me sort out those royalist cocksuckers
As a general rule hunting rifles fire more powerful rounds than assault rifles.
Go back to lebbit, nigger.
Thankfully those are much less common.
i haven't followed the story, but I'll guess that he didn't actually have an assault rifle because the weapon he used likely didn't have a full automatic setting and was only semi automatic.
Resist the ad hominem's please, I'm playing devil's advocate
Can't discuss anything without shit devolving into name-calling
People go after rifles because they are significantly cheaper and have less restrictions than pistols.
You mean
>half of Japan's population is 70 IQ niggers and third worlders
>t. woman
>Lol if everyone was atheist there'd actually be less murder
You have to be fucking 12. There's no way you could be this stupid. You know what atheists do? They kill people for their political ideology. Because guess what, dipshit, humans are violent and warlike.
what did he mean by this
>ban gun
>school stabbing
>24 victims
>0 death
>monarchy is bad
>btw im king now
>worshipping a jew
they are indeed
name calling is not equivalent to an ad hominem, you retarded cum slurping cock gobbling faggot. learn the words before you use them.
>only 9mm pistols exist
Please kys yourself
Twitter threads should be banned site wide.
Twitter probably should be gassed too as a whole. Fuck that platform
>You know what atheists do? They kill people for their political ideology
You're literally retarded
Im praying for school shootings though
If you do not think white people are innately evil you are a racist.
>Why don't we just ban the excessively powerful guns like assault rifles?
>I get hunting rifles
Free helicopter ride for you
9mm pistols exist
9mm rifles don't
Really gets me thinking
What a shitty thing to say.
go to bed, thomas
Doesn't matter. Hiro stopped giving a shit and mods don't care enough to step in.
Sup Forums will probably be offline by 2020 at this point.
Ad hominem: You are wrong because you are x
Not ad hominem: You are wrong for these reasons, also you're a fucking faggot.
Is that really the best you got you little faggot?
If any liberal gives you shit about "thoughts and prayers", wait until a Muslim commits a terrorist attack and watch their reaction.
No less offensive than "I'll pray for you".
why do americans always portray jesus as white? serious question?
>9mm rifles don’t exist
What are you talking about?
>pistol caliber rifles don’t exist
Neck yourself