Will it be kino?

Will it be kino?

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Movies have a great message and all but do we really need all these rocky movies/spin offs?


Wallace isn't fighting Dolph Lundgren?! FUUUUUUUCK THAT NOISE!

I was so pumped for this movie too.

Genuinely hype. First one was comfy suprisingly. After crushing Kilmonger ill probably watch anything with micheal b. dont like the shtick they are going with tho. son vs son is played out

>t. retarded shill

fatty extremists BTFO

are they both black?

the nigger wins to gangsta rap by Lil Wayne. there I just saved you $14 BBC cuckoldry propaganda entrance fee.

If it's even half as good as the first one, yes

I thought they were casting a blonde think from the UFC for the paper of Drago son. I just hope is better than the past one

holy fuck

this would be gold

is this real?

I am very OK with this

i hope rocky and ivan become buddies in the end

>anyone who likes what i dont is a shill

Tell me more autist

Speaking of UFC guys playing Rocky characters, Khabib would be a better choice for Drago’s son than Sage Northcutt. Khabib has the accent.


Should've cast Gronk

>Drago killed Rocky's best friend.

It would be a really forced friendship.

>tfw I go to the university that Dolph graduated from

Only if the black man wins and fucks the white guys mother.

yeah right, like drago didn't die in some gulag in siberia after disgracing the soviet union by losing to american

>you now realize out of 7 movies the only bad Rocky was V

>he doesn't like the rocky cinematic universe

I enjoyed the first one. Most fighting movies are terrible. The first one of this was good. Stallone's scenes should be subtitled though.

Rocky V had potential, there's an early cut of the movie floating around (in potato quality) that apparently isn't half-bad.

Rocky V was seriously stupid. A “Rocky does MMA or Kickboxing” sequel would’ve been more interesting than V’s actual plot.

This pretty much

>yfw at one point in the movie Rocky and Drago duke it out like old drunks

everything after the first one was atrocious. be honest.

no one gave a fuck about MMA in 1990, seeing as how it didn't even exist.

Is Rocky JUST at this point? Is he married?

>hating any Rocky
They're all good, faggots. Yes, even 5.

Adrienne died off screen before Rocky Balboa


old enemies uniting is the patrician trope

He does okay. Owns a restaurant, friendly to everyone, knocked down a boxing world champion that was like a third his age, survived cancer, no longer has to put up with Pauly's shit. He pretty much has it made.

I loved it and still do. I think it has more heart than 3.

>they didn't cast Sage Northcutt

What about pro-wrestling? Sure they had him Vs. Thunderlips but have Rocky become a full time pro-wrestler, have him go through some serious backstage hazing because the company favours him over the main events (“muh star power”) and at the end during one of the main event matches the main heel decides to shoot wrestle Rocky and Rocky beats the shit out of him for real.

this is literally something kids would think of while talking about rocky films

rocky iv is so tonally different from creed...sly is really milking this shit up.

>Mickey dead
>Apollo dead
>Paulie dead
>Adrian dead
>Son left him
>Rocky now has cancer
Despite all that, he’s still not JUST yet. God bless Rocky.

They already did that you retard

>Rocky raising/training a black man's son

It really makes you think

rocky v was bad and then you read about Tommy Morrison's life and then you feel bad everytime you rewatch the movie. His life was a fucking rocky movie.

Stallone is only acting in them, he's not pitching, greenlighting, writing or directing

Creed was fine, but now why do the kids of Creed and Drogo need to fight?

>Movies have a great message

what the fuck?

>but do we really need all these rocky movies/spin offs?
people were making furn of it in the fucking 80s already

>mentoring your dead friends son to greatness is now cuck shit according to Sup Forums
The state of this board

This means the best character could potentially make a comeback as well.

I don't know if my body is ready for Rocky's inevitable death

yeah same thing with Star Wars. the jews hate when the goyim make money in Hollywood

that robot was there because it was made to treat autism in kids, and sly kid has autism.

Absolutely not

pick one, you brain-damaged barbarians

>typical tale of black guy triumphs over evil white male
>but there’s a twist: the white dude is gay!
>which minority deserves to win?

>The robot has guest-starred in Days of Our Lives, entertained Ronald Reagan at a White House dinner, toured with James Brown, and shared an intimate moment with Carly Simon in the music video for her song, My New Boyfriend: Sico presents the singer with a bouquet of flowers, before carrying her away in its arms.

fuck off shill

Creed Jr fighting Drago Jr might actually be better than that "original Rocky V" script that's out there.

Stop putting out shit WBaby

Sage northcut, that was the guy, maybe he has the accent but it looks nothing like Drago, maybe as an apprentice it could work

Well the guy they picked looks nothing like Drago but he’s in the film

nothing about cucking was mentioned, but it made YOU think about it and bring it up

The state of this board

Not everything with a black person in it is apart of the jewish conspiracy that lives rent-free in your little head.

>Rocky V is bad
When this became a consensus? You Reddit marvel lover should stick to your containment threads

Haha, you lose whitie, black guy comes out as gay and wins the day

It's he supposed to be his actual son?

It was actually the general opinion when the movie came out and for many years after. Rocky 5 was considered garbage by critics and fans alike. It wasn't until a few years ago that people started recognizing 5 as being good.

yeah just like Creed is Rocky's son

that dude isn't in the same weight class

Joe Rogan should have a cameo in the new creed movie, just like in rocky 3 when rocky fights with hulk hogan rocky should fight joe for some charity
Or have a scene when they meet him at some bar, and they start arguing about weed, joe gets pissed and they start fighting like in Rocky V
Or just have rocky show up on JRE

Stallone himself gives the movie a zero on a 1-5 scale.

Gee, I wonder who's going to win.

Creed fucking loses in the first movie from a split decision against a w*ite brute

Well Rocky is at 58-23-1 and Creed lost his first professional bout by decision, so it's not that clear cut.

I already know the ending

>Creed stands in a cemetery
>sappy speech
>he leaves
>pans to grave
>Here Lies Rocky Balboa
>Husband, Father, Contender
>fade to black

I watched a lot the first 4 movies and for some reason never watched V until some months ago and I really loved it, it felt like a nice comeback to his humble roots with a more grounded and maybe human/sympathetic plot, I mean after basically fighting a world war what was left for him?

delet this

holy shit doph is back???

It was not about winning. Even though he lost it was still a victory for him. Despite his low experience, he survived and put up a good fight against a champion for 12 rounds! That's a lot of potential there. He showed the world he is indeed Apollo Creed's son.

I don't understand how the director went from something where there's a heartfelt connection between an old white man and a young black man to a full-blown kill whitey capeshit.

>Pearl Harbor

I never noticed the stickers before, that was clever.

>Drago kills Apollo
>Now Dragos son will kill Apollos son

When are we gonna have Death Wish v. Rocky 2049?


Rocky cinematic universe when?
>Rockys son
>Apollos son (Already have Creed)
>Clubber Langs son
>Spider Ricos son
>Tommy Guns son

They fucked up

Khabib as Drago's Son? Sign me the fuck up, dude is charismatic as hell. Coogler can do no wrong at the moment, hyped regardless

The concept is so laughable yet they want me to take it seriously.

It feels like I've traveled back the 80's with all their ridiculous sequel ideas.

I miss effort being put into comedy films.

desu Sage would have been perfect

Rocky lost his first movie too.

It's like when you max up on your experience points

>Survived Cancer
Uhmmm he is still fighting it by the end of Creed, its not definitively gone

Pretty much

I remember seeing the trailer for creed and thinking "what is this shit, are they serious?" And when I saw the actual movie I fucking loved it. Same thing happened with fury road, though I didn't realize George miller was directing it initially

He is too small, not good enough boxer and too much of a faggot.

Sage got his ass beat by some guy who looks like he lives, eats and trains at a truck stop.

>He is too small
He's 6ft, Michael B Jordan is 5ft 9
Put some boots on Sage and he'll look huge

Predator originated as a Hollywood joke about Rocky fighting an alien

*Blocks your path*