>Spend 100k on an education
>Get cucked by poo in loo
CS grads will defend this
>Spend 100k on an education
>Get cucked by poo in loo
CS grads will defend this
>Literally never heard of Macedonia
Also, they work hard. They deserve their jobs
i spent 0
Get them out of my field reeeeee
>Never heard of Alexander the Great
Also I agree, they do.
>get paid 50% your salary
>deliver 20% your quality
>they keep getting hired cuz jewelry
>universal software quality goes downhill
if you had to maintain legacy code written by one of these you'd know.
CS grad here. I don't defend this. It sucks :/
Nice meme. They are stack exchange interpreters, even more cluesless than most western CS grads.
I have nothing worthy to contribute, just wanted to point out the fact that I'm a CS grad.
You should have closed the gate, that's what you get for having a field with no gates.
What does an Indian CS lecture theatre smell like?
Western companies want Indians because most Indians look black, by having a visual presence of Indians, companies can prevent claims of racism from Blacks.
Blacks are not smart enough to have a presence in Soft Eng., so Indians fulfill the multicultural quota that Blacks will never.
What's it like to be a meme people?
>What's it like to be a meme people?
It's a way of life
Doesn't matter. There are plenty of jobs available
My CS degree was free (family working at the Uni, tuition fund) and all the Indians dropped out of CS to cheat their way through whatever the shit tier compute tech degree was.
I know an Indian chick from Kerala, I help her sometimes with coding.
>still falling for the offshoring meme
Only applies for low level tech jobs desu
Oldfag software engineer/architect wtf ever.
This really isn't as big a problem as people make it out to be, at least in the u.s. if you are working at a place that hires shitty people, then find another job. If you can't find another job as a software engineer it means you really suck, which is why you probably feel threatened by imported labor.
The Indians I have worked with have had the same average quality as burger born engineers. I will say when code is actually outsourced to india it usually is really really really bad.
Occasionally I'll come across a talented Indian developer, but the vast majority of them write utter shit for code.
Unlike American developers, who mostly come into the industry out of a genuine interest and love for the technologies involved, third world developers just see it as a ticket to get out of their shitty circumstances.
The suits in charge of these companies just can't get it through their thick skulls that you can't apply sweatshop practices to application development. The end result being unmanageable code that ends up costing more in the long run.
Oldfag here. I've been doing software design for 15 years and have been managing programmers for at least 5 of those years.
Outsourcing ANYTHING to India is the biggest cluster fucked meme on earth (or really any other 2nd/third world country). So first off, do people really think a guy in India is going to work for an average Indian salary if he's talking to an American to make a deal? Fuck no, he's going to charge as much as he can. I couldn't believe how many Indian freelancers were charging me the exact same price as a programmer in the states. I wanted to buy a software package cheap from a guy in India and he was charging me 20k. I told him "why would I pay you 20k for this when it would literally cost me 20k to get a programmer here to do it? I know how much you charge Indian firms for the same shit." He simply said "well you're American". Simply put, when you find skilled programmers in India, they are going to charge you similar rates as an American because they know they're worth it.
The best option is to get an Indian outsourcing firm that hires a bunch of cheap cheap code monkies to do your work. The communication is terrible. They don't listen, they say yes to everything, they give you code super late and they always string you along for more money. The code will almost surely suck ass and you'll have to pay someone to clean it up every time. Even firm I've gone through we just about broke even in cost and the daily frustrating meetings alone make it not worth while.
H1B visas suck. Fight that shit all day erryday but usually those visas end up demanding higher salaries After a year or two of working and they just get a new visa guy. There are not that many h1-b visas given out and everyone would rather higher an American than poo in loo. Just relax.
>tfw burger destroys your slide troll
>CS grads will defend this
nope, not going to defend it.
I don't really care if Pajeet gets my outsourced job, I'll just strike out on my own. There's plenty of legal (and not so legal) work available for capable software developers and engineers, I've already worked six years in the US. There's literally no way of staying unemployed if you have a degree and you actually know what you're doing.
Can confirm this as a half Indian my uncle (tech side of my dads business) and my Indian dad thought this was also a good scheme the whole code monkey route. I'm glad someone has finally also had a run in like this my uncle swore by it and dad just went all in and got fucked by these overseas cunts bearing in mind with my designated uncle being able to talk in Hindi too them. Third world will always stay third world