>"It's just the same things over and over. It's bad when I'm not smarter than the students that I teach. First three weeks? Holocaust. Next three weeks? Black history month. Three weeks after that? Big tests. Final grades."
"It's just the same things over and over. It's bad when I'm not smarter than the students that I teach...
Other urls found in this thread:
>its another "compulsory education was BASED until they started teaching things I dont like am I right guize" episode
This skit is what made me decide not to go into teaching
Who are you quoting?
>a sketch from a shitty show makes you change careers
How pathetic
Is teaching a good career?
Have you ever taught in the American education system at any level?
I’m a professor and I like it, but most my colleagues are faggots
What do you teach?
Sure you are
That's not at all what the sketch was about.
I swear to god. Rhetoric and composition at a small state Uni. Lucky to have a non-adjunct position. Pay is good, hours are light, hoping to become a chair someday.
Good choice. Seriously teaching was once a respectable position to occupy in the eyes society & students alike. Now students treat teachers with such little respect it borderlines assault sometimes.
What are you thinking of doing in place of teaching? Film critic perhaps
>I’m a professor
Composition my azz bitch$
>Film critic perhaps
Haha no my degrees are in stem.
If you took my classes you’d instantly know that I’m a Sup Forumsroach.
I've been looking for a while, but where the hell did that monstrous image of sam come from. He must have taken it facing parallel to the floor while pushing for a shit raising his blood pressure. He looks terrible, I love it.
You act like being a professor is a respectable/difficult to achieve position
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
so you where thinking of teaching in a STEM subject...if so that's a different breed of students that would attend than your run of the mill secondary(highschool)/ university students.
You actually have to be smart & prove you're worth to some degree as a student if you want to succeed in those fields.
his instagram
So far I've taught calculus and there are maybe 3-4 students in a group of 35 who are there to learn math. It's not great.
thanks bruh
I see, well hopefully whatever direction you choose to move your work in it works out well for boyo. Are you working in burgerland or the caliphate of europa
Yo soy el goblino senor, y tu?
Do you have tenure and teach your kids about the lord and saviour Karl Marx?
Ey muchacho , i see im speaking with a distinguished honorary muslim aka the Spaniard. Me , im shitposting from my Mickbook Pro from ireland
The funny thing is that even being a public high school teacher carries more dignity than being a tranny fucking loser with a failed TV show and no medical insurance
Nice. Sounds like a pretty comfy job. I remember always liking my english classes in Uni, except for this one guy.
Wait is that John Maus at the end? WTF is he doing there
>tfw no more world peace and no more mde stuff ever again
sucks, t b h, and im not even a nazi
>im not even a nazi
nor are they
where is this gif from?
just flowing with the meme's, my dude
>"It makes me nervous to think that if I ever had to re-apply for my job... I wouldn't be hired."
I do not have tenure and I do not teach Marx, maybe those two things go hand in hand.
used to fuck my comp ta and one of her colleagues. some of the lamest people I've ever met
Kek that tweets real and that's Barack obamas brother. this is from Wikipedia
>Malik and his half-brother Barack were best men at each other's weddings.
i'm a silly man, a silly dinosaur man
hmmm needs a -
Anyone who likes marx is soyboy trash
>mentioning holocaust
whoa....so red pilled...
Still amazed the authorities haven't tracked him down even once for his multiple shootings & assaults.
>pic related: sam al hyide with fellow extremists enjoying a nice autumn evening
Its on par with being the voice in an indoctrination bed now. You aren't allowed to challenge the students, just set up a scheme where only the social outliers will fail and look the other way when the football guy cheats. If you have any self respect or a better way to make 40k a year, don't do it.
>start out as normal 2000s goofy dude
>actually funny until the real world wears Sam down
>white nationalism becomes popular again due to over-n-under-socialized internet-connected white guys needing something to bantz about and get butthurt over bc they're not working or studying anything relevant or hanging with real friends
>Sam, just like every other edgy Youtube Opportunist discovers bitching about globalism, feminism, and other whitenat-related topics is a sure-win for attracting the 'gifted but lazy' yboi demographic
>comes up with great stuff for World Peace, gets on a normie network, normies complain
>Sam is surprised he gets shut down on the network given his past actions, then his patreon gets flagged, not even for hate speech, but because he never delivered KSTV/his book on schedule, tries to shack up with 'le Alt-Tech' commando Cody Wilson
>Cody Wilson, hack fraud, sells expensive hobby kits to redneck boomers, Hatreon is buggy as shit, then gets disabled because they were dumbasses and used white nationalist rhetoric in a promotional video and picked a retarded baity name, now Hatreon is completely shut down
>Sam goes ballz to the wall on his pre-AdultSwim-budget school schooter/shitty flash games/post-post-post-sincerity
>Sam has a degree in and about ~10-15 years of graphic design experience and still can't produce any visual content of quality, produces 70s-stoner-cartoon-looking filth and simultaneously bitches about postmodernism making everything
>Sam now almost in his mid 30s, still making the same jokes he was making a decade ago, his core demographic is now in their mid/late 20s and can't keep watching retarded youtube videos and buying expensive pamphlets all day
>he switches to Bukowski Jordan Peterson mode where he gives ASMR male role model advice to his fucked demographic
>getting Jewish Old Man Disease and people realize he's just the same trust fundie yankee kike hormone-fucked dilettante he parodies in his content
did you tell them about bane?
like poetry
anyone got a hydewars link?
I don't think Sam was surprised it got cancelled he even said on TND podcast that even after they're done shooting they might not even air it and he sounded like he thought they weren't even gonna air it lel
Doubt it, he hasn't released anything for almost 4 months.
this was hype bs Gelman loved the show
Half my teachers displayed bizarre personality disorders anyway.
Good move
>Jew plays the "alt right" provocateur Devils advocate heel and Sup Forums and redditors fall in love with him
>Sammy boy extracts shekels from the goy for the tribe by playing the script, getting his "based" tv show cancelled and satirizing both the left in his videos and the right in his persona
Pretty smart t b h.
One Bump bump for the man sam
(also charles&nick of course)