Why is CGI getting worse?

Why is CGI getting worse?

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That doesn't even look bad. If you want bad CG watch Homecoming or Justice League.

cgi is like a dude with a two inch dick, who recently got a penis enlargement and is now hanging a mean four incher

he used to be really good at eating pussy, and I mean REALLY good. now he tries to lay pipe instead. as a result, even though his dick is bigger his wife is less satisfied than ever


CGI is not getting bad
actors are getting expensive, so studios are spending less money on CGI.
that's all


why are you keep making those CGI threads and why is it always something about a Marvel movie?

give a man a computer, he doesnt become Pixar.
its all about talent.
is music getting better?

it's a perfect analogy and i stand by it

It's not, you just watch so many movies that you're bored and have nothing left to appreciate but the tiny bad bits.

Hollywood has finally realized that 90% of its CGI audience are autistic and cant tell good CGI from bad, so why spend more than just enough on it.

They know retards will go see capeshit regardless of the quality so they funnel CGI money into Quip Development.

CGI isn't getting worse. Studios are getting worse. A studio like Marvel shits out three films a year so they outsource everything to CGI farms in Taiwan where the price is cheap and production is fast but there's no fucking quality at all.

Hate The Last Jedi as much as you want but you can tell on a visual level how far beyond it was anything from Marvel's turds. Also Marvel doesn't have real directors. It's all controlled producer-side.

>cgi is cheap and easy to create nowadays
>thousands of animation studios open as a result
>they all undercut each other to get high profile work
>ultimately causing all studios to earn shitty money
>lazy underpaid animators phone it in and we get shit like pic related in the OP

Same with everything, really.

No, you're just less impressed by it because there's so much of it now days.



not these

yeah Sup Forums is my favorite subreddit for sure

They use cards to mine bitcoin instead.


no way his shoulders are wide enough for his arms to fit down the robo arms. why did nobody making this see that? jesus fuck


Because they know people buy a ticket either way. Their goal is to maximize profit, so why pay two or three times as much to the CGI artists to spend more time on it and make it actually look better than some video game? That's just counterproductive.

Two reasons - the first is a lack of practical effects, the second is the uncanny valley.

Fifteen, twenty years ago filmmakers *knew* CGI didn't look that great, so it was used as a supplement to practical effects rather than a replacement. Look at films like Terminator 2 or Jurassic Park or Starship Troopers - the CGI isn't technically that impressive, but because it's used in combination with animatronics, models, puppets, etc the effects are more grounded and you don't notice the technical flaws in the digital effects as much. Practical effects and interaction also make the performances of the actors when digital effects are involved more believable - compare Dobby in Chamber of Secrets to Gollum in Two Towers - two digital characters from two movies from roughly the same time, but Gollum is regarded as being far superior and you don't really notice that from a technical point of view they're roughly the same quality - because Andy Serkis' performance and interaction with the actors during filming grounds the character in the real world.

As the technical quality of digital effects improve, it is more important than ever to ground digital effects with real performances, real models, and real animatronics or puppets because the uncanny valley effect makes it more and more apparent to audiences when something is digital and when something is not. It's *very* obvious to audiences now when a scene is an actor alone in a fucking green room struggling to picture what's supposed to be going on around them and when it's an actor on a set interacting with other actors or effects. The big problem that Hollywood studios refuse to address is that they've become too reliant on digital effects while practical effects have become a lost art - and more and more audiences are starting to notice.

fpbp once again

You're not wrong, but for example in Jurassic Park when the CGI T-Rex is crushing the upside down jeep....the jeep is also fully CGI, so there's definitely some skills difference between the kids they have working on CG now vs the professional artists in early CG

look what the reddit dragged in

>Justice League
That had good CGI, though

that looks good


Looks okay. Uncanny face, but that's nearly impossible. Flat lighting is hard.

I am utterly un-immersed by this. Its just so fake looking.

are you implying this scene has good cgi or something?

fucking reddit

This kind of looks fun.
Nevermind. Also wouldn't talking as they're running cause like some kind of sonic boom wave. Like a sonic "slowpoke" wave that destroys everyone's eardrums for tens of miles?

I worked at ILM for 10 years. You have no idea the complexities of CGI. It’s bloody hard work

never forget

>CGI thread
>dick analogy
You must be over 18 to browse and post on Sup Forums.

All CGI's problems can be fixed with motion blur, apparently.



holy shit I had no idea that was done in front of a green screen


Why do you even breathe?

Avatar 2 will save CGI

they realized they can get away with less work for more money

also these movies aren't made to last, literally fast food flicks.

who is she?

Every single scene is CGI and the budgets and primarily the time invested on each scene grows thinner.

>so there's definitely some skills difference between the kids they have working on CG now vs the professional artists in early CG

It's not that it can't be done, it's that nobody wants to invest the time and money to get it done. There's story after story about SFX teams getting screwed completely in Hollywood, even award winning teams get jewed so hard they are forced to close and the job itself is living on the edge of being homeless.

When they get treated better and get more money and there's some thought put into which scenes should have lots of CGI to wow the audience and which scenes don't need it, then you'll see great CGI again.

easier to compensate for RDJs manletness.

how tall do we think he is, really? like 5'5"?

It's not worse it's just done without any passion. They are lazy with it


at the most. I'm honestly surprised he doesn't have some weird eccentric hairstyle that's a foot high, based on his insecurity.


What cartoon is that from?

It's not, Disney have realised that their target audience is sufficiently indoctrinated at this stage that they can cheap out on the VFX and nobody that matters will care

>implying my 4incher wont please

>That had good CGI though

>You never cease to surprise me Black Panther. I thought that the capsule you were in exploded i>You know. what can I say... I die hard.

that was all done with practical effects retard

>getting worse?
it's not getting worse
marvel uses cheap cgis
ape movies have smaller budgets, and have better cgi
it's obvious rdj paychecks are more important than good cgi

Was this shit CGI? Looks real as fuck

so fucking GOAT that people thought it was a mix of practical and cgi

it was ILM and genius Gore Verbinski

That’s got Bay Raitt all over it


It hasn't, corners get cut more often because now entire characters are cgi so they care less what the character looks like sitting down eating than they do when he's flying towards a giant wolf for a fight scene.
If there's one thing you have to give Marvel credit for it's that they don't shy away from doing their CGI in daylight. Entire Avengers final battle takes place with the sun in the sky and that was a rare sight before 2012 because it runs a higher risk of the sfx looking like shit.


They just don't make them like they used to


The power of LIGHR AND MAGIC

This would be cool if it were a video game intro


Best post in the thread.

>That doesn't even look bad.

They don't try to hide the CG because the audience doesn't care, not in this particular case.
Cape flicks are cartoons.

that little thing she does with her face at the beginning bothers me so much. she also does it in that webm where she fights superman. wonderwoman isn't quirky and doesn't give off the
>well here we go again *winks at camera*

le funny cucumber giant man face

Kurisu is shit

Well. That's one way you can make a comparison...?

i think that's supposed to be a "looks like I have go cleanup after the boys again" face

I will never get over how Andy Serkis just took control of the character to the point where they modeled gollum after him and let him motion capture it, since he was always on set doing the same exact thing anyway. based.

this one is still better



fight me
that's good, I was having trouble nailing it down

>that was all done with practical effects retard
i heard they hired a real kryptonian to do all of cavils flight scenes.

made him taller

seriously, delete yourself

Man the PS3 had some great games

Why does Sup Forums not like this post? It's a decent(and funny) analogy.

no clue. bunch of retards trying to get on the front page of reddit

small dicks are a sensitive subject around these parts

Why the fuck are asshole actors who are replaceable as fuck getting paid millions when the behind the scenes technicians working their lives on true crafts get shafted? Then these same actors have the fucking gall to act like political, cultural, and social prothelysers that we peasants should listen too? Fuck actors and actresses.

fuck off reddito

delete yourself too

The entire airport scene was reshot to shove Spidey in it.

>why don't you guys like my post?

iirc some exec had the forethought to realize that the entire film hinged upon this effect being believable, so they devoted an entire team and millions of dollars, even developing new rendering techniques, specifically to make it good as possible. There's a minidoc about it somewhere.

and to think the prawns from district 9 are more believable and that movie had a tiny fraction of the budget of Justice League

i'm telling myself you're operating on a higher level of irony so i don't have to suffer, but it's real real hard

My question is: How are so many user apparently familiar with reddit's sense of humor?