ITT: Sup Forums approved comedians

ITT: Sup Forums approved comedians

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The obvious

>Louis "I'd suck off the nearest black guy" C(uck)K(ing)
>Sup Forums approved

Bill Burr


Both are blue pilled cucks. Bill Burr is slightly better but he has a hard on for niggers and criticizes Catholicism and never Islam.

Patrice O'Neal

Patrice Motherfucking O'Neal, RIP.

This man was the furthest thing from a cuck. RIP in peace

You must be struggling with some kind of language barrier if you think CK is "redpilled" or "based" or "pol approved"

Sure, he's funny in a "look at me I'm a fat aging slob who gets paid to say rude things" kind of way.

Don't mistake being "edgy" for being "woke", and don't think these people who have been embraced by popular culture and made millionaires have much of a real "edge". Next thing you'll be telling us Sarah Silverman is /pol approved because she occasionally makes normies squirm with her predictable bullshit.

Ever see either one of these people take a stand on any real issue which goes against liberal orthodoxy? Think either one of them has the balls to go against the corporations they are now wedded to for profit? No, these are sneering profiteers and enablers for all the lies being shoved down the public's throat. Was in Starbucks with kids Sarah Silverman walked in smiled at my daughter I pulled her away that bitch jokes about how wonderful abortion is go look at some partial birth monstrosities not my healty kids you sick bitch.

I hate that useless, jew-backed - same shit since the fucking nineties - ass hole!

He's not funny, just a whiny cunt

Oh look, a shill thread.


George Carlin

You want redpilled - then you want Norm Mac Fucking Donald.

I shit you not

He showed that being redpilled about women doesn't automatically mean you're an asshole or a misogynist.

got some good clips of him?

Codrin Bradea

>tiney white dickes mememan

Honestly, some of his best clips are just complete anti-humor at the expense of him just trolling the powers that be that put him on the stage during different events.

Lewis CK is a Mexican Jew. Definitely not /pol approved

Bill Burr almost certainly.

Although he went off the rails recently and he's with some black chick, he's still on point with his comedy. Saw him live, was fucking hilarious.

This and only this.

Go to youtube, look up Norm MacDonald Live, watch, squirm for a bit, then GET IT. Never look back!

Buy his new book too, or get the audiobook, read by him so it's even better

Here's a good start though:

I'm not buying your book Norm.

Bill Hicks

Aww, come on guys, it's good

Louis CK is an unfunny ginger that loves nigger cock you damn pasta nigger

Patrice O'Neal
Nick Mullen
Jazzhands McFeels

He isn't funny though.


who is this? I know its the weak should fear the strong meme but who is the guy?

Doug stanhope


His name is Benjamin Fishberg

known kike and hillary supporter

david cross. mr. show and monty python.

Mai date-n gat.

Doug stanhope is the greatest stand up comedian alive. Not necessarily redpilled but fucking hilarious.

I suppose there's always alex jones, AKA bill hicks, AKA Jacob J Shekelstein

>red pilled
>laughing at stuff
pick one


lol I see my name in there

Except that he literally was a cuck. I love Patrice and he was a funny motherfucker but you forgot that he actually did take care of another man's kid and got married to a whore.

Superterrorist and child molester Sam Hyde

fuggg, forgot all about the kid:DD

Sam Kinison

He would have hated SJWs but the man himself was pretty blue pilled on race.

Russell Peters. This leaf gets it.

Inb4 Drumpf supporters cry

Sarah Silverman
Amy Schumer
Stephen Colbert
John Oliver
Trevor Noah
Jon Stewart

stand up comedy is just the pleb version of philosophy NO THANKS

Add Michael Moore and I agree those are great Comedians

>amy schumer

Fucking cuck are you braindead?

but he likes his conspiracy theories

and he went regulary to a swinger club with his gf and sometimes watched her getting fucked by other guys. Listen to old O&A clips, its all in there

yep, he wins.

CK used to be my favorite.
Will never enjoy again
So many stupid celebs outing themselves in the past year.
People won't forget.
Why would they not just keep quiet?
If actors, comedians, musicians all make stands on politics, where will we turn to escape this shit?
Fuck all of them.

Holy fuck Papua New Guinea
Bronislaw Malinowski did anthropological research there.
I want to come.

No, you're just uneducated.

Known Islamic terrorist Samm Al-Hyedd


His comedy is red pilled, but his personal life is a bit blue.

self righteous and the same thing over and over.

funny, sexy and racist.

definitely Sup Forums approved
A well known terrorist and shooter

>Lous C.K. Sup Forums approved?

you must be new here

doug stanhope, bill burr, benjamin owen

Amy Schumer: "I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual."

Old Louis was top notch, before he realized the real money was in being a cucked icon to manipulate youths.


Shit tier taste.

rare /thread



Usually I'd agree with you, but with all the threesomes and almost getting another permanent girlfriend towards the end, I wouldn't say he was a cuck.

"Put your plate in the sink."
>"You aint my dad!"
"No, but I'm your mothers boss. So if you don't put that plate in the sink, I'm firing her and kicking you two out on the street."
>Puts plate in the sink.

are you trolling ? or CTR ?

RIP Patrice.

99% of comedians are shit. Especially the famous ones.
>dude liberal weed-farts and sex FUCK RETARDLICANS REDNECKS watch me do a little dance and funny face

>leaving off Aziz Ansari and Samantha Bee
Um racist and sexist much?

Reminds me of this:

David Cross, while funny, is a Kike who hates you and wants you dead. He is a male Genine Goraffaloe