Why are so many young white men dropping out of society?
Why are so many young white men dropping out of society?
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What is cherry pick?
Whites males are vilified for the actions of their ancestors and not appreciated for their contributions. Why work to better a society that doesn't welcome them, but instead treats them as pariahs? We did our part and look where it's gotten us.
because society sucks
No need to drop out, just change countries for a while.
bottom 60% of men won't recreate life, they will pay taxes, work their ass off, help and worship women and die alone
part of this bottom 60% won't accept this fact and they just completely give up and are not ready to fight for a spot in that top 40% who will fuck the girls and make the money
If you are not in a science field you are a waste of space
Im a math major btw
Why post this day after day you fucking shill?
Lazy manchild losers who won't man up and take responsibility for anything.
Stop making excuses and go out to improve, do something great
>we wuz hated by society n shit ;((
Literally nigger tier
Same as the other races.
Society in the usa has just become a bunch of stoner faggots tho
It's time for women to the heads of the household.
I know this will trigger you, ahkmad.
We're tired of producing things for lazy, retarded brown people.
because that same society spent the last decade telling them they are the root of the worlds problems. Many of todays white youths feel betrayed and cast out by society for being called a racist or xenophobe simply for expressing normal controversial teenage thoughts.
They grew up in an educational system designed to output a lowest common denominator graduate. due to the constant blame they receive from society and their shit education, they cannot figure out that they are only responsible for their own actions. The are imbued with white guilt and feel that its simply easier for them not to participate in a system which clearly hates them anyways.
nice get
>that face
That boy don't look right, I tell you what.
Because most of them have no reason to live. Up until they became adults, nobody expected anything of them. Most of these men would have died in war or otherwise in previous ages. They have become too domesticated, waiting to be told what to do instead of seizing opportunity. Pain and sacrifice are only rumors to these men. Hard times will come and some of them will not make it. The survivors will finally be awakened and white men as a whole will achieve renewed vigor.
I take full responsibility for my actions. I have a masters degree in a hard science (fuck off data miners), I have a job and I pay taxes, which are spent do support egotistical politicians and tax parasites. Meanwhile, any new jobs I apply for I'm screened out because I don't fit the "diversity profile." Dislodge your heads from your asses. The society we've built doesn't want us anymore.
>The society we've built doesn't want us anymore.
Maybe it's different in Denmark, but what I wrote holds true for where I'm from. They need us but they don't want us. They'd rather import compliant drones and useless eaters.
because theyre realizing the world isnt a magical fairy-tale safespace that bends over backwards for their ever whim, like their mommies promised them.
Tits or gtfo.
Why has society pushed out young white males
It's the "right" thing to do.
In order to purposely destroy society as to attempt (and fail) to implement one world socialism/communism once again.
>man up
Yes sir. Just tell me what you want me to do. I am at your command
Because you're a lazy, undisciplined faggot who blames society instead of improving. The retards ITT saying society are definitely not the people I want to go in a race war with.
There is a lot of truth to what this guy is saying here, but I don't think that this fully encompasses the problem either. We have to keep in mind that younger white males also predominately grew up in single parent homes, typically with just the mother, and never "learned" how to become men.
So what happens is these boys never learn how to change a tire, fix broken furniture, fix cars, or anything. They grow up without having learned a single tangible skill besides being able to find all the Halo skulls or whatever. I mean, half of these kids couldn't cook you a decent meal or even hem their own pants.
When society blames everything on white male and mothers that never teach their kids anything then white kids dropping out of society should be the expected result.
All you scandicucks are the same to me, and your posts support that assertion. What have you done?
Fuck. Why did this floor me. Goddamn I love Americans. They are true bros.
>unironically uses the term race war
>looks down to people who have had it with society's bullshit
there are no word I can use to describe you other than utterly pathetic
Not being an apologetic, undisciplined faggot?
can't compete with big hard black cock.
Damm I feel sorry for that poor guy. Acne is fucking awful.
Why embrace a society that essentially blames you for all the bad in the world, despite white men doing nothing but freeing and supporting everyone else.
People respond to incentives and there's no incentives left.
Is this humanly possible
Why would he not visit a doctor?
Naw, just being a boneheaded cunt. Seriously, what have you done with your life?
because women are becoming strong and that intimidates these white men who are used to feeling entitled and privileged
>Why are so many young white men dropping out of society?
because they don't have a stake in it
The modern society's agenda is to destroy the white man, by years of forced feminist and multicultural doctrines and social norms.
Never has a demographic group had so high suicide rate as the young white male. And when he cries out for help he is told to “man up”,when he has always been taught the opposite.
He is a virgin far longer than previous generations, and rarely gets into a relationship.
Women are not attracted by the passive and submissive attitude that characterizes the white man.
That combination of race and gender, that carried humanity through the last two thousand years, is now dying.
it really is. looking at him makes me feel infinitely better about my own acne though haha
lol get laid NMR faggot.
>be a young white male
>go to school
>be told by Ms. Schultzstein about the rape of the native americans, bombing of pearl harbor and nazi torture camps where 9 million women and children died
>then proceed to be otherwise ignored in the classroom so Sally and Tyrone can be showered with tutilage and praise
>if I don't do well at goyball my choices for later schooling are either smoking pot with rejects, shooting up the place or drowning myself in indoctrination for meaningless A's
>if I get enough of these meaningless A's (and even if I don't) I am then allowed to go to higher education
>higher education is where Tyrone gets to go when he does well enough at goyball and is where Sally gets to regurgitate everything she learned as a kid
>99.9% of what she learned as a kid is I am evil and she is oppressed despite being given more attention and more societal privileges
>continue to be indoctrinated by Mr. Blatzberg who will not teach me anything useful or substantial because this is not a trade school
>eventually leave college and enter the real world, where I must now compete with Sally and Tyrone to obtain a job
>because those two need all the help they can get my own parents given them jobs over myself
>can't even work in lower non-college jobs because that is where Paco and his many dozen siblings have lived for a long time
>my only hope of employment is carving out my own business in an environment dominated by conglomerates several hundred years older than me, or prostrating myself to Sally and Tyrone
why indeed, OP
because society has pretty much dropped white men
posters ITT needs to get laid ASAP
They're not really, it's mostly just you guys because rather than take responsibility for yourself, you're more interested in worshipping orange faggots on imageboards made for weebs.
Because they have fathers like this
Why are so many white people dropping the beats?
We're answering OPs question, not blaming everyone for our shortcomings. It's true that the reason white males as a whole are acting like this because they're being alienated and being white or being masculine is under attack so we have all these broken beta numales.
Doesn't mean we're trying to blame others for our own personal shortcomings. I take full responsibility for everything wrong with me.
Karen Straughan pointed this out in one of her more recent talks. We have modern feminist and SJW movements telling young boys that it's OK to cry and show emotion and be vulnerable.
But then when those boys become men and have agency, the male tears mugs and castrate all men comments come out, and you find you have a new generation of men totally unprepared for the vilification they receive.
Most of the men my age (early 30's) it's water off a ducks back, because we were raised to be men and expect the unfair treatment. I kinda feel sorry for these guys who constantly have the pressure on them from all sides to be weak and submissive, explains the nu-male problem.
jews have made society hostile to white men.
What the fuck how did he get like that?
He/she/xir won't respond.
Too much Sup Forums exposure.
That is plain retarded. Who is going to build the new homes, fix your cars, or even operate heavy equipment in your fantasy world? Engineers? Mathematicians? Scientists?
There is an old saying that goes, "the world will always need ditch diggers". This has always been and will always be true, because who is actually going to bring the final product one the engineers draft and the architects design [insert whatever here]? Who is going to drive truck to deliver the goods you obviously take for granted?
females being NEET is fine. girls still have their bodies to fall back upon.
but for a male, being NEET is essentially a death sentence. he loses everything. without a purpose, a man is nothing.
Society sucks, I partially cannot blame them, but in tough times, you just gotta work harder to better yourself, and I don't mean just slave at your job harder. Improve yourself, find a good woman, although rare, and start a new society.
I bet the biggest reason for you guys is women. Yes, most women these days are shit, and it's harder to find a good one, but your work is cut out for you. You just need to search high and low. It's not easy, but it's possible.
t. Someone who's getting married to a Finnish girl. I even took her virginity, and I feel blessed.
t. achmedina abdula
There's a slight shred of light from this. If she's NEET, she won't judge you as hard for being one, but that won't last. It just slows down the inevitable, but that gives you time to improve yourself.
A lack of negative reinforcement leads to sloth and apathy. We've got it too good.
No gf
poor guy
This basically, famalam. Why do you niggers have to get Dacca fancy about it? It's simple.
I never dropped out of society, I'm just too fucking tired after work to do anything.
How do all of those hipster shits maintain a social life outside of work?
Oh wait, they don't work, and if they do it sure as hell isn't physical labour.
to be fair tyrone kinda had to work hard to be good at goyball. you can't just be a lazy flabby fuck that plays vidya 18 hours a day and get picked for a sports scholarship, although i think colleges waste way too much money on those programs
the rest of your post just looks like making excuses. none of these people give a fuck about you and none of them honestly have a real impact on what you do with your life. it's up to you if you want to break the conditioning and do better or just sit and white about why x y z are getting ahead while you wait for some magical fix-it-all to appear.
sometimes people get handed a silver platter with everything handed to them and no, it's no fair but what are you going to do about it? most people on this earth outside of the top % have to actually put some sort of effort, be it studying for a test, doing workouts to be fit for games or working with 800 mexicans crammed in a windowless factory so their kid can go to college
the fact that you're whining about dumb shit like black athletes, poor mexicans and imaginary women as the root of all your problems proves your parents wasted their time and energy raising and providing for you.
Understand how you feel, 6:30-5:30 work days and I'm just dead after work
ITT: young white men roleplaying as alphas
Most jobs are worthless in terms of things that matter. Advancing humanity through the hard sciences is what's important. (You need the arts, literature and philosophy for culture too) Production, service, and anything that could be automated, should be automated. (Yes, that is like 75% of jobs. The unemployment would be ridiculous but that shows that society has to be restructured in the future because most of the work done is not meaningful especially with planned obsolescence)
>I'm just too fucking tired after work to do anything
>I'm just dead after work
this is one of the reasons why a lot of us drop out.
it's not that we can't deal with that kind of work - but the cost/benefit relation simply isn't right anymore. in the past, men would carry the burden of excruciating physical work, and in return they had a loving and loyal wife who would take care of the house and give birth to his children. today, that simply doesn't exist anymore.
so if i don't have a family to feed, why the fuck would i slave away at work? so the state can slap a 48% income tax on my salary and give it to single moms and their bastard children, ensuring they have a convenient life without hardship while i slave away for it? no thank you.
>contributing to society
What's the point?
How do you feel that Trudeau is using your work money to party with furries and refugees in 5 star hotels?
Put some fucking skin in the game. Accept that you as an individual need to invest some personal risk and sacrifice in an effort to get Trump elected.
He's having like 3 rallies a day now and what the fuck are you doing faggot? Step up to the plate. He would tell you this himself but he doesn't want to hurt your feelings that you aren't helping at all like a little faggot.
Not that I don't agree with you about the single parent household thing and no father figure, but the not having "tangible skills" part comes from the service society we live in today.
Why should anyone waste their time learning how to fix shit when someone who can fix it is just a call or email away? We've grown accustomed to always having someone in society who can do those things.
Plus many products are beyond the common man knowledge of fixing nowadays.
No point participating in society unless you give me a preteen virgin on a platter.
OP is a kike.
Why should white men participate in a society that actively despises them?
Normalization of masturbation.
stupid cunt
I had a sex change mtf, now I am on the winning team.
dead serious btw
I don't have a place in this world.
>go to college
>vilified for not buying into academia's leftist garbage, hated by classmates and professors for foolishly assuming open dialog exists in universities
>every job is an emasculated HR passive aggressive diversity shoveling workplace and I feel like I create nothing of value
>graduate, join the military, go infantry
>I just want to be myself
>cannot escape, even the infantry is inundated with female, trans, etc. quotas and programs and outreach and BULLSHIT
>now I'm getting out
No matter where I go I'm regarded as the enemy, and that feels pretty fucking awful.
but they aren't wrong.
Not sure I buy the "society hates whites" angle.
>before agrarianism, a small amount of males were able to impregnate a large amount of women (a male could knock up one one night and another the next, whereas a female was stuck for 9 months)
>once agrarianism hit, more profits were available, but they required human resources willing to work
>their motivation to work came from actually being able to reproduce, hence monogamy
>as monogamy fades, the old order starts to come back, and fewer men fuck more women
>the lesser males no longer have incentive to give back
Granted, there are now other incentives to work (cars, houses, other luxury goods), so it isn't as catastrophic as it would be otherwise, but it's still having an effect.
To further my claim about it not necessarily being racialized, the same issue is occurring in Japan, albeit for somewhat different reasons.
then transition moron
Kill yourself.
t. CS major
Is there any evidence that white men are dropping out of society more than other men? I'm pretty sure that black, Muslim, and Hispanic men are in even worse shape, depending on the country.
not "society" but (((society))) hates whites.
Then find the places where you aren't treated as the enemy, and go there.
You don't need me to tell you who or where.
>not dedicating your life to you own personal fullfillment
i have two degrees in medicine field btw
A lot of stupid, white guys with no skills will make a bunch of excuses.
The truth is competing is hard and they would just rather not do it. Ironically, these guys are apt to support Trump, who definitely thinks of them as losers.
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thirty pieces of silver has been deposited in their accounts.
How about those of us with actual skills who have competed and even "won" against a system stacked against us who now want to drop out? What of us?
And what excuse--sorry, reason are you using to justify dropping out?
>What of us?
transition, its free in canada too. My friend was an RCAF pilot, about 24, slim but masculine, now she is 26 and a hot business woman with a vagina.