B...but Sup Forums told me liberals can't be funny!

>B...but Sup Forums told me liberals can't be funny!

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Pretty sure Tina Fey is secretly redpilled.

30 Rock was pretty good.

I heard Tina Fey and Amy Poehler got into some wild drunken lesbian shenanigans in some night club, fucking each other with a double sided dildo in front of the patrons. That's why Will Arnett divorced Amy.

Mostly just that she's not caught up in the PC bullshit.

There are lots of people like that, especially in comedy. Sup Forums praises them when they say something that's offensive to the left, then act shocked and betrayed when they say something pro-feminist or anti-Trump.

Comedians tend to be liberals because standup and entertainment flourish in NY and LA. Most of your funny people will be on the left.

30 Rock was delightful. Shame about that Kimmy show being garbage.

She's REDpilled alright



didnt tracy morgan beat his son with a cattle prod or something?

never heard of that.

There was an outrage when he said during a show he'd stab his son if he came out as gay or something, but then he apologized and they made fun of it on the show.

She is. I gained a lot of respect for her being so anti-PC. She told whining liberals to fuck off at some convention when they accused her of being racist toward Native Americans on Kimmy Schmidt.

Based Nathan.

>I heard Tina Fey and Amy Poehler got into some wild drunken lesbian shenanigans in some night club, fucking each other with a double sided dildo in front of the patrons. That's why Will Arnett divorced Amy.
I've always wanted to fuck Tina Fey

I blame 30 Rock for a lot of the current "haha I'm such a weirdo! I eat pizza sometimes and only go out every other Friday night" kind of humor. But that's pretty specific to Liz Lemon, I think the rest of the show varies from alright to pretty good.


30 rock is great tina fey is genuinely a great writer and actor
Less afraid to play around with things than other writers

30 Rock did blackface at least twice

I wasn't expecting positive things from Sup Forums about this show desu.

>tfw you will never fuck Tina fey as she eats a whole box of donuts and reads the newspaper
it's not fair bros....

I really wonder why she is one of the few female comedians who is actually funny. It's not like she is the only woman who does self-deprecating humour or anything, but for some reason it just feels more sincere when she does it.
I can't quite put my finger on what the difference is, but if I had to make a guess I'd say that it's because she puts herself in a vulnerable position and is genuine about making the joke at her own expense.
Compare that to other female comedians who do the same schtick of self-deprecation, but still try to put themselves above the joke. There is always this 'pause for laughter' element to it, which transfers the expense of the joke to the character they play.

Don't worry there are plenty of contrarian faggots on Sup Forums that will gladly shit all over it, not to mention all the literal sub-70 IQ retards who just have regular ol' shit taste.

I think it helps that she’s actually pretty bright. A lot of self deprecating humor (from both male and female comedians) is just shock or gross out humor. It’s thoughtless and simplistic. Tina Fey’s humor, and also playing as Liz Lemon, is generally the type that takes no more than half a second to get, but you ARE processing rather than just reacting. Tina Fey will make fun of her weight by taking her character from NYC where beauty standards are out of control to Ohio with the accompanying midwestern lowering of standards. Amy Schumer will make fun of her weight by noting that in spite of not being hot she can still catch a dick.