Clinton Foundation General is about: 1) Investigating the corruption of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and related entities. 2) Creating memes and infographics on the above mentioned topics.
And so it begins...finally the people in Venezuela are rising up! They were once a Constitutional Republic like the USA until Soros machines changed their votes for Chavez.
there is a bit of confusion as to when this happened. At the beginning of the video you'll see a shot of the projection screen with a ppt dated 10-18-16. But multiple comments saying that this happened yesterday 10-26-16.
JL will speak for a few sec then a women translates to the audience.
there are some emails about Hillary Clinton having brain damage in the recent wikileaks
According to new Wikileaks emails recently released, Huma Abedin, who is Hillary’s main right hand and John Podesta her campaign manager, both confirmed that Hillary Clinton still has brain damage!! It seems there’s still cause for concerns about Hillary’s health. Her concussion was cause for talk about her head and whether she was functioning normally. In an email from April 2015 with the Wikileaks ID 29549, her aide Huma Abedin said: “She’s going to stick to notes a little closer this am. Still not perfect in her head.” See below: Then there’s also another Wikileaks ID 27111 from John Podesta in September 2015 where he says: “How bad is her head?” Even if we ignore all the pay to play and other corruption scandals, though why would anyone ignore that? Are you people sure that this person is even psychically and physically fit to be the president? Just yesterday while in Lake Worth Florida, Hillary Clinton needed HELP from her aide guy to climb a SINGLE STEP! She stopped in front of the step, raised her hand, turned her head over to see if the guy is there and waited to grab his hand. He immediately rushed towards her and helped her out.
Jeremiah Hughes
Thomas Sanchez
>unlimited resources >can't handle email >can't stop Trump >can't shill hard enough to flop one single vote >coordination level: amateur >best tactic is sliding and they suck at that I'm glad they're wasting the money, to be honest. Maybe Hiro uses the corrupt money and makes 4c great again. >....and maybe he doesn't. (4chanexit ensues)
Dominic Wilson
it's almost like David is TRYING to fail.
What is it with you David, and FAILING?
Justin Torres
Adam Flores
William Hill
Bentley Nelson
He's simply incompetent and gay (literally.) He doesn't know how to make America great for anyone but himself. We're going to be ready with the rope. There is no shortage of cheap textiles from 3rd world that will fail the first drop but still hang on tight enough to do the job.
I don't say this to be funny. I say this because our country has no room for traitors and otherwise corrupt, treasonous people.
>CTR virgins think we're joking >Hell will be crowded >Satan himself will have to answer the doorbell