I sure am glad I spent the best years of my life posting a picture of a frog saying stupid shit on Sup Forums

>I sure am glad I spent the best years of my life posting a picture of a frog saying stupid shit on Sup Forums

>living over 30
no thanks

enjoy clinging to life in a body that slowly rots from the inside out and breaks down like a steam engine

>I sure am glad I did X

No matter what it is, you'll never say or think that on your death bed.

Women dont want to date me and employers dont want to hire me so yeah I dont have much option other than shitposting and helping to elect a president everyone hates.

>mfw have wife, kid on the way, PhD, six-figure income and shitpost all the time on Sup Forums

>I sure am glad I spent my Saturday nights making threads about people who spent the best years of their lives posting a picture of a frog saying stupid shit on Sup Forums
dumb frogposter

Remember, you’re here forever

Living the dream

>having a wife and kids is winning in life
oh boy you fell for the Meme

that happens way before 30. It's a good thing a mentally ill millennial like you never actually lived anyway.

I've had a couple near death experiences in my life, and the only thing that runs through your head is some variation of "OH PLEASE FUCK DONT DIE, I DONT WANNA DIE"

> (You)
>that happens way before 30
maybe if you're morbidly obese and smoke

One day you’ll be 30

Will you still be here?

It really doesn't.

jokes on you, Dementia is high in my family and I wont remember any of this shit on my deathbed.

fun fact: only 6% of people die in bed with their family around them. 94% of people die alone.

this senpai

fun fact: only 6% of posters aren't reddit. The other 95% are gayfags.

oy vey

In fear and in pain just like in the animal kingdom.

hold on a sec, they're gay AND fags?

Oy vey, cut off your balls goy!

Having kids is literally winning at life, you passed on your genes, which is the ultimate goal.

I-l'll achieve something next month, just taking a break for now.

In real life, nobody hires the NEET when they notice that he's got a 6 year gap in employment history. Nobody takes a chance on someone like that because the real world isn't like your idealistic anniemays or like a liberal's just-world-fallacy dream. Nice m'may image, though!

If you're posting frogs online, then they're not the best years of your life, you old retard.

Temp agencies, nigger. They will take anyone and then you can prove yourself in a temp-to-hire situation. Just kidding, anyone who has already given up has nothing to prove to anybody.